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Divine Intervention IV: The Wisdom of Pericles

...and as tentacles completely infiltrated every bit of Lancelot, she ceased to exist. Her soul was ripped clean, and the husk remained, infused with the power of terror - much like the demons he had manifested earlier. But with such a powerful soul to fuel his magic, this one would be special.

Ashus dropped the body, which rose slowly, meeting eye to eye with her new master. With a cry, she doubled over, and white wings ripped out of her back, blood spraying across the golden pavement. Her eyes cried out as well, the physical flesh searing to nothing as golden orbs replaced them, and her clothing faded to a light grey.

You are now my Angel, Lancelot. They will know you as the Avatar of Awe.

The golden tentacles retreated back into his form, and he narrowed his eyes.

Let us explore this place.
got it..im gonna make the changes for Forest, i dont know how to do golden age so im going to leave that alone

im also going to make my changes and post story later

Tracnar stood at the bow of a Roman ship, pulling into dock on another continent, magnificent.
The captain of the ship approached the squat dirty blond merchant and said, "who are you? you arnt on my manifest, STOAWAY!"

Tracnar turned his head at the captain talking to him, and dissolved into the wind. The captain's jaw dropped open and muttered a prayer against these new shores.

On the slopes of Mount Corinth, as the locals of Argos named the mountain formed hundreds of years ago, a city poet took a walk up the mountain to get inspired. He turned to the side and looked down the mountain-face and took a breath of mountain air. Later that day he made it to the rocky top and started for the center of the plateau at the top of the mountain. He sat down next to a hollow and started to write.

Tracnar drifted on gusts of wind through out the Indian country side, a strange castle caught his eye, and he felt a kindred spirit. Blackness descended around the castle and the dark shape of Tracnar took form, glowing golden eyes came face to face with glowing golden eyes.


The poet had fallen asleep, it was night time and a biting gust of wind woke him up with a start. He fell back into the hollow, tumbling down into a dimly glowing area. The poet was dazed but not harmed, he rolled over into the brightest part of the ground and...Flashes of light, images, and sounds penetrated into his very being. The poet understood all that was, is and could be. His hastily jotted verses were rewritten in the poets hand, by his thoughts. The poet had stumbled into Tracnar's Aether hub, he had access to the mind of a god.


The dark hazy form of Tracnar face to face with the golden, yet now slightly red tinged, illuminated form of Tracnar. Two long lost separated consciousness had obviously been down different roads.
"Tracnar, what has happened to you? I am glad you are here now, we must speak before we join"
"Now is not the time for speech, I have what we need and you will submit to my will, and new master."
"Master, you have submitted to the evil god Ashus? How could you?"
"What have you done that has stained yourself red with blood?"
"The issue at had is not me, its you. But if you must know, I have taken the life of a immortal's offspring. Asoka has willingly given me his son to use as energy for us to Ascend back to the nether regions of the world"
"I have the will of a powerful god on my side, you have sunk to suffering with petty humans."
"So be it...i will not bend my being to he who caused us this problem, and allied with out enemy!"
He did not ally, he used. there is a difference, and if that is your answer, then there is no choice for you know.

Wisps of blackness slowly surrounded the golden-red form, wisps of Aether shot out and collided with one another on both sides. But Tracnar of Ashus had an advantage, other powers. Earth and wind ripped the red Tracnar apart, he tried to hold together. A vortex formed between them sucking them in, along with everything within miles around the castle, horrible power struck out around, amplifying and decreasing, with the ebb and flow of Aether from each of them.

The two were becoming one.

Beautifully crafted story's of gods and their deeds, the good and the bad, the brave and the weak, the happy and sad. Pages and pages of text of poems tales and verses floating around the Poet.
Just as he formed the last page, the Aether weakened and reformed. Tracnar's powers had been interrupted and reestablished. The Aetherian hub sensing a presence with in it tried to transport what was in it, Trancar had put blocks on humans traveling within his domain, but objects he had forgotten about. The Lore of the Gods was scattered across the world, a page ending up everywhere Tracnar was monitoring, 8 sites were sent the 8 pages of fine text, one appeared in Pericles lap. The poet was in agony, suspended in a much more agitated Aether, it was suffocating him, his most beautiful work he had ever known, and no one would ever know, a single tear he shed for the magnificence of the gods, the pain and suffering they knew, the joy and proudness of the gods. And he died.

A jolt of energy Rocketed through the Tracnars, and the coalessed, but as that happened, something was wrong at his hub. And The vortex of energies that would have been contained shattered the continent, Ripping a gorge through the citadel, country side, and a nearby city. The poor city was split in two, but remained with a channel in it. The continent was divided, but Tracnar was not.

