Darths and Droids Mafia- Game Thread

On the trade federation. I suspect the last federate is BL, but given the cult it may actually be good to keep them around, since the cult can only be stopped by killing the leader. Anakin could have been the CL, in which case the federation must die, but if there is a leader running around, an extra killer will be a good thing. We are totally safe from a federation victory, there is one left, but a cult victory is much more likely. Overall though, it seems the cult is somehow heavily limited, given that confirmed townies have continued functioning. Also, can we vote to take an item from someone?
Why such a defense of the cult? Fighting fire with fire? And how do you know there is exactly one Trade-fed left?
I point my fish-fingers of suspicion at you, spaceman98!
Also, why don't you read rules?
I'm not member of the cult network and therefore didn't know he was scanned as Yoda (I have only seen his roleplay). After last night he appears as the last killing power (what where your roleblockers doing? That's why I considered him being mafia. Then I was told he was scanned as town and then I thought he was converted cult. The vigelante would be a prime target for conversion and that he refused to follow Zack's order to kill Mechaerik the night before last.
Mesa diagnose you with Perfect Information Syndrome.
The Blac Knigh said:
And I really don't like this post.
Mesa no like the lack of a T in your post, but why yousa no like this post?
Mesa diagnose you with Perfect Information Syndrome.

Yeah I know. I got the diagnosis a long time ago, there is no cure.

I'm going to help you a little although you don't deserve it. Ever since night 3 I have disguised myself as Mergle. Any action performed on him has been redirected at me. Rescan him the first thing you do when you start to search for mafia and cult in your "town" network if he's cleared by a scan on one of these nights.
Day Over. Update soon.

I may have to recheck this, but I do believe The Black Knigh is in the lead:

The Black Knigh: 11 (Backwards Logic, Buddhafish, Gone 3 the Celt, Jarrema, SamSniped, spaceman98, Ravus Sol, Zack, Mat93, Mergle, azzaman333)
Autolycus: 1 (The Black Knigh)

Not Voting: 3 (Autolycus, johnhughthom, topsecret)
The citizens of the planet that shall henceforth be known as Dagobah were for once in agreement for basically the entire day, and all that bothered to make their voice heard save one agreed: The Black Knigh should die.

"Nobody can find him at night!"

The Black Knigh protested that that was simply because he was a shapeshifter, so they couldn't find the form they expected him to be in. He even offered to demonstrate the ability.

They took him up on his offer, allowing him to shift between whatever forms he wantd as they killed him.

He ended up deciding to die in his usual humanoid alien form.

Spoiler :
The Black Knigh was lynched! He was Han Solo! He was Town!


1. askthepizzaguy Killed Night 3, R2-D2
2. Autolycus
3. azzaman333
4. Backwards Logic
5. BSmith1068 Lynched Day 4, Count Dookû
6. Buddhafish
7. CivCube Lynched Day 3, Jango Fett
8. CivGeneral Vengeful Lyncheed Day 6, Boss Nass
9. classical hero replaced by NinjaCow64 Killed Night 5, Chewbacca
10. Darth Caesar Lynched Day 6, Greedo/Han Solo
11. Dreadnought Killed Night 1, Darth Maul
12. Gone 3 The Celt
13. Jarrema
14. JoanK Killed Night 2, Beru Lars
15. johnhughthom
16. Kennigit Killed Night 5, Padme Amidala
17. Mat93
18. mechaerik Killed Night 7, Anakin Skywalker
19. Mergle
20. SamSniped
21. SouthernKing Lynched Day 5, TZ-4
22. spaceman98
23. Takhisis Killed Night 4, Jar-Jar Binks
24. The Black Knigh Lynched Day 8, Han Solo
25. topsecret
26. traius Ravus_Sol
27. Visorslash Lynched Day 1, Nute Gunray
28. Xenoneb Lynched Day 7, General Grievous
29. Zack

Begin Night 8. It will end in: [TIMER="1/30/2013 12:00 AM PST; Night 8 Over"][/TIMER]
I can't tell if you are telling me to respect the death of a townie more, or that you want that title of "most suspicious townie" for yourself.

I would venture to say he meant both.
:nope: Who cares about a townie?
Night 8 over. Update soon.
The citizens of the planet that shall henceforth be known as Dagobah were...



"Yeah, get on with it, you don't need to give us that silly stock description of people sleeping or doing nothing in particular again."

But I'm trying to set the scene and...


Oh, fine.

johnhughthom walked into a bar. "Ouch," he said, "that hurt." He then ducked under the bar, only to notice a figure in stormtrooper armor with a blaster on the other side of the bar.

"What, are you going to shoot me with that gun? How are you going to get through my lightsaber?"

john pulled out his lightsaber. The armored figure didn't move.

"Fine then, I guess I'll disarm you with my lightsaber!"

He attempted to do so, but sadly, he rolled a 1, which caused him to disarm himself. Painfully. The armored figure elected to put john out of his misery at this point, and shot him several times in the head.

azzaman333 was even more paranoid than usual, as he had been since he had lost his wife. He was hidden behind at least several layers of metal and a bunch of guns.

So of course, a figure with a lightsaber just decided to use his force arm-wrestling skills to pick all of that up and crush azzaman with it.

The town awoke the following morning, somewhat diminished in confidence. This had to be the longest they'd gone without killing someone who was trying to kill them.

They also found that azzaman, upon his death, had dropped the Lost Orb of Phantastacoria, and they would need to vote for it again. (In BLUE again)

Spoiler :
johnhughthom was killed! He was Obi-Wan Kenobi! He was Town!

azzaman333 was killed! He was Owen Lars! He was Town!


1. askthepizzaguy Killed Night 3, R2-D2
2. Autolycus
3. azzaman333 Killed Night 8, Owen Lars
4. Backwards Logic
5. BSmith1068 Lynched Day 4, Count Dookû
6. Buddhafish
7. CivCube Lynched Day 3, Jango Fett
8. CivGeneral Vengeful Lyncheed Day 6, Boss Nass
9. classical hero replaced by NinjaCow64 Killed Night 5, Chewbacca
10. Darth Caesar Lynched Day 6, Greedo/Han Solo
11. Dreadnought Killed Night 1, Darth Maul
12. Gone 3 The Celt
13. Jarrema
14. JoanK Killed Night 2, Beru Lars
15. johnhughthom Killed Night 8, Obi-Wan Kenobi
16. Kennigit Killed Night 5, Padme Amidala
17. Mat93
18. mechaerik Killed Night 7, Anakin Skywalker
19. Mergle
20. SamSniped
21. SouthernKing Lynched Day 5, TZ-4
22. spaceman98
23. Takhisis Killed Night 4, Jar-Jar Binks
24. The Black Knigh Lynched Day 8, Han Solo
25. topsecret
26. traius Ravus_Sol
27. Visorslash Lynched Day 1, Nute Gunray
28. Xenoneb Lynched Day 7, General Grievous
29. Zack

It is now Day 9. It will end in: [TIMER="2/1/2013 12:00 AM PST; Day 9 Over"][/TIMER]
Crap, azza. :(

And Obi Wan is dead too. :(
I mantain that BL is scum. Also, I suspect that Mergle could be cultist, since he has not posted much recently, but that could also be RL...
What the crap. Okay the Stormtrooper is one thing. Most likely linked to the cult empire. But why the hell is Yoda killing the mason townie?!
Cuz the player is idiot enough to think he'd be cult or something I guess.
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