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Great mod, still being worked on?


Apr 3, 2012
Hey, I have only recently been introduced to Civ4 and I didn't think much of the original game but the FFH2 mod is amazing! Unfortunately I came across what I guess is commonly known as the stack o' doom issue.

I think I may have run into a stack o doom on steroids or something. I was playing around testing level 3 spells and I go to war with Ljosalfar and next thing i know there is a stack with over 700 units in it at my border!

I'm afraid this is a game ending issue, I have looked around and found a few stack limiting mods however I can't get them to work with FFH2. All of my searching bring up posts from years ago.

Does a stack limiting mod exist for FFH2? Is this mod still being developed or have people moved on?
You'd be better off downloading Tholal's Better Naval AI mod, that, contrary to its name, doesn't improve only Naval AI.
issue of such stacks do not exist at Master of Mana mod.
(there is unit support limit, so you just cant have so many units)
But MoM is so different from FfH that there is no guarantee you will like it.

As for Fall from Heaven: this mod is not worked on. It has been 100% finished. If you want something more/different look for modmods
700?? my god, how many cities did the ljosalfar own? can you remember how many tigers (if any) were in that stack?
Thanks for the replies, I can't wait to check out all the suggestions once I get a minute.

And yea 9 cities all about 20 pop. Then the stack was 315 priest of leaves, 315 tigers. Then an assortment of other units.

I hadn't experienced a stack o doom before so imagine the look on my face when near 700 units just waltz into my land lol.
and me that was bored by a 50+ stack that attacked with "ennemy attack animation ON"... brrr...
and the worst is that you are forced to wait until the 700units have attacked before removing the "attack animation ON"... with a "never again" thought... you just can say "ok, I understood, next battle..."
in my games the ljosalfar tend to mass priests of leaves too, but ive never seen more than 50 or so
and i thought thas was a lot...
when i first played FFH2 i realised the AI was totally uncapable of moving units to another continent
In fact it didnt even seem to explore the sea at all, so each continent was a world on its own
Then i downloaded Tholal´s "More naval AI" modmod, and now it feels like a complete game, and the AI seems smarter overall, though maybe not as good as the ljosalfar foe you faced in that game...
Lots of "turtle" civs, like the Lojo and the Khazad, produce absurdly huge stacks. Of course, there's a problem with that in that those stacks aren't always that effective. I'd be a lot more scarred of 315 swordsmen than 315 priests of leaves and 315 tigers.

I was playing MC's modmod the other day and Khazad came at me with like 70 adepts in one stack. Sorta sad.
I was playing MC's modmod the other day and Khazad came at me with like 70 adepts in one stack. Sorta sad.
That's because Kael merged an incomplete AI mod, then went away.
Sheiam is the scariest when the come to you whit a huge stack of Pires to burn you on it you really need life lvl 2 to deal whit it but yea that is the fun of this game
Now the big stack are a big advantage in regular ffh and a disadvantage at the same time you won't have surprise about the direction of the attack and if you destroy it you won the war, mind 2 sun 2 and ice 1 comes really handy in this situation, I find it less annoying than Tolal's horsemen stealing my workers and plundering my cotages :p but yea it can be deadly in early game. You can try both and see witch one you like and scale the dificulty lvl acordingly . At first I was scared about the big stack to, I got used it and now I find tolal's AI weaker on land warfare not that the regular ffh is to god but at least he had numbers on his side ;)
i learned a long time ago that 2-3 satyrs can absolutely wreck those nasty tiger stacks. i usually mesmerize and then just mass-delete them to save myself the war weariness that tends to follow.
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