Darths and Droids Mafia- Game Thread

And back to my earlier question... Who isn't Palpatine? There should be at least one obvious person you've scanned by now.

My results are as follows:

Night 1: BSmith
Night 2: Autolycus
Night 3: Ravus
Night 4: Did not scan
Night 5: Zack

My attempt to scan Zack last night was foiled by a giant fish. My attempt to scan BSmith gave me "no result" as opposed to the other two scans, where I received a negative answer. This is probably a coincidence.
After that, are they both good, both bad, both neutral... ?

While Star Wars is a tale of good and evil, the evil empire versus the good rebels. But from what you can see of Part 4 of Darths & Droids it is shaping up to be a more neutral Order versus Chaos since the original evil trade federation has died.

Star Wars palpatine was a Chaotic Evil Sith Lord who led both the federation and the republic against each other so that no matter who won he would rule. He converted the angst Whitney Anakin to be his pupil and used him to destroy the Jedi. Darth Vadar rose when all of Anakins old life was destroyed on Mustafar. Vadar was, servant, slave and pupil to Palpatine.

Spoiler spoilers for comic :
Darths & Droids Palpatine is a lawful neutral politician, a retired jedi, that wishes to create a space-WMD to invoke a space-MAD concept. Peace via strength, he is thus a morally conflicted antagonist as his plans for the peace moon are stolen by the trade federation who he fears will actually use the weapon. He is given Emergancy Powers by jar jar. Later Anikin manipulates him into believing that the Jedi have been infiltrated by the Sith. A legend. Anikin hopes to becomes the power behind the throne. But after Anikin is nearly killed on Naboo he is turned into a cyborg by Palpatine who also adds a control chip, making the new retired Darth Vadar into Palpatines slave.

Hope that helps...
My results are as follows:

Night 1: BSmith
Night 2: Autolycus
Night 3: Ravus
Night 4: Did not scan
Night 5: Zack

My attempt to scan Zack last night was foiled by a giant fish. My attempt to scan BSmith gave me "no result" as opposed to the other two scans, where I received a negative answer. This is probably a coincidence.

Well I am obviously not Palpatine... Autolycus is a constant lurker so I doubt he will chime in on this and BSmith was Dooku.

But what does "no result" mean? BSmith was Dooku, so it's not like he wasn't even a robot or none human. I doubt he had a protection from scan ability.

EDIT: oops I should probably spoiler that summary above for those who want to read the comic
But what does "no result" mean? BSmith was Dooku, so it's not like he wasn't even a robot or none human. I doubt he had a protection from scan ability.

No idea. I assume there's nothing to it though, the ability description doesn't say anything about it. I assume its just different wording, but I mentioned it because its an odd coincidence I noticed.
EDIT: oops I should probably spoiler that summary above for those who want to read the comic
Clarification: My post was meant to be taken as "That sounds awesome, I should read it," and NOT "Come on man, you spoiled it for me you big jerk!"
Well yes you should read it. I should re-re-re-re-read it, too, but I'm engaged with SGVY and Freefall so I'll need a week or so to get those two over, assuming the Order of the Stick's archive binge doesn't corrupt me too far.
Night Over. Update Soon.
Most of the citizens of the planet that shall henceforth be known as Dagobah slept soundly through the night. Not all, though. One, a shadowy figure with a lightsaber, prowled around, looking for The Black Knigh.

After several hours of not finding him, the figure eventually gave up. Wherever he was, he couldn't be found.

Jarrema, who was for some inexplicable reason walking around at night, turned a corner and ran into a figure with several lightsabers. The figure twirled them around and charged at Jarrema, who decided that running away would be a great idea. After a while, he found a pole on the ground, picked it up, and faced his attacker, whilst slowly backing away.

"What," said the attacker, "is that thing supposed to stop my lightsabers somehow?"

"Uh... it's... made of magic metal?" said Jarrema, still backing away.

"And I suppose backing away from me makes it work?"

"Uh... yes?"

"Oh, well you should keep backing away then."

Wondering why his attacker was fine with him retreating, Jarrema continued backing away until he discovered why: There was a ledge behind him. He discovered this by stepping back over the edge of it and plummeting off.

The figure laughed at Jarrema's stupidity and ran off.

Luckily, there was a large body of water under it, and Jarrema had a device that would let him breath in the water. He had escaped certain death... this time.

The townies awoke the following morning, amazed that nobody had died. They were more certain than ever that they would be victorious.

Day 7 Ends in: [TIMER="1/26/2013 12:00 AM PST; Day 7 over"][/TIMER]
So, Grevious changed targets but the Vigilante didn't. Jaremma showed his survivalist skills while The Black Knigh was mysteriously absent from the Vig after his not so funny sarcastic comment. On top of that we still have the obvious mystery of Anakin to deal with for this turn.

So today we have a lynch to organise, a peace moon zap to anticipate and a lost Orb to vote on.

I'll start off by voting that Azzaman should hold the orb.

(We are still voting on it right? I don't see it mentions in the update, but I assume it wasn't stolen in the night.)
Obviously Anakin is evil and should die.
Right, the Orb, forgot about that. Vote for the Orb in Blue.
I got an interesting result form the night. I'm the head jawa. I can "borrow" items once per night. They don't notice it. Last night I target Zack. He was holding the peace moon. That should make him Papitine. I've read the comics, and Papitine could be scum. I'm no sure. But I don't think we can take that risk. Vote:Zack
Oh, and we defiantly shouldn't allow him to get the orb. It would power up the peace moon, according to the comics. Azzaman, since he already has a vote.
Vote:Zack Wow, I would have never guessed that Zack is evil.

Vote:Gone3theCelt for the orb, because I do not want it to fall into possibly evil hands.
I got an interesting result form the night. I'm the head jawa. I can "borrow" items once per night. They don't notice it. Last night I target Zack. He was holding the peace moon. That should make him Papitine. I've read the comics, and Papitine could be scum. I'm no sure. But I don't think we can take that risk. Vote:Zack

Peace Moon seems to be doing a pretty good job to me. I don't like the way Mechaerik seems to have dodged a vig-bullet last night. And I'd bet real money that he's Annakin Skywalker, Cult leader (notice we only seem to have one mafia kill each night? No way only one scum team in a game this size with all the powers the town has). And I love the way mechaerik said he's "not mafia". Sometimes, the strongest deception is the truth.

If I'm right, there's not many people we can trust, and we need to make sure he's shut down pronto.

vote: mechaerik.

Meanwhile, if there's anyone who's shown himself to be clearly town, it's Zack and he sould have the Orb.
unvote;vote:MechaerikThe Black Knigh dodged the bullet, not Mechaerik, but I agree with you on that thinking.

My point was more, what was a supposed vigilante doing attacking the Black Knigh when there was mechaerik with a big flaming sign on his head saying "I'm scum".
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