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Goz-1, I left my wallet at home, but...

Yeah, pretty good. In the span of your turns you can subdue England. And then we'll be unstoppable!!! :mwaha:
Preturn: Lock in citizens on tiles and set production focus, only Tomboucto will grow in 2 turns, as I changed the tiles there to get a

colloseum in 7 turns instead of 11t. We will be unhappy in 2 turns and noone has anything to trade, luxwise. But we gained 2 gpt, so only -4

now. Sell OB to Siam for 50g.

Move a farming worker from Jenne to improve some Sugar near Cap. A worker from Tombouctu starts a road towards York.

Next SP is in 13 turns and next General is at 107/200, so we will get one very soon.

Research is on Thelogy in 5 turns, Education is on after that if I don't take Fishing for a oneturner.

The scarcher moves to the barbcamp near Neapolis, it will take him some 8 turns to get there, but we need the horses at home. Move a pike and an archer closer to London borders, and move what mandus I can move closer to York and denounce Lizzy at the same time.


Turn1: As expected Lizzy frowns on our units next to her borders and we are at war. The she pings a mandu for little damage and send her

catapult next to our pike. Archer pings archer and pike kills catapult. Mandus kills chariot and an archer and we are near York.

Turn2: Hanging Gardens are build somewhere.

We start to attack York with 3 mandus:

York will be in resistance for 3 turns and our happiness is already at -7, this will be a rough ride when we take London. Our units need to

heal for a turn or two, hopefully we can get a medic soon.

With 2 extra cotton, I sell one to Siam for 159g, 1gpt and OB. Cathy and Hiawatha doesn't want cotton, so Greece gets it for 41g, 5gpt and shared OB's. Best I could do and at least we're back on zero gpt, but we have 874g saved.

Turn3: Lizzy have another catapult and it and an archer hurt our pike badly, I instaheal him so Lizzy have a weaker target and by killing an
archer we have our General, who is promptly sent to the front.

Erh, seems like I sent the wrong archer to the barbcamp, doesn't matter now.

Cap mandu -> horseman. Mandu to the front. Move a couple of mandus near Londons borders, the catapult will have to shoot at the pike
and I don't mind if we lose him.

Almost hit enter, but thought I give the tradetable another shot and yeah, Cathy has another incense, so we trade our only sugar for it. :)
In a turn or 2 it will make a difference.

Turn4: We kill a pike and a warrior, I send in slightly hurt mandus towards London, I want to take it fast. We'll have 4 mandus attacking next turn and with a little backup of 2 archers, will it be enough?

Speed up a worker and we have sugar again and we're at -3 happiness.

Turn5: We research Theology, 1 turn for Sailing I take it, I want a workboat in the Cap only for a couple of extra gold. York is out of resistance, we're at a healthy +6gpt right now, but we need more, much, much more.

Ok, Lizzy's still around? Yep with ONE HP left in London, damn it!!!! :( Silly mandu declaring 8-2 win and only did 6, while another did better than the odds. Ah well, next turn.

Resell OB to Cathy for 50g. Suddenly Rammy of Siam thinks we are a warmongering menace of the world, just when he hooked up his second gem. But I sell our only gold and give 61g and 2 horses to get it, we'll have another gold next turn. How stupid this game is sometimes, this is exactly why I only finish 1 out of 30 games started. :)

Hurry another worker on a sugar-plantation and sell it to Hiawatha for 240g.

Turn6: Research Sailing -> Education

Cap horseman -> workboat.


Well, we're deep into unhappiness now, will be a miracle to sort this out. A miracle like Notre Dame. London is in resistance for 6 turns.

Next on the list is Rome, I think we should keep our next neighbours as Cathy and Hiawatha to last, maybe Alex can go at any time. But

from here I have a plan. Everything fast goes west, the more the better. We annex York and buy those iron-tiles and build melee, best

would be longswordmen. We can take out the neighbouring area with those and kill the guys afar with what we have plus more.

I sell our cotton to Hiawatha and OB for 164g and 4gpt.
Sell another cotton to Cathy for 240g.
Sell last cotton to Darius for 52g and 4gpt plus OB.

We are NOT going to attack anyone of them soon anyways.

BUT, I did one thing that wasn't talked about, I bought Belgrade for 500g to get their wine. I discovered that my fav CS with whales is

landlocked, how will they ever improve those whales? We should take them over!