It had almost destroyed him when the disturbance had interfered with the merging, but the dark blood form of Tracnar remained, and the gods of the universe knew that Tracnar, just joined and grew in strength. Two were one.

Tracnar was not satisfied, he still was only 2/3 of what he needed to accomplish what he needed. But he was done for now. He looked within himself and found new memory's, and knowledge. Dealings with nature, and people, he had spent his time in human form while himself had been dealing with gods. It may come in handy, perhaps somehow it could be of use.

Tracnar dissolved into a blood haze of darkness over what once was expansive grasslands, now only a rift that was fast flooding with ocean.


Pericles picked up this new piece of paper on his lap and started to read, his eyes widened and jaw dropped.

The Lore of the Gods
Upon these eight pages are written
The hopes and dreams of The celestial beings, Gods of the universe
All that they know, you know
Use this knowledge wisely, let is serve you well
Learn from it, and grow
Know the pain of the gods, the sacrifices they have made, the enemy they gave it all to protect humanity from.
Try to live up to the hero's this story contains, and do not forget.​

Pericles read a paragraph later on in the text, it spoke of immortal ascension, this could prove useful.

Spoiler OOC read.....For PE :
You are tasked to go out into the world and collect the seven pages lost. 3 on the other continent, four on yours. The reward is great to your victory conditions, if you find all 7 pages lost, You can choose what victory condition you want me to advance for you.

To get the pages:
i have used map notes to mark where the pages are

move a unit onto it for 5 turns to search the country side, then rename the unit, Carrier of Lore of the Gods Page #,#,#,#...ect

you can have as many units as you want going out to find them.

in the end you must have either 1-7 units at your capitol who are named Carrier of Lore of the Gods Page #####... what ever numbers they have and how many units are divided to them

Believe me, the reward will be great for having all knowledge of the gods, much riches, units, and rewards will be given, you will like it.

Extra points if you make the story of the presenting the pages to Pericles really nice and his first reading of it.

I hope that Pericles might just change his mind about how the gods act, and why...perhaps more sympathetic and understanding? =) of corse that is up to you after you recive them

If u dont get the quest just ask for clarifications.


Tracnar withdrew his Aether from the Demon. Ever since Eldarion threw him out of his palace The god of Aether was forced to roam the countryside of the Gate land.

His golden air glowing wispy body dirfted gently and peacefully around. Of course he wouldent kill all the Demons, that would be much to obvious to Eldarion. But Tracnar hated these things, they were doom to come, so he killed one whenever he had the chance. Most Of the demons have come to believe that a murderous man is on the loose. Idiots.

He felt a force, a power growing on the other side of the world, a kindred connection. His other self was still out there, most likely no gods besides Eldarion knows of his existence, they probably only know of the other(The dark one).

Tracnar's golden eyes looked up, and he sighed, he hoped the other was not doing anything too rash, The plan will not work if he goes through with it, If he does, the world could be doomed, and it would be the others(dark one again) fault that the universe fall into darkness forever!

The god of Aether turned around and saw a Demon, he unleashed a bolt of Aetherian energy, it killed the thing instantly, Tracnar smiled. If only there was another god that loved to kill demons.


A ship arrived on the coast of Greece. A Indian stepped out and greeted the locals. "greeting from across the great fog bridge, please tell me who is your leader, i wish to have talks of open borders, and spreading the word of the great faith of hinduism."

Open borders or not Pericles, the Hindu missionary's wish to convert your people!

Spoiler What i did.....i suppose you can look Paulus :

I implemented Forests change, cept the golden age.

On the other continent i divided it in half by coast, leaving a city land bridge and put some rescouces. i destroyed Tracnar's Citadel.

i put some hindu missonarys on the coast of greece, non culture, but encased so they cant go anywhere with out open borders.

Pericles now knows Saladin and Asoka

I put map notes for my lore of the gods quest.

The knowledge of the gods is at your command Pericles, go out and grab it and you shall know what it takes to become a god!
I'm playing the set right now. Expect an update within a few hours.

Interesting tidbit: Did you know that the AI actually cheats at some battles? I lost the Mantis courtesy of an attacking War Elephant... with units in the stack with better odds than the Mantis. Such as... say, a Combat II Spearman.
Several men, fairly dark-skinned and in exotic clothes walked on the steps of Athens. Pericles stared in wonder as the strange men bowed to him and told him of their mission, their country and their emperor Asoka.

