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great job guys - two disk 1's, no disk 2.


Oct 26, 2005
What a great release. Picked up a $49.99 copy to find two disk 1's, and no disk 2 to speak of. Now I have to wait even longer just to play the game. So much for pre-ordering!
yes. in fact, it was pitch dark as i was installing the game, so i couldnt even read the disk. i had to go into a room with light to see what the problem was when i swapped disks.
I too have this problem. I have two Disk 1/Install discs, both of which seem to be the exact same disc. Any suggestion of how I can get this fixed?
call them and say I got two disk 1s and can't play. When can you guys send me a disk 2. Then demand they pay you $16 for overnight shipping, even if you didn't they won't know :)
My "Play" and "Install" disks are both mislabled - the "Play" disk is the "Install" disk and vice versa. I bet Firaxis/Take2 is not really happy with the manufacturer right now at all.
Heh, What a fiasco this has turned out to be.

Well, think on the bright side: At least yet no one's game is in an unreadable foreign language.
bump for displeasure. going to try to get new discs today.
Hard to blame the development team for problems with a distributor who packages and ships the game. I'm sure it will be addressed since you are not likely the only one with the problem.
status update: didnt get replacement yet. every customer who preordered at that store has the same prob i do.
Sovietof17 said:
What a great release. Picked up a $49.99 copy to find two disk 1's, and no disk 2 to speak of. Now I have to wait even longer just to play the game. So much for pre-ordering!
There's one positive aspect, though. You're new to CivFanatics. So, welcome! :dance:
i preordered from ebgames in North Haven, CT. PS, this is a great store so please don't think poorly of it. they have an excellent staff there [since a management change] and a good selection. before this store was built i used to order games online because i detested the local gamestop of north haven, ct.

reasons why i hated gamestop of north haven, ct:
1. apathetic staff and anemic selection
2. arrogant attitude of charging more then MSRP for a long time before the neighboring ebgames was built because "there is no competition".

anyways, i'm trying to beat civ3 on emperor level now. i have a question, is there any possible way to save scores from R&R or Rhye's games? I've beaten it on monarch so many times and it never recorded my score in the HOF. These are the only civ3 games I will touch, I never play the vanilla game ever.
I play with my disk 1. its not mislabeled, i put disk 1 in first and then disk 2(which is the "play" disk) to install. then i put disk 1 back in to play. has this happend to anybody else?

hey my name is ben, im new :)
Sovietof17 said:
i preordered from ebgames in North Haven, CT. PS, this is a great store so please don't think poorly of it. they have an excellent staff there [since a management change] and a good selection. before this store was built i used to order games online because i detested the local gamestop of north haven, ct.

reasons why i hated gamestop of north haven, ct:
1. apathetic staff and anemic selection
2. arrogant attitude of charging more then MSRP for a long time before the neighboring ebgames was built because "there is no competition".

anyways, i'm trying to beat civ3 on emperor level now. i have a question, is there any possible way to save scores from R&R or Rhye's games? I've beaten it on monarch so many times and it never recorded my score in the HOF. These are the only civ3 games I will touch, I never play the vanilla game ever.

Hey Soviet, I wonder if it might be just a localized thing. I also got my copy from the EBGames in North Haven (scary isn't it?). I called them up this morning, going to ask about whether they had any normal copies in stock that I could exchange for (being able to play the game being more important than any extras). The fellow there said that they had the same problem with all of the ones they sold yesterday. They're supposed to be getting in a new shipment of them around 5 today and will exchange your copy for one that should work. I agree also that this is a great store. This is my first dealing with them, and they were helpful in every aspect.
lumberjack said:
I play with my disk 1. its not mislabeled, i put disk 1 in first and then disk 2(which is the "play" disk) to install. then i put disk 1 back in to play. has this happend to anybody else?

hey my name is ben, im new :)

hi jack, welcome to my thread.

fskornia said:
... got my copy from the EBGames in North Haven (scary isn't it?).

that is pretty scary. north haven is super boring for me. i'd rather be in amherst, ma. anyways, i'm surprised anyone in north haven would play such a game as civ4. my aim name is sovietof17 if you ever want to play this with me. i also enjoy fighting games and have an extensive library of rpgs for pc and console. consoles i own are xbox, ps2, gamecube, dreamcast, and ps1.
lumberjack said:
I play with my disk 1. its not mislabeled, i put disk 1 in first and then disk 2(which is the "play" disk) to install. then i put disk 1 back in to play. has this happend to anybody else?

Yeah thats the same way mine is. Disk 1/Install and Disk 2/Play but Disk 1 is the actual play disk.

And to the OP. Sorry I wasnt trying to be a jerk, sometimes people freak out when they see the mislabeling and forget to try it anyway. Plus someone had already said they had the same problem but it turned out the disks worked fine anyway.
One of my friends once bought his copy of CoH with no discs inside (from EB). He ended up just going back to EB and getting a new copy. Since it's out today, you can probably go to EB and just ask them to give you a new one since yours is technically "defective." Hope that helps. :)
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