Nevermind, hang me if you can...

Turn7: Tombouctu finish colloseum -> stable.
Jenne water mill -> circus.

The barbcamp is empty and we walk in a collect 75g and we're now Friends with Vienna, next policy is now in 4 turns! I'm so tempted to

throw in 500g to make them allies, but once is enough. Next player might want to do so?

We will be in unhappiness forever if we don't annex cities, so I choose to annex York and buy a courthouse for 600g. York go from 50 turns

on a market to 8 turns to a monument. Did I do that right? Burn me if you don't think so, we're at +1 happy now. :)

Turn8: We meet Rio near Siam.

Starting to move units towards Rome, 7 mandus and a horse to be upgraded. Excitement for the next player, for sure!

Everyone but our friends Russia and Iroquois thinks we are a warmongering of a game decision, so they are all guarded.

Seriously, how warmongering have we been? Just total bullcrap!

Well then, let's show these disabled AI's how to run the show. Fukking it gives me almost a stroke, by seeing this all the time. I'm so


"Now the non-playing moderators will jump in and give me a warning for swearing"

Lala :)

Turn9: Just moving stuff up NW, towards Neopolis, my not upgraded horse saw a pike there, bringing that horse back to be upgraded.

Wanted that horse to take out another camp, but someone else did it.

Turn10: Taghaza builds a circus, going colloseum. We're at 3+ now in happiness. Bloody good job there, gozpel!!!

As we talked about it before, all mandus are on route NW, to kill Ceasar.

If next player feels 6-7 mandus isn't enough, please change my builds aND GO FOR IT!!!!

We are NOT allowed to attack Russia or Iroquoius until the end. They are our only friends. For now.
I missed a couple of pics, but i'm not ready to do it again,
, I'm toasted........

Turn1: As expected Lizzy frowns on our units next to her borders and we are at war.
Lurker's comment: Best try and see first if someone wants to pay for declaring. You usually can get 200 gold from someone.
Some City State luxes would help your happiness.
Missed the save.
Noone ever never wants to play for cash, you have the cracked disc!
Well that was eventful. :clap: VICTORY! :dance::woohoo:[party]:beer::high5: All hail Gozpel the Conqueror! :salute:

Now on to Rome. Caesar's uppance will come. :viking:

Where to begin...:hmm:

Social Policy and techs: I think Meritocracy will help our happiness considerably so it looks like a good choice. It will also give us a free great person. I personally like taking a Great Engineer and rushing a valuable wonder. There are a lot to choose from. For this wide, conquest game I think getting Notre Dame will be very valuable. After that I think we need to prep for Legalism and after that we should set paths for the best happiness policies. Organized Religion from Piety is good, Protectionism from Commerce is decent (but takes a while to get there), and later on the Order opener or Police State in Autocracy could be good (if the game lasts that long ;)).

We should decide what our next conquest tech will be and start working toward it like we did Chivalry. I tend to like pushing to Chemistry to get Cannons. We could use our Iron to build Catapults or Trebs and then upgrade them to Cannons. I was going to say that it is also a prereq for Military Science where we could upgrade our Mandus to Cavalry but there isn't much point upgrading them unless we plan to later upgrade to Tanks. A force of Mandus and Cannons should be viable for a long time. We could continue on that path and upgrade the Cannons to Artillery later as well.

Future Conquests: I personally think after we steamroll Rome we should look to take out Alex. He is a very sneaky, backstabby individual and he likes to buy up all the city states which we could use. I think we should :backstab: him first.

Also, other civs think we are a warmonger because we completely eliminated Lizzy. They tend to frown on that. Doesn't matter as they will get theirs soon enough :mwaha:.

Could you add the save, Goz, once you have recovered from your hangover? :lol:
Most excellent. I see that except for the diplomatic front, we're doing maybe even better than expected (and hellz, diplo is always screwed up as soon as you do something anyway). I believe that we should wait and bring Russia to war with Caesar, to avoid any possible animosity they could hold against us to show up soon.
The forgotten save!


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Russia and Iroquois are apparently at war, I blame my beergoggles for not mentioning that. :)

We only "need" to take Neapolis and Rome from Caesar, I think we can focus on capitols mainly to reduce unhappiness.
We only "need" to take Neapolis and Rome from Caesar, I think we can focus on capitols mainly to reduce unhappiness.