"But how did you cross the sea? Does India have a way of crossing the seas?" head scientist Socrates remarked. "Surely you need to have better ships than we currently have!"
"The gods work in mysterious ways." the messenger said. That was enough for Socrates, but it still cemented the desire of Greece to find a way across the oceans.

Pericles silently nodded in agreement with the men. "All right, you have freedom to teach your religion to the Greeks. " The mysterious men nodded and walked out, heading for the marketplaces to preach.

"If anything, Socrates... we need to find a way to cross the ocean to India and Arabia. We need to find out where the epic is. We need to find India."

As such, after the invention of paper Greece turned its scientific pursuits towards seafaring, inventing first the compass, then optics to reliably find the way across the sea. In accord with the research, two brothers designed a ship for the ocean as well... the Greek Caravel.

The only thing the two brothers disagreed on was where to find India. Both of them argued that India was far over the ocean, as the map the Indian missionaries had provided them with clearly showed there was no land connection between the two continents. One of them argued they had to sail west, the other wanted to sail east. Pericles, no matter how much he prayed for divine guidance where India was, did not know the answer either, but was still greatly interested in the mission as some of the poetry was rumoured to be on the other continent.
Both of them eventually set out for India in different directions, hoping to prove the other wrong. With them went exploration parties to find the missing parts of the saga. The parts of the saga on the Greco-Russo-Anglo-Roman-Spanish continent had already been located and explorers had been sent to find them, save for the one in Roman territory. Caesar would still not admit Greek citizens in his lands.
Spoiler :

In the end, it turned out both the brother were right. India was both towards the west and towards the east. As it turned out, the philosophers of old were wrong after all. The world was not flat... it was round. And another civilization was discovered in the process... the Mayans, led by boy-king Pacal II.
Spoiler :

After sending a third ship as well, the three exploration parties had eventually succeeded in obtaining the three pieces of the epic on the other continent: one in the northwest of Arabia, and two on the outskirts of Mayan territory. None of the three civilizations on the other continent caused any trouble for the Greeks: Asoka, Saladin and Pacal were more interested in trading and cooperation than hostility or warfare.
Spoiler :

Unlike Caesar.
A single note to the Greeks sufficed. "Prepare to die. - Caesar"

And as Pericles crumpled the note in anger at Roman insolence, once again Roman troops headed for Greece as the two nations were at war yet again. Pericles wondered whether it still was the 'Game Incident' of more than a thousand years ago, but it did not matter now. It would not be much of a difference anyway: the Romans would never trade anything with Greece, and Rome never posed a threat. Case in point: Caesar still had nothing better than elephants and praetorians. And was once again slaughtered at the border. The war was nothing special, really... save for one incident.

Caesar had sent his elephants to fight a small invasion of Greek troops, headed by Mantis. Elephants are by nature rather frightening... reason why no foot soldier nor mounted warrior wanted to fight them. Not even the spearmen, specialized in taking down mounted troops, would want to face a group of trained elephants. It would take someone without fear to take the elephants down... someone divine.

Out rode the Mantis to meet the attacking elephants in battle, now at the head of armoured knights instead of the odd horsemen he previous commanded. Fearless, he rode the knights into battle no matter how reluctant the horses were to fight elephants. After all, the troops were nigh-invulnable, right?

Until an elephant impaled the Mantis, who in all his glory dismissed the dangers of what he was doing.

The horse bolted and ran away. In what seemed to take an eternity, the Mantis was thrown off his horse and fell to the ground. No matter how much Leonidas yelled at the spearmen who should've fought the elephants, no matter that there were macemen ready to fight as well... the Mantis was gone. And with his death, the troops lost all morale and routed, mercilessly hunted down by Roman elephant riders. For two days straight, Leonidas could utter nothing but profanities at the neglectent troops and every deity that supported the Romans. This was a disaster that should not have happened... a needless death of a gifted warrior.

After the death of the Mantis, the war dragged down to a standstill and reverted to a sitzkrieg. Eventually, peace talks came along again as the Greek generals - by now four in number even with the Mantis dead - waited for a Roman attack that never came and eventually got sick of the war. Rome sensed that mood as well and sent envoys to discuss peace.
The terms, however, placed all blame on the Romans and likely sowed the seeds of a future war. The two 'Mercenary Generals' of Greece - Zhukov and Cromwell, Russian and English warlords-turned-mercenary - were not feeling very generous that day when discussing peace.

"Rome wishes to discuss peace. We suggest a white peace." the envoy said.
"Oh no, we're not falling for THAT again." Cromwell remarked sarcastically. "Last time you got away with heroism. This time, you got really, REALLY lucky. We demand payments to cover Greece's losses during the period and a guarantee your Caesar will never try to pull such a stunt again. Consider yourselves lucky again, pay us and we'll spare you yet again."

