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Term 3 - Ministry of State Authorized Violence

A bit ambitious there Epi. Why don't we just make a world war and sit back while everyone kills each other off and we build up our forces?
SD3- Brilliant plan. I may make some changes to the plan as I see fit.

Epi- Good thinking. It is good to plan ahead, but we probably wont invade the New World for a bit.

Blackheart- That was actually my plan for when we research nationalism and can establish MPP's.

But for now most people want peace before we start to war again. So the next TC will be a peaceful one.
Hmm, my weapons of sarcasm are useless here.

That or you're all very good at being sarcastic back. :p

Even more freightning then your taking me seriously is thinking that it was a good idea to have a plan for a massive samurai invasion of Germany.
Dude, why would I post an invasion plan of Germany seriously right after loudly shouting "NO" in the war thread? I was simply satirizing how SD3 was already getting ready to invade Babylon. :p

I tried to make it clear too. I mean samurai? By that point we'd better have something better than that. :p
oopss sorry wrong thread..anyways civanotor i was wandering if u would consider the following structure of this war department - your deputy is to be head of the military part of the governemnt like a holding a military rank like ie. NAVY - Grand Admiral or Army - Field MArshal than under them the two services with the chief of navy called Admiral and chief of army called general...of cause all holding advisory roles but making battleplans and defences of the nation and deployments etc for u to look and approve or disapprove for future contingiences of waging wwar or defences of the nation that way everyone can have a go....and that we get some military ppl having cool ranks lol :0
Minister Civanator,
I would like to bring to your attention that a few cities in HAI-RANDO and in Zarnia have extremely little garrisons (no units). As Governor of HAI-RANDO I have ordered the production of additional Pikes in Gerunshi.

I would like to suggest that the Regular Spearmen in Gerunshi and Manchai be sent to Garrison Nihilon and TDB. The Veteran Pikes produced by Gerunshi should be distributed for the additional defense of Regent Town, Gerunshi, and Epolenep. Once Regent Town has a defense of 2 veteran pikes, the regular spearman in this city can be sent to Furuyama as a garrison.

I have not looked at the defensive posture of any of our remaining cities.
Honored MSAV Minister Civanator,

What are your plans for the Iroquois? If we were to invade them where would we start at and with how many units? I think we need to plan this ahead of time so we can maximize the absence of their troops.
Your Excellency, minister of defense.

I have only 2 small requests.
- If Zojoji is chosen as a Wonder-site; please fortify a Pike (or a Samurai) in there for defense.
- Do not move any of the defensive forces either in Immo, Furuyama, Zojoji or Fanatikku or that are being build there. The only exceptions are the Samurai currently being build in Immo and Fanatikku, and the Pike which is walking in the forests South-West of Immo. You can do with them what you like.

Zarnia's Governor,
Rik Meleet
Honored First General:

Thank you for the complement on my general plan.

Given DG5JR25, that both the Domestic AND the Authorized Violence Offices must be in concert for Military Upgrades, I would like to know the status of our Spearmen and Horsemen with regards to possible upgrades. Specifically, I'd like to get the Spearmen upgraded to Pikemen before Gunpowder is discovered, so that we won't have expensive upgrades for 2 Defense points. (I intend to Veto any Pikemen to Musketmen Upgrades, favoring a "cycling-out" of longarmed Soliders to fresh firearmed soliders.)
Civanator said:
Ali- I have been giving some thought into that. I may implement it a little later.

Governor MOTH- It will most likely be done :)

Mayor Blackheart- I am currently making a plan right now.

Governor Rik- Certainly.

to civinator- i would like to request if this idea is to be implemented id like to be chosen for the rank of Admiral- chief of navy - coz im joining the RAN as a officer YAHA!!!!
First General, Once again I must ask you to review the Upgradable Forces we have at our command.

We now upgrade our Spearmen to Musketmen at a cost of 80 Gold. The DDA recommends that of those Spearmen, we upgrade ONLY the Veteran Spearmen, maintaining our current Pikemen, and cycling Regular Spearmen and other units out in favor of Newly Created Muskets.

Also, We still have two Horsemen that should be upgraded to Samurai. Unless you wish for these to head straight for Calvery.

Finally, we have 2 Galleys near port that can be upgraded to Caravels.

Please review the Upgrade Situation quickly.

EDIT: And I would greatly appreciate it if your response would be in this thread, as well as anywhere else you'd put it,

In the polls that I have created, there are more people supporting a war against the Iroquouis and then the Babs once we are done with them.

Please draw up war plans for the two wars.
Civanator said:
I am looking for a new deputy to help me with the burden of MM, because I haven't seen any participationa t all from JackA.

I'm willing to help out. I can't be officially deputy as I am still Governor of HAI-RANDO, but I haven't decided what to run for next turn (it won't be HAI-RANDO as I believe in self imposed term limits).

Assuming that you will wish to draw up/discuss the offensive war, I will prepare a plan for the defense of our great nation. I wish to have a few Samurai for an active defense, but I will let you know more details if this is ok with you.
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