Title: Rise of Seguin Part I
Type: Fantasy?
Version: 1.0
Forum Thread URL:
Rise of Seguin
Author Name: William GBTW
Civs: 8
Map Size: 30 x 60
Start Date: 2008
Synopsis(sp): Just recently a war between Seguin and its allies and New Brunsfels was ceased. The allies were Cibolo, Schertz, Seguin and later on Gruene and Geronimo. Gruene controlled much trade and therefore was highly desired by all. After the war the territory was broken into sectors with observors.
Geronimo still is afraid of Seguin annexing it and war is breaking out between Seguin and New Braunfels, due to New Bruanfels refusing to resolve the board dispute. Seguin, Schertz and Cibolo have made a alliance to defeat New Bruanfels.
Speical Features:
--Play as the City (or better put City-States) of Seguin, New Bruanfels, Schertz, Cibolo, Marion, Gruene or San Marcos.
--Fight on land, air and sea as Seguin and New Bruanfels finally settle thier boarder dispute...sadly by force
Title: Rise of Seguin Part II
Type: Fantasy?
Version: 1.0
Forum Thread URL:
Rise of Seguin
Author Name: William GBTW
Civs: 6
Map Size: 30 x 60
Start Date: 2011
Synopsis(sp): The war lasted for one year or so and three years later Seguin has gained control of New Bruanfels, canyon area, and other areas and has risen to a world power, with peacekeepers spread abrod. The old alliance has fallen and Cibolo and Marion have merged to become a great maritime power due to the floods cuased by the dam destruction. Gruene also has expanded. Tensions are high between Seguin and Gruene and Seguin and Cibolo-Marion as well as with San Marcos and Geronimo.
Speical Features:
--Play as Seguin, Schertz, Cibolo-Marion, Gruene, or San Marcos
--Fight on land, air and sea as Seguin and Schertz remove invaders and traitors from Guadalupe Co.
Title: Rise of Seguin Part III
Type: Fantasy?
Version: 1.0
Forum Thread URL:
Rise of Seguin
Author Name: William GBTW
Civs: 5
Map Size: 30 x 60
Start Date: 2040
Synopsis(sp): It is now 2040, long after the war that lasted from 2011 to 2016.
Changes are swepting the land. After the Second Great War Seguin and Schertz merged. Out of the People of the Jugo (South) Kingdoms arose one of promince; that of Josue Contreras. A new threat looms in the North; that of the Shanites. Seguin has annexed most of Gruene and Marion. Cibolo-Marion no longer control the cities that are thier name sakes and are in war with Shaneandria, thier only allie is Gruene. Geronimo has also been annexed to Seguin after it foolishly attacked Seguin so many years ago.
Speical Features:
--Play as Seguin, Schertz, Cibolo-Marion, Gruene, Geronimo or San Marcos.
--Fight on land, air and sea as Seguin and Schertz remove invaders and traitors from Guadalupe Co.