Zhukov lowered his voice to a menacing growl. "And remember to tell Caesar... that if he declares war again, we will bury him." With those words the envoy made his way out of Greece as fast as possible and sent for payments to be made.

"Why, Zhukov? Why are we so eager for peace?"
"We do not have the equipment for a protracted siege at the moment. Pericles knows that, Leonidas knows that, and Caesar likely knows as well. He knows he can now try to get away with his insolence again because we can easily keep him at bay, but we lack the power to deal with him once and for all. And a protracted war is always a risk, who knows what other nations might try in the meantime. We'll get back those Romans someday - with the blessing of gods if possible, without if needed. All I can tell you: he will pay."

What the two generals forgot about was the final piece of the epic: it was rumoured to be located right next to Rome. Given the fact the two nations just came out of war, Augustus kept borders with Greece closed. Not that that mattered for obtaining the final piece: a covert team was sent to obtain the piece and succeeded, without Caesar even knowing.
Spoiler :

After a lengthy wait, India discovering freedom of speech, and a on-off war between Russia and England, The Seven Seekers (as Greece knew the legends who sought after the epic) had finally returned.
Spoiler :

Pericles listened in astonishment, as the tale of the gods unfolded. This was what driven Ashus in the position of adversary to some of the other? Once a mortal man who ascended to godhood, seeking revenge of gods sending him on petty errands but caring for humanity nonetheless?

It did not help that he did not know who was the hero in the story either. Ragnar/Ashus, the man who ascended to godhood? Pavlos, the god who restarted creation? Winston, brave warrior god against the beast? If anything, the epic left him with more questions than answers. Divine nature was unfortunately just so difficult to understand. There were a great many more gods as well, who had not revealed themselves to him. Would he... try to follow in the footsteps of Ragnar?

Maybe, yes. But he'd look to the stars rather than obtaining it by the sword.


  • Pericles AD-1400.CivBeyondSwordSave
    415.9 KB · Views: 82
Attached is the save...will post story later

What i Did:

Gave Pericles 7 unique units representing different areas of "Lore"
A few differently promoted units, a GS, a GP(it would be nice if u built the shrine in the islam city), and a GA

And i made some changes to the Gate Island(Tracnar has declared War against the island) If Eldarion is out there it would be nice to hear from him
The God of Terror looked out from his realm, reading the lore as well. It gave him great pause, and he sighed a great sigh. Lancelot... he said. It seems like so long ago that I was not too unlike this Pericles. Immortal, but so very alive.

Tracnar! he boomed, summoning his servant to him. Come to me. I have plans.
Pericles dreamt he was sitting on a silver throne, raised high above the streets of Athens, with all the people of the world assembled below, their heads bowed in peaceful subjugation. He knew that he must speak, but for once he could not figure out what to say. Turning his eyes to the heavens, Pericles let out a groan of anguish. He had answers to so many questions, but one all-important truth was still shrouded.

As he lingered on this thought, dark clouds began to form in the sky, casting a shadow over the city. Then, with a deep growl of thunder, the deluge began, rain pouring down so thick and hard it was like a wall of water all around him. Through the torrent, Pericles could just make out the streets below. And as he watched the people drown in the rising flood, he searched desperately for the words that would bring this to an end...

Who am I?

The voice boomed out across the sky, stopping the rain in an instant. A gigantic face had formed in the clouds, with a wide mouth and bulging eyes. There was no mistaking it - this was the face of a frog.

Who am I?

The voice boomed even louder, and a large tentacle burst forth from the waters below, rushing upwards to encircle Pericles.

Who am I?

Louder still. Another tentacle emerged, and joined the first, holding Pericles still in his throne.

Who am I?

The voice was deafening now. A third tentacle slid around his neck, and began to choke him.

As the life drained from his body, Pericles saw the frog's face up close, and witnessed the malicious glee in its eyes. The last words were spoken much more quietly:

And who are you, Pericles?
As the pages were drawn together at last those who had held them when they were still fresh grew in strength, powerful warriors and thinkers who know the power of the gods and able to use that to their advantage.
This small group and the individuals who lead them began to sympathize with the god's story that they knew, almost fanatically.

Tracnar floated above the island of the demon's, his dark blood red form swirling in anger. Eldarion had closed off the island from his intrusion, possibly all god's intrusion. He would not stand for this, The God of Aether needed to find his last alter self, but it would not be easy, he was almost as powerful as him, Tracnar could feel his strength, grown from the demon's lifeforce, in opposition.

