(Not a bug) [ -] - UU (Khan, Hoplite) from city state

The Great Apple

Big Cheese
Mar 24, 2002
Oxford, England
The Patronage: Educated Elite SP gives great people. I just had Ragusa give me a Khan. I am Egypt and the Mongols are not a civ in my current game (though they are available).

I'm pretty certain this is a bug. Most likely the game simply picks a random entry from the "Great Person" list without excluding unique great people.

EDIT: Playing OCC, though I doubt this matters.
Likewise just had Kublai Khan from Sidon when playing as Arabia. Didn't complain though, as a Khan seems awesome! ;)
You know what's weird, it happens the other way too. I was playing as Mongolia, and if I remember rightly I got given a normal great general from a city state, and then later in the game got a Kahn from a city state.

I think your suggestion for the cause of the bug (simply picking a random great person) is a good guess.

Moderator Action: I'll add this to the Confirmed Bugs now. Evidence can be found in this thread. Savegame shouldn't be necessary here.
I am friends with the militaristic city state of Budapest and they gift me a Hoplite. I dont expect to be gifted a Hopilte because its a unique unit of a civ never in this game. It may be significant that I researched Bronze Working on turn 65, and I did so by queuing Iron Working.

I only attach an after save, though I quickly attempted to reproduce from an autosave and the Hoplite didnt appear.


  • Bismarck_0066 BC-1360.Civ5Save
    475.1 KB · Views: 210
Playing a single player game as China (no mods).... My ally Almaty just gifted me a War Elephant. How is this possible?

Spoiler :
From the same game.... I haven't researched Iron Working yet, in fact I haven't even researched Bronze Working yet. But I do have Mathematics and my ally Almaty is giving me 5 iron, so apparently I can build catapults. I don't think this one is a bug, but I didn't know it could happen!

Spoiler :
This evening I want to introduce a new UU: the british Jaguar, given to me for a few minutes by a friend CS (see below)
I would have prefered a french "légion étrangère" but unfortunately my neighbour is not Napoléon.
perhaps this UU has a range of 3, like the longbowman ;)
I'll tell you.

This is by design. We wanted the city states to occasionally gift "exotic" units to make them more interesting.
Early on in a Civ 5 game as China I had allied with two militaristic states and had gotten a gifted unit from one of them. But when I was about to give the unit orders when I noticed it was a Jaguar.This has never happened to me before and I'm just wondering if anything like this has happened before to anyone else.
Spoiler :

Look at the screenshot.
German Maori Warrior.
It is impossible.


  • Harald Bluetooth_0319 AD-1898.Civ5Save
    1.2 MB · Views: 215
Please Answer this is clearly a bug.
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