I updated the stats accordingly. you start off with 1 upkeep for 1 employee. Also, please PM me the orders. Don't post in the thread. Also, title your PM as "GameNES3: [Company Name] Orders".

Also, if you've written stories and want some bonuses for them, the provide me with links to the stories in the orders as well. Else, I cannot guarentee that all stories will be given considerations.
No the sake of the playability of this NES, no they do not. It's just you guys competing against you guys. Notice I have no NPCs.
No the sake of the playability of this NES, no they do not. It's just you guys competing against you guys. Notice I have no NPCs.

Just checking about a possible exploit, but couldn't we jack up the prices ridicolously high? We have no regional overlap yet, after all.
Just checking about a possible exploit, but couldn't we jack up the prices ridicolously high? We have no regional overlap yet, after all.

Why? There is no point in fiddling with prices for the purpose of this nes. Just play it and make games and compete story wise. I swear you always ask the stupidest question.
Remember that this is a game industry. If you make an entertainment medium super expensive, then people simply won't buy it, and your reputation and customer rating will suffer.

Also, according to the rules, you cannot set prices. I determine the income through quality, reputation, etc.

I thank you for pointing out a potential loophole, and I also encourage others to point them out as well. This is my first time running a NES, afterall. But if you don't tell me, find a loophole and try to use it with malicious intent, and I happen to catch it, then... I DARE YOU. :)

But then again, I want you guys to think outside the box. And by this, I do not mean loophole. What I mean is that you can have lots of indirect ways to raise your income, etc. For example, you can make other things besides games. You can devote your company into making tech products instead of games, etc. Several updates down the road, your company could be making defense softwares for military.

And yes, government exists. lol
Studio Name: Logistics Games
Head of Studio: Zachary Thomas/germanicus12
Income: 10c
Upkeep: 1c
Reputation: 50%
-Region: Houston, Texas
-Avg. Rating: 50%
Employees: 1
-Confidence: 50%
-Skill Level: 5
Technology: None
Games: None

The Founding of the Logistics Games Studios:

Zachary Thomas sighed, he hated his current job as Chief Designer/Programmer of Zeus Transportation, a global company that his grandfather currently runs. It is not that the position pays well, or the fact that he will be promoted to Vice President once his grandfather retires. There is only a limited amount of work for him to do, mainly design new logos or program a new tracking system or website for the company. Headquartered at Houston Texas for its excellent transportation hub and top port facilities, Zachary is tired of working in a transportation heavy industry, constantly he hears the roars of the company trucks as they enter and exit the yard, and the Port of Houston is one of the busiest ports in America, not only that but his grandfather recently acquired the Santa Fe Railroad in a liquidation following the great crash of 08, that his company survived.

The Union Pacific was one of the few larger railroads that also survived the crash and remained mostly intact, though they lost their rail operations to Zeus Transportation in California and most of Oklahoma, Colorado, and Texas. So Zachary could not complain that he was not working enough, as he is in charge of informing the painters in these states of the new logos and brands of colors to paint the cars and locomotives. The Company ships also recently went through an overhaul, new paint jobs, new engines, etc.... But the one thing that has Zachary quitting is his father. The President of the company (grandpa is only the CEO and founder), William Thomas II was a totalitarian when it came to his company. Under his Grandfather, William Thomas the first, the company enjoyed freedom and flexibility when it came to business practices. Grandfathers philosophy was, "As long as it arrives on time and in better shape than it was when it left. I don't care how it gets there."

But Father's philosophy was, "My way or the highway." This may have helped the company survive the crash when so many others crashed and burned. But with the global economy rebounding and moving forward this philosophy has cost him enormously, 15,000 employees have quit in the last 2 months combined to those who quit in the last 50 years. New employees covered the deficit, but losing valuable experienced employees is what is costing the company. Accident rates are up, mechanical failure is climbing... even the new rail acquisitions is running into trouble. With a small fortune and immediate disowning from his father Zachary left the company and formed his own. As to rub it into his father's face, he bought and refurbished a building that used to be his father's offices. The building resides directly across the street from his father.

With a programmer from his former department with him, Zachary set out on his first game, Tycoon: The Rise to Fame.

Type: Building/Stimulation
Development Status: 0/?
Description: A game that focuses on the beginnings of a business empire. The player will be given a small amount of cash to start a business in any field, Transportation, Media, Construction, etc.... The player can choose any region from Western US, Eastern US, Canada, Mexico, England, Russia, China, Japan and most of Europe. The player can take out loans, but this will be limited, and the player must keep his company afloat by accepting or declining contracts, buying equipments, or anything his company needs.

