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SGOTM3 Rome - Spoiler 1. Middle ages plus all continental contacts.

Yeah, we also had some problems counting to 20.. For some reason we only got to 10 before declaring some times... Oopsie :blush:
Is this confess your sins to M-B day? I don't think you're going to get much sympathy!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Nor are you likely to get redemption!
:p ;)
Is there a bonus for figuring out the barb riddle? If not, can we discuss it in here. Considering that MB seems to think it is unsolvable, it might take a collective of minds to solve it. Or do we need to wait for Spoiler #2?
From our experience I'd say the information required for tackling the puzzle would probably only be acquired within the AA scope of this spoiler by teams not playing the variant. When did MB say he thought it was unsolvable? Looks quite straightforward to us :hmm:
He posted in our team thread that he thought it was quite unsolvable. Still we have only 13 of the 18 (I think) letters. What I should have asked......is this type of discussion something that should wait for the endgame spoiler? Didn't necessarly mean is this within the scope of AA spoiler info.
There are 2 reasons that make that riddle unsolvable...

1. Those who played PTW have all those named barbarian units names messed up. If there was a capital letter in the middle of barb name in original Civ save it would be changed when Mad-Bax converted save to PTW.

2. Other AIs colonized parts of the island therefore they had a good probability to kill some of the named barbarians before we ever saw them.

... and M-B was quite clear he didn' twant this riddle to be a public discussion, He said if team finds the answer it should keep it to themselves
dmanakho said:
... and M-B was quite clear he didn' twant this riddle to be a public discussion, He said if team finds the answer it should keep it to themselves
Ok, thanks. That's all the answer I need. :)
Letters, names :confused: ... BARBS?!??!?!?! :confused: :confused: :confused: . Okay the barbs I figured out from GOTM16 :)
If you have 13 of 18 letters you could have a shot at the answer I'd say. Depends which letters you are missing. Only 2 of the names are screwed up, and you don't have them anyway.

To have a good shot at the answer you really needed to get a few units onto the barb island in the AA. Teams that took the opportunity to upgrade their units there would have an advantage I would guess. In PTW it seems (though I am not sure) that the AI is much more willing to settle the island than in 1.29. This is just a subjective observation by me, and could be wrong.

Maybe I will give one clue. The answer is three words, two of which are proper nouns.
MB, I would like to buy a vowel, an E please :D
We never saw a single barb.

I think one of the interesting strategies has been the density of the build. We built at RCP 4 as did Tao's team. A lot of teams were at 3 with a second ring at 6.

It might be interesting to compare the success rates of the variant teams based on build densities.
You will see them, trust me ;)
Ooops, have i said too much again :blush:
Team Bugsy

PTW Xenophobes

Entered Middle Ages 800AD.

At war with all continental neighbors. At peace with only one nation on the other continents, but not for long.

It was cold in the hills above the Tiber, and the darkness of the night sky was broken by only a few small pinpricks of frigid white light. Romulus and Remus, twin brothers, lost boys, ababdoned by their vulpine mother, lingered in a cave. Romulus carried a shovel, while Remus bore a pack containing two small scrolls and a waterskin. The night passed slowly. The twins shivered with cold and fear of their uncertain future.

The light of dawn revealed the bends of the river, more hills, a vineyard abandoned by the previous inhabitants who had left no other sign of their passing, and a forest full of game. The twins wanted no part of any further wandering, so Remus built a hut, married the next wolf child to appear, and started making babies, while Romulus took his shovel and started digging.

So begins the History of Rome.

For many years Romulus labored with his shovel. Remus, tiring of his spouse's labors, and finding himself with many layabout offspring who disturbed his meditations, opened the scrolls in his pack and used the knowledge contained in them to build a place for training archers and then taught his sons and daughters how to use the bow and arrow, thinking at least it would get them out of the hut and perhaps they could go shoot a deer for food and clothing. Meanwhile he studied the art of writing.

Some years later Remus decided to send his children out into the world. The hut was getting really crowded with all of them still at home. He got his old pack and the waterskin out of a corner and gave it to his eldest child with an order to go live somewhere else. Much argument ensued as to where and how and whether or not an archer should attend her.