Tracnar extended a wispy limb and wreaked havoc in a rage, raising mountains and surrounding the island in ice to keep his other self within. No longer would Tracnar wait, he would go into the island by force.

"Not now Ashus, i need to do this!"Tracnar thought to himself. Tracnar descended to the island in a streak of black air, and shattered whatever Eldarion was using to keep himself out of the conflicts of the world.

As he approached he felt a burning inside of himself, the Oath he had taken to serve Ashus would not let him just ignore him, Tracnar had to retreat and go to his...master.

Tracnar materialized in Ashus's realm, he was drawn in when he sought for it.

Tracnar looked into the, whatever he calls himself these days, eye's defiantly and said,
"this better be important."
Ashus turned, a burning red blade in his hand. It appears that we have the weapon of our enemy. I need your help, Tracnar - find out how to destroy it.

Lancelot hovered indifferently behind it all, head cocked sideways and staring coldly at tracnar.

We have won an important battle, but there is a strange forboding inside of me. It is a strange uneasiness.
The Roman soldier greeted his commander with a chest-thumping salute, "Ave Praetorian."

"Well met, Centurion. What is your report?", the commander saluted back.

"Our Elephants are stationed in Ravenna, ready to keep watch on the dirty Greek countryside south of Athens. We are ready for your commands."

"Excellent! Our pachyderms have been invaluable in the war against the Greeks. That foul beast of theirs, the Giant Mantis, and its horsemen, were finally defeated thanks to their valiant actions. When I heard tale of its destruction, my heart swelled with Roman pride! Let's climb into our howdahs and go forth." The commander replied assuredly.

The column of elephants rode out from Ravenna, passing small hamlets and cottages on the way. Wherever they were seen, Roman peasants waved to them.

"Company Halt!", the Praetorian bellowed. "We cannot go any further for now," he explained to his centurion, "the stinking Greeks claim that forest to our north."

"Send our advance scouts forward to the outskirts of the forest. Make camp!", the centurion ordered. The company dismounted, unpacked their mounts, built fires, and pitched tents. The advance scouts continued on foot to the northwest, and the rest of the company settled into camp.

Darkness descended on the Roman camp. Watches were set, and the fires were stoked to continue through the night. The elephants rested.

Suddenly, the sounds of a human voice were heard. "Centurion! Help! They are coming!", a straggled advance scout ran into the camp and toward the command tent.

"Soldier, report. What is going on!", the sleepy Centurion replied grumpily.

"Ants! Giant black ants, swarms of them!, the frightened scout replied.

"Soldier, what do we have to fear from ants? Why did you wake me from sleep for this nonsen--", the centurion started his rebuke, then stopped. He remembered the tale of the Giant Mantis warrior and suddenly his composure changed. Perhaps there was more to this report than he realized. "Show me!", he barked to the scout. After the centurion grabbed a torch, they ran out into the camp and to its edge.

"There, from the north!", the scout explained, fear in his voice. Do you hear them?". The centurion cocked his head listening. He heard a sound that was reminiscent of rustling leaves, but much stronger and louder. He held the torch high. Then he saw them! It looked like a giant shiny black thick rug, moving slowly but surely towards them, an uncountable mass of huge insects each almost as large as a man's foot, their black exoskeletons reflecting the torchlight, like a river of black tar.

"Ants! We're under attack! Sound the alarm!", the centurion screamed, and soon the fearful trumpets of elephants could also be heard, dire and shrill. The black mass moved toward camp, and the centurion ran towards the center, yelling commands. Mass panic ensued. The tremendous swarm continued to cover the outskirts of the camp, making its way towards the center. Elephants trumpeted wildly. Men screamed as they became engulfed, fighting to the death, but to no avail. The swarm was unstoppable.

Here's the save:

Spoiler :

I placed seven barbarian army ant swarms (represented by Landsneckts) in Roman territory. The should do well against melee and mounted units, but they are not strong against longbowmen or siege.

All of the Roman elepant units have been removed.

The ivory bonus in Antium has been removed, and the camp and road on the one directly south have been removed. I also removed two cow pastures and roads as well as a banana plantation and its road.



  • Pericles AD-1400.CivBeyondSwordSave
    416.4 KB · Views: 69
Got it.

By the looks of things, you added your changes to Paulus's save rather than Tracnar's one. Given the complexity of your changes, I don't feel comfortable re-doing them myself. So I'm going to work from Tracnar's save, and you'll have to do your changes again once I'm finished. :(
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