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SGOTM2 Germany - Team scout

Nice turns Scout... I think you are right about the double wonder GA - that should work out quite nicely, there'll be plenty worth building by the time we manage two science wonders.

I'll have a long look at the situation in the morning...

Some semi-random thoughts...

At this point I think we need to try and get some settlers on the islands... and possibly look at settling some more jungle to the southeast. I was seriously tempted to switch to a market in New Berlin and rush a market for happiness purposes...we will need to watch that city as it grows.

I'd like Gengis to take a look at this, and see if he has any ideas for speeding up the tech pace.

Though Universities would certainly give us a boost, I don't want to see our military lag too much... we need to build some Knights, because they defend as well as pikes. I'd like to have a couple of knights for each of our southerly border cities, to skirmish in the event of a war.

As this game develops we may see war break out on the other continent. They're getting built out over there, and all 3 of those civs have a UU that comes with Chivalry. We need to maintain an even number of AI (an odd number of civs) so that the UN vote won't be a tie... I have my doubts that Russia can survive this game, and it may make sense to assimilate some Russian cities at some point. We need to get bigger to guarantee a spot on the UN ballot.

As much as I dislike this, we need to keep France in this game. The AI plays France well, and I think the best chance of getting the UN on this continent is if the French build it. If we must capture the UN, it will be easier if it's on our landmass.

Order of go:
Gengis Khan: on deck
Tallanas: warming up
scoutsout: just played
Mistfit: UP!
Thanks Karasu :)
Ok short term goals for the next ten:

Get islands settled

Get universities?

Keep the French from settling to our north

2 more towns settled in the north? to lock that area up?
Possibilities for 2 "filler" cities

Anything else

Nice turns scout!
and thanks Karasu
I wouldn't worry about universities just yet. We've been in "builder mode" for a while now. If a city completes something and it has a barracks, build a knight. If not, a worker...
Well then I guess this is first "I got it" for SGOTM I will not play until late this evening. I have 24 to 48 to get it back? If everything goes well I'll have it back tomorrow. If I have questions I will ask questions tomorrow morning.
@Mistfit: if you can get it played in 48 that would be fine. Check the thread again this evening to see if Gengis offers suggestions... I think having some knights in our southern frontier towns would be a Good Thing, and if we can get some jungles chopped and some roads built for lateral movement between those towns that would also be helpful.
Scout_SG002_AD0350_01 is not the right one... let me check...
I use the links in Mad Bax's sig in the first post...
Well, immediate thoughts are along the same lines as Scout... Get some knights cranked out, just in case we need to defend our southern border or even mop up some of Russia (if Russia looks like falling, we want Moscow :) ); also, get the preparations done for settling the eastern island - galleys (2) and settlers (3) should do the trick.
...on the northern peninsula... where I see a dotmap with 2 stars. I'd just put one town there on the grassland tile 1 West of the warrior (NE of the westerly blue star). That should be enough to keep the AI out, and we don't want 2 corrupt towns up there... Berlin should finish its market soon, and can resume pumping settlers...
Also, the worker in New Cologne is on forest, but wasting 2 shields... Get him back on that floodplain :)
Pumping New Cologne for a worker will get it back into growth mode... I believe I micromanaged it for shields to get the market build going. I should have noted that in more detail in the turnlog. We seem to be having some happiness problems in cities larger than ~7 or 8... we will eventually need to resort to the luxury slider, since we have so many sites with access to fresh water...

Edit: Whoops! That whole discussion about New Cologne applies to Salzburg, not New Cologne...
Well, I'm off to home and will play tonight. I've not seen GK anywhere today, but I'm sure he'd agree with you guys anyway, and I think these should be uneventful turns.

On a side note: 2.0 grams - The Whip and Saddle (C3C) What have you gotten yourself into here...looks like a daunting task ahead of you here Scout.
Heh, yeah, was just checking out that thread... Nasty, nasty situation!
hehehe... On Gram2.0 ...I'm just glad I stopped at 15... 'pelago map my hiney... pooh, feh... that dadgum Gram set me up I think. :crazyeye:

...but 'slinger's in that one... give a game to that guy, and you won't recognize it in 10 turns, I gua-ron-tee. Check out Bede01 if you doubt me...

Incidentally, we may be adding a 5th. Karasu PM'd me earlier that there's a pretty good player who is interested in SGOTM2, so don't be surprised if somebody new de-lurks...
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