Meanwhile one of Remus's wandering bow-carrying children meets another tribe (2750BC), who call themselves Greeks and carry really long heavy spears and big hide covered shields. The Greeks know how to store food, so the Roman trades them gold for that knowledge. Then, remembering her father's stories of how dangerous other wandering tribes are, she declares war on the Greeks, and they run away. Satisfied with her purchase and proud she was able to frighten the Greeks, she reports to her father at Rome. Remus orders other of his children to guard the passages to Rome and sends the eldest off in the other direction to build a new hut.

The Greeks do not remain frightened for long and return into view with axe weilding warriors and more spear carriers. The archers in the passes kill several Greeks but some die valiantly, impaled by those long spears and unable to penetrate the heavy shields.

In 2270BC the ENglish send an advance party into view of the Roman archers and we buy the knowledge of smelting from them. Remus has forbidden any more declarations of war until the Greeks are under control so the English are allowed to continue their wanderings unimepeded. The decision begins a long argument among the Romans, some in favor of attacking the English as soon as we can, others arguing for a delay. Then Jupiter speaks: You have no friends, only enemies in waiting. You must go to war within 200 years, or I shall withold my blessing.

In 2230BC the French appear. Another enemy in waiting!!

In 2150BC the Russians pay an unwelcome call and in 2110BC the Americans come calling as well. The Russians offer to teach the Romans the art of iron-mongering in exchange for our knowledge of writing.

In 1950BC the unending warfare begins. The fledgling kingdom of Rome needs money so in a treacherous move the Romans borrow money from the English with a promise to repay, then declare war on the English, so the repayment is canceled. The same treachery is practices on the French, thoguh the declaation of war is delayed.

Every so often the Greeks send warriors and spear carriers into range of our archers and we slaughter them. As soon as the children of Remus train some Legions the warfare with the Greeks will begin in earnest. Remus keeps sending his children to military school or out on their own and his daughter in her town of Veii is told to concentrate on producing children and training them to build their own towns and warriors and legionaires. The opponents start sending many troops into the Roman homelands and much blood is shed driving them off.

Remus orders his descendants in Anitum to build a great storehouse of knowledge before any other nation so that the Romans can keep current with developments in the rest of the world, but they fail and build a temple in 550BC instead. The warfare continues to grow in intensity as the other nations begin to send more and yet more troops. In order to keep up in technology the Romans resort to extortion and outright fraud and soon are at war with every nation on the continent.

For the next 1300 years the Romans continue to send out new citizens and defeat their enemies in battle though we are fighting increasingly stronger units with sword wielding Roman Legions and stone throwing catapults. The central part of the kingdom is secure and reasonably productive, but we are at least an age behind our enemies in our scientific knowledge.

Around the turn of the millenium we were finally able to take the war to the enemy with several armies in the field dedicated to ruining their productive capacity.

In 800AD the Romans enter the Middle Ages. In 950AD we have 27 towns, 3 settlers ready to find new homes, 64 legions, 5 armies, 3 horsemen, 35 catapults, 6 spears, and 12 workers. The Greeks are reduced to two small towns to our NE. The French have only 9 cities and two armies are destroying the French trade network and terrain improvemnts. There is one French towns remaining on our flanks but they will fall soon.

Eight Great Leaders have appeared and five have formed armies. One was used to build the Forbidden Palace, another the Pentagon and a third the Heroic Epic.

Our economy is mortgaged to our war effort with nearly 1/2 our income devoted to supporting our troops in the field.

The strategy is resource denial to our enemies while we develop our productive capacity in our towns.

Tactically we are killing more than we are losing but it is a close run thing. If we can bring France back to the AA as far as their miltary is concerned by destroying their access to resources we can really bring the war home to them, and then the Germans, and then the Russians, and the Babylonians, and anybody else we meet!

IIRC, we weren't horribly close, but it was more expensive than normal. It wasn't my turn...

Also, even though we had 8 GLs, they all came late, with all of the AA and early MA wonders gone by then.
Close enough that pushing the okay button was painful. And the MGL's all went to armies and, then the Epic, then the Pentagon.
Hey we might be big and slow, but we sure are dumb! We're just going to grow to 1000 lbs and sit on everyone.
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