We could/should also take Cumae. It has Incense which we are currently getting from Russia. It would be better to secure our own source rather than relying on trade.

Meritocracy is going to give us +5:c5happy: once we hook up England by road and at least -1:c5unhappy: from pop so we should be fine on the happy front. We could also annex London and pop a Courthouse there.
Certainly, we must watch the happiness levels. I am favourable towards stopping several turns to manage anything, and plan more accurately our next step.
As for next SP I agree Meritocracy will work great, so with a further push against Rome, we won't drown in unhappiness. After that Legalism is good and we can take a different path after that. So no worries about SP's.

Right now, we can try to take out Rome, we have the power and we should build a few more Mandu's, so we have the punch as the momentum continues to Greece. I still think we should let our "friendly" neighbours Russia and Iroqouis be for now, let them have a go at each other.

I like cannons a lot, but with a speedy army as we have now, cannons will struggle to keep up the pace. So maybe we build an army with cannons and melee for the attack against Persia-Siam? We'll have 18 iron soonish and the sooner we utilize that, the faster we can take out a big civ like Siam. Think 6 Longswords and 3-4 cannons, they can mash anything.

Meanwhile we're taking out Rome and later Greece with Mandu's, they will be strong enough to join the war on the other side of the continent later.

Teching towards cannons make sense and I also want Steel in there, so how many turns will all this take? I check tomorrow, since we have no RA's it will be hard beakers.
Certainly, we must watch the happiness levels. I am favourable towards stopping several turns to manage anything, and plan more accurately our next step.

No need to worry too much at this stage, you can hit Rome with 6-7 Mandu's and not much can stop them atm, so go for it. See if you can build a couple more just if we get a loss or two.

Also check how the borders will expand in York, you might have to buy a tile or two to get iron online. When we get iron, I would favor a few swords/catapults to slowly build up another army, and they will be upgraded by cash when we hit the techs we need.

Check out any trade opportunities too.

With half a dozen Mandu's you're safer than you were in your cradle as a little boy, now go wreak havoc! :)
Well, play today or tomorrow?
Just to make it clearer for you JK, you have an army of 6 Mandu's heading for Rome, with a General!

In two turns pick Meritocracy as the next SP, let builds finish in our cities and then mix between buildings and units, if you can build another Mandu it would be great.

Finish the roads to York, you can buy an irontile for 55g if you feel you need it.

The horseman can be upgraded in Neapolis, after you taken the city. So in 4-5 turns you'll do some warring. :)
Great that we are now on the roll. 6 mandus should take out rome no problem. I think having swordsmen would only slow us down, it's better to focus on mandus.
Finished playing! But I didn't take notes, things might be misplaced in turns. :)

Turn 111: Meritocracy chosen, Income skyrockets to 14 and happiness to 7, I get a GE and use it to boost Hagia Sophia (changed Gao's production). Moving units towards Neapolis.

Turn 112: Hagia Sophia finished, I get another GE ;) and set prod to Walls. Continue moving the Mandus+GG towards Neapolis.

Turn 113: Education finished, changed Gao to Notre Dame, boosted by GE. Units take position around Neapolis. Caesar asks about them. We're at war. A spearman kills our Horseman. Captured settler.

Turn 114: Bombarding Neapolis with an archer, and launching Mandus towards it, Neapolis falls. A Roman archer and GG with it.

Turn 115: Healing units, clearing a Roman Horseman and an archer.

Turn 116: Continue healing, taking positions beyond Rome's range.

Turn 117: Attack Rome. It's mostly surrounded by forests, I can't get to hit it, but I have several Mandus ready. I see a Pike North of Rome, I fear for a Mandu. We get Horseman from Belgrade, I buy an iron tile in York and work it.

Turn 118: Attack on Rome, Now yes. Rome is at less than half its HP. Crap, more pikes near Rome, a Mandu is doomed, encircled by Rome, a river and 2 pikes. Only one way out, it will die.

Turn 119: Rome falls, Mandus are all hurt, Doomed Mandu falls, Belgradian horseman upgraded to Mandu.

Turn 120: Repositioning, healing, moving new Mandu to Rome. Work Neapolitan Marble and Cattle with captured workers/settlers.

All production is now on Markets or Mints, at least those finished on my turnset. Neapolis and Rome are Puppets, we got loads of money from them (162 and 423).


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