NDipNES: A Broken Dream

Winter 2061

As winter settled, the new factions calmed down, regrouped and rebuilt. Well, most of them anyway, those that weren't preoccupied with internal turmoil. In these dire times such things may prove deadly, which the next few years will tell.

General Notices:
Order resolution completed on 17-aug-2007 at 01:07:56 CEST

Order Results:

California: Builds A lan
California: Builds A nev

Canada: Builds A alb
Canada: Builds A bco
Canada: Builds A man

Cuba: Builds F cub

1 build was unused.

Mexico: Builds A gud

Quebec: Builds F nfl
Quebec: Builds A que

2 builds were unused.

USECA: Builds A vir
USECA: Builds W wdc

Winter 2061 Builds:
Spoiler :

Spring 2062 Movement:
Spoiler :

Next orders due: Saturday 18th, 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST, 12:00 PST)
ACK! The 3-letter abbreviations are gone!

(Please reupload that map so we can see them, and be able to write our orders!)
Ah bollocks. :)

EDIT: Fixed.
nice! I can send orders in for saturday, but please be aware of my abscense as noted in my sig.


If you have anything you need to send me, do it before Friday midnight EST.

That way I can reply and still leave you with time for ANOTHER reply and orders.

Otherwise, plans go off as I see fit, not you.
I am on vacation until further notice due to a sudden rise in job employment status. And certainly not due to any other factors that have befalled the Lakelands. The aforementioned country of Lakelands goes to the first to call it after this post during aforementioned vacation period.
EDIT: wow that wasnt embarassing :mischief:

. ........ . forgetting to check that people who claim a nation arent already in the NES before diploing them......
On a more serious note, please do not continue this game without a player in the Lakelands slot. PLEASE.
Niklas, I cant send orders without a Lakelands player.

If someone joins tomorrow, I can send orders by sunday.

If not, I will make time on my vacation for about 15 minutes.

Either way, I cant send them now.
I acknowledge the need for a Lakelands player and will pause the game until we find one. Any takers? human-slaughter?
Nah Lakelands is my least favorite of all the factions
If I don't get any takers until tomorrow this time (that's 24 hours from now), Lakelands will be NMRed until further notice, probably permanently.
Spring 2062

The Lakelands seem all but shut down with inner turmoil. Riots in the streets are an everyday sight, brought on by the ever-closing forces of several of its prominent neighbors. The Texans seem to be suffering from their earlier lack of control, and the fall will likely be make or break.

General Notices:
Order resolution completed on 19-aug-2007 at 21:58:28 CEST

Order Results:
California: A col -> neb
California: A lan Supports A nev -> ari
California: A nev -> ari
California: F npa -> haw
California: F ore Holds

Canada: A aka -> bco
Canada: A alb -> mon
Canada: A bco -> alb
Canada: A man -> min
Canada: A ont -> tor
Canada: F tor -> lhu
Canada: F was Holds

Cuba: F cub -> bah
Cuba: F egm -> ala
Cuba: F mia -> tam
Cuba: F nic/nc Holds

No order for unit at Lake Erie. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Nebraska. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Ohio. Hold order assigned.

Lakelands: F ler Holds
Lakelands: A neb Holds
Dislodged from col (2 against 1).
Lakelands: A ohi Holds

Mexico: A gud -> mot
Mexico: F gua/nc -> pue/nc
Mexico: F gca -> gud
Mexico: A mot -> nme

Quebec: F eac -> mat
Quebec: F mai -> nha
Quebec: A nyo -> pit
Bounced with wdc (1 against 1).
Quebec: F nfl -> eac
Quebec: A que -> nyo
Failed because Quebec: A nyo -> pit failed.

The Fleet in Alabama cannot retreat; unit destroyed.

Texas: F ala Holds
Dislodged from egm (2 against 1).
Texas: A dal -> lou
Texas: A kan Supports A col -> neb

USECA: F geo Holds
USECA: A phi Supports W wdc -> pit
USECA: A ten Supports F egm -> ala
USECA: A vir Supports W wdc -> pit
USECA: W wdc -> pit

Spring 2062 Movements:
Spoiler :

Lakeland army in Nebraska deserts its command and is dispersed (disbanded).

Spring 2062 Retreats:
Spoiler :

Fall 2062 Situation:
Spoiler :

Next orders due: Wednesday 22nd, 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST, 12:00 PST)
Next orders due: Wednesday 22nd, 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST, 12:00 PST)
I'm still missing me some Cuban, Quebecois and Canadian orders. Since j_eps has been travelling, I'll be nice and won't start NMRing until 20:00 GMT tonight, 24 hours after the fact. After that it's 1 unit per 6 hours. And after this time it's 1 unit per 6 hours from the deadline, unless you give prior notice. :hammer:
Orders incoming right now.

Fall 2062

The Canadian expansion into former US territory, and later that of Lakelands, has brought many concerned comments from all over the former union. Canada has more than doubled her influence in less than two years time, while many former US coalitions are crumbling under the onslaught from all sides. Of those, only California is really doing well, while Mexican, Cuban and Quebecois forces push in from all directions.

General Notices:
All dislodged units destroyed; advancing to next phase.Order
resolution completed on 24-aug-2007 at 12:48:12 CEST

Order Results:

California: A ari Supports A lan
California: F haw Holds
California: A lan Supports A ari
California: A neb -> ill
California: F ore Holds

Canada: A alb -> mon
Canada: A bco -> alb
Canada: F lhu -> mic/ec
Canada: A min -> wis
Canada: A mon -> neb
Canada: A tor -> ont
Canada: F was Holds

No order for unit at Nicaragua. Hold order assigned.

Cuba: F ala Holds
Cuba: F bah -> mia
Cuba: F nic/nc Holds
Cuba: F tam -> egm

No order for unit at Lake Erie. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Ohio. Hold order assigned.

Lakelands: F ler Holds
Lakelands: A ohi Holds

Mexico: F gud Holds
Mexico: A mot -> hou
Mexico: A nme Supports A mot -> hou
Mexico: F pue/nc -> wgm

Quebec: F eac Supports A nyo -> phi
Quebec: F mat Supports A nyo -> phi
Quebec: F nha -> mas
Quebec: A nyo -> phi
Quebec: A que -> nyo

No order for unit at Kansas. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at Louisiana. Hold order assigned.

Texas: A kan Holds
Texas: A lou Holds

The Army in Philadelphia cannot retreat; unit destroyed.

USECA: F geo Holds
USECA: A phi Supports W pit
Support cut by Move from New York. Dislodged from nyo
USECA: W pit Supports A phi
USECA: A ten -> car
USECA: A vir -> wdc

Fall 2062 Movements:
Spoiler :

Winter 2062 Situation:
Spoiler :

  • Canada +2
  • California +2
  • Cuba +1
  • Lakelands -1
  • Mexico +1
  • Quebec +1
  • Texas +1

Next orders due: Sunday 26th, 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST, 12:00 PST)
Iggy, if you did send then I'm sorry, I must have mistaken them for last turn's orders and deleted them. I will almost always give the benefit of doubt though.
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