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Civ4 PitBoss Available


Oct 25, 2000
The persistent turn-based server program for Civilization IV, also known as PitBoss, is now available for download. Here is a description of PitBoss from the Info Center:

The Pit Boss persistent turn-based server will allow for players to play as long as they like and leave when they like without disrupting the game. Players can also fill in for AI players and join when they like (so it is possible to jump in right in the middle of a game and take an AI's role). The server will download the current game state, then a player takes their turn and the server afterwards saves for the next player. It is like playing a streamlined version of play by e-mail or hot seat multiplayer.

To run a PitBoss server, download the file, extract the PitBoss.exe to your main Civ4 directory, then run it. You will be asked to supply a SMTP email login, select type of the game (DirectIP, LAN, or Internet), choose the game options, etc. Note that you need to have the v1.61 patch installed for it to work.

Download PitBoss Application (3.56 MB) from: 2K Games | 3D Downloads

Here are a few screenshots showing the setup process:

Screen#1 Screen#2 Screen#3 Screen#4 Screen#5.

Give it a try and post your experience here.

EDIT: PitBoss officially released on April 13, 2006.
I will be more than happy to try it out tonight when I get home from work.

This is the feature I was most interested in, since it will allow us to make our moves without having to use the email system.

I may have a few questions after using it, so will someone be available here to answer questions or is this just a Review thread?

Thanks for the info.
Just downloaded it and running it.

Will let you know if i find any problems. One thing i do notice though is that it looks like you have to create new random game or load an existing game but there is no Scenario Option. (I had to start my scenario regular way then load it as a save game to play on it)

Also not I am running mine with a Modded version of Civ4 (only games i have current MP saves of where with my mod). I am also using a Direct IP connection test... Will let you know :)
Thunderfall said:
. You will be asked to supply a SMTP email loging, select type of the game (DirectIP, LAN, or Internet), choose the game options, etc.

What is a SMTP email logging?

What is the difference between DirectIP and Internet?

How do I take over an AI in a game already in progress?
How do I find out the options selected in a game already in progress?
(I wouldn't want to join Huge map, with 1 human and 17 AI.)
Yes this Pitboss is only compatable with 1.52, why would you be still running 1.09? 1.52 is only really a issue in the GS MP lobby, I've heard only a couple people with issues with SP games.

playshogi said:
What is a SMTP email logging?

What is the difference between DirectIP and Internet?

How do I take over an AI in a game already in progress?
How do I find out the options selected in a game already in progress?
(I wouldn't want to join Huge map, with 1 human and 17 AI.)

SMTP is Simple Mail Transport Protocal, pitboss would need to know your mail servers address to send notification emails to the players, although this is not a current function in 1.52.

Internet games display in the "PB" column in the MP lobby, DirectIP game do not and you have to tell people your IP so they can join. However, because GS periodically reset the lobby, it's best to give people your IP even if it is a "internet" game as they often will not be able to see it in the lobby if GS drops it.

I have this error message when I tried to run Pitboss. I tried reinstalling but that didn't work

It said

This application has failed to start because boost_python-vc71-mt-1_32.dll was not found.
As you might be aware, I'm setting up the PBEM Enhanced game for Civ4. I was counting on PTBS to be released... so this is a godsend. A few questions in regards to this... as I'm at work, and I won't be home or free to jump on the computer until tomorrow morning...

1. With PBEM, if there are 4 players, all human... do the players need to play in order?

2. I saw 'allow x hours for turn'... so the game will rollover to the next turn automatically after x hours... what if one doesn't log in... does AI play your turn?

3. Is there a limit on the amount of hours you can allow for a turn?
Great_Scott said:
As you might be aware, I'm setting up the PBEM Enhanced game for Civ4. I was counting on PTBS to be released... so this is a godsend. A few questions in regards to this... as I'm at work, and I won't be home or free to jump on the computer until tomorrow morning...

1. With PBEM, if there are 4 players, all human... do the players need to play in order?

2. I saw 'allow x hours for turn'... so the game will rollover to the next turn automatically after x hours... what if one doesn't log in... does AI play your turn?

3. Is there a limit on the amount of hours you can allow for a turn?

1. Since I've always checked "simutaneous turns" I'm not sure how Pitboss handles sequential turn games....feel free to test this, if you haven't figured out Beta release=you are beta testers :p

2. Yes Pitboss handles turns just like a normal MP game, if you don't play your civ in the time allotted then it will roll over and your research and production will continue your units won't move anywere and if you don't have tech and production queued it will just stall.

3. I believe the field for that allows 1-999 hours, if you don't enter a value that is no turn limit and the game turns won't progress until everyone has played there turn as in a no turn limit MP game.

Exavier said:
1) yes they have to play in order and remember to hit the End Turn Button.
2) I'd like to know too
3) same as 2 :p

Well if you are right about that the I would never play sequential turn pitboss as it would totally defeat the best reason to use pitboss, the abilility to login anytime and play your turn and manage your civ.

Mr. Pointless said:
I have this error message when I tried to run Pitboss. I tried reinstalling but that didn't work

It said

This application has failed to start because boost_python-vc71-mt-1_32.dll was not found.

I too got that.. I think you mean it happend durring the instalation of Pitboss though.

Exactly it said
Pitboss.exe- unable to locate component said:
This application has failed to start because boost_python-vc71-mt-1_32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
the missing dll error is because you are not running PitBoss out the same directory where Civilization4.exe is located. Move PitBoss.exe there and it will work.
This would be my first multiplayer game as Gamespy has not worked for my computer so far, so forgive me for not having a clue how to work the interface, but what do you have to do to join a game? Does it play as a standard DirectIP game , and Would that mean you would have to know the IP address of the host to join the game?

Maybe if the internet games are not working (it asked for a login when I tried to access it, I don't know if it's GS or not) there could be a thread with games and the IP addressess of hosts who wanted to make games. That way it would be easy to be able to find games that are current without trying to log on to GAmespy
Chukker said:
the missing dll error is because you are not running PitBoss out the same directory where Civilization4.exe is located. Move PitBoss.exe there and it will work.

Thanks for answering
Frakin said:
This would be my first multiplayer game as Gamespy has not worked for my computer so far, so forgive me for not having a clue how to work the interface, but what do you have to do to join a game? Does it play as a standard DirectIP game , and Would that mean you would have to know the IP address of the host to join the game?

Maybe if the internet games are not working (it asked for a login when I tried to access it, I don't know if it's GS or not) there could be a thread with games and the IP addressess of hosts who wanted to make games. That way it would be easy to be able to find games that are current without trying to log on to GAmespy

Yes to create a internet pitboss game you must first have created an account via the normal Civ4 MP->Internet Games->Create New Account.

To join a game you can either look for interent "PB" games in the lobby or hook up with a DirectIP Pitboss game via your forum of choice.

Your quick CS. ;)

Played a game with a couple others tonight via DirectIP. It was quite fun. It probably would of been better played regualry then through Pitboss, but it still worked. I had a few issues (one connection problem and an OSS) and found one bug. I will report them accordingly. :)
Great news - i'm hoping to run this on a small pc I have that acts as a server. Just depends how easy it proves to install.

If any Firaxians are listening - is their a 'minimal' install which just copies relevant files (for a pure pitboss server) to install or will it always need this full install i.e full civ iv install + pitboss exe.

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