In today's thrilling instalment...
In summer 1101, I decide to educate my son Rollo personally and betroth him to my niece, Duchess of Aquitaine since her dad took an arrow to the nasties. Later that year, my half-brother, the Duke of Holland, decides to make a claim for one of my provinces and poor old Dirk has a tragic encounter with a deadly viper the following spring.
In April '02, whilst I'm minding both my own business and that of my liege (without his knowledge or permission), I hatch a plan to kidnap him, which succeeds, so now he's enjoying house arrest in Brugge. In November, King Philippe asks me to be his spymaster, which I suppose is fair enough, because I'm actively keeping him "safe" right now.
That August, another of my half-nephews proves to be more popular with the electors than my brother, so I take action against him. Unfortunately, my plot never succeeds and I end up throwing him in the oubliette in 1107 when I catch him plotting to murder someone. Whom it was exactly, I couldn't care less.
In May of 1104, my second son, Rutger, is born, so I promptly betroth him to a princess of Aragon. Meanwhile, the Latin Rite is spreading wonderfully in the Despotates of Nikaea and Samos, with only the County of Smyrna still holding to the Greek Rite.
After the death of King Philippe in my comfortable rooms in Sluys in late 1105, I begin spying on his son, King Louis VI. Like father, like son?
In 1106, it turns out the Count of Thouars has been bedding my wife, who is also my half-niece and a princess of France. She later becomes pregnant and I expose her perfidy to the court. The resulting daughter is acknowledge simply as a scion of House Capet.
In December of that year, the Duchess of Aquitaine dies in an accident. If it was actually an "accident", the instigator got away scot free.
I betroth Rollo to a princess of the HRE instead.
In August of 1107, I also kidnap King Louis and install him in his father's room in Sluys, and in June the next year, he agrees to grant Flanders its independence. My third son, Gerulf, is born three days later (12th June, 1108).