The player can buy a building outright and refurbish it to their liking, or they can build one from the ground up. The latter can be cheaper if you start in a construction background. Other paths may require additional buildings, such as transportation may require a port, fuel mechanic shop etc...
Studio Name: Electronic Parts (E.P.)
Head of Studio: Deon Doors/Deon
Income: 10c
Upkeep: 0c
Reputation: 50%
-Region: St.Petersburg, Russia
-Avg. Rating: 50%
Employees: 1
-Confidence: 50%
-Skill Level: 5
Technology: None
Games: None
Origins of Dreamers Studios

The origins of Dreamers Studios go far back. James Erwin, the current CEO of Dreamers Studios, was born in 1970 into a middle-class family as Hideo Mitsubishi. His father was a war veteran from Korea as part of the UN Inchon landings, and his grandfather had served in World War One and Two as part of the Japanese Army. He had always enjoyed anime and Disney cartoons as a child, and he eventually went to the Toyohashi University of Technology.

There, he met the other three co-founders. Shiramoto Hideki and Fumiko Hideki were siblings, both born in 1968. Katsu Nakamura, a male, was born in 1969. All four were interested in electronics and animation. Eventually, they all had graduated. Shiramoto and Fumiko stayed in Japan, working as animators for children's cartoons, while Katsu emigrated to Europe to study history and put his skills to use as a documentary compiler. Hideo moved to America and worked at Disney, changing his name to James Erwin.

Eventually, Erwin had hit upon the idea that animation could be interactive, after trying to find a way to immerse the audience into his cartoons. He sent emails to the other three students he had worked with, and told them about his idea. However, he would need funding and such for his idea to work. Thus, the other three responded with enough funding to start the company. The four eventually moved back to Japan and set up their offices in Kyoto, near the Hideki household. Currently, the Hideki siblings are programmers, James Erwin is the artist, and Katsu Nakawari is the designer.

The first idea for a game was to be a historical game simulator, proposed by Katsu as he was the main historian.

Name: Battles of the Western Front
Type: Real-Time Strategy Game
Development Status: 0/?
Description: An RTS on the World War One Battles of the Western Front, particularly trench warfare and famous battles. The game will have a 'Skirmish' mode, and a 'Scenario' mode. Players do not 'build' units, but draw on reserves that the 'national government' will give to them. Using these reserves, they will call out reinforcements that will appear in their base or other such appropriate place.

The terrain is to be destructible, with land craters and buildings being destroyed, as well as cover. The graphics are to resemble a WW1 Company of Heroes. Sound is to be mostly authentic. There will not be a multiplayer mode as of yet, but it may be included in new expansions released.

Overall, basically a WW1 Company of Heroes, but with an ordering system like World in Conflict. Also, control points will not be included. The goals will be given to players, such as capture the town center, hold ground, minimalize casualties, inflict X casualties, etc.
This looks really fun. I'd like to join.

Studio Name: Circuit Software
Head of Studio: Jon Freeman / Crezth
Income: 10c
Upkeep: 1c
Reputation: 50%
-Region: Seattle, Washington
-Avg. Rating: 50%
Employees: 1
-Confidence: 50%
-Skill Level: 5
Technology: None
Games: None

Story to come soondays!
Name: Faithful
Type: First Person Shooter
Development Status: 0/?
Description: A strategic first person shooter set in modern Sahara. Based around a missionary effort to the region to bring aid and supplies to nomadic groups who have in recent years seen hardening times. The problems of the nomadic tribes comes from unknown creatures that dwell within the sands and mountains. Terrible beasts that crave human flesh and have no fear of man.

You take the role of a volunteer from the missionary group, a highly religious man, a catholic. He is spending his time after college on this journey of faith hoping to help a few people along the way. His group comes to meet with nomads, driving in single file in a convoy of small vehicles and water trucks, they never make their meeting.

You fight with any weapon you can find, from rocks to sticks to guns. You must escape the desert and survive this horrible incident and warn others of these beasts. But they do not think, they only feed, they watch at all times. Can you make it to safety, will your faith bring you through this? or will you fall like the rest?
Article from Electronic Gaming Monthly featuring an interview with Jon Freeman, founder and CEO of Circuit Software, a small company based out of Seattle, Washington

Out of Seattle came yet another contender in the booming industry of video gaming, Circuit Software is headed by the physicist and software programmer Jon Freeman, a 27-year old with nothing but a pocketful of dreams - and money. We sat down with Jon Freeman in his Seattle Office.

EGM: Thanks very much for meeting with us, Mr. Freeman.

FREEMAN: Oh, no, haha, the pleasure's all mine - I mean, you know - you know what they say about publicity, right? It's - they say it's good.

EGM: That is true. Have you done many interviews yet?

FREEMAN: I, uh, believe it or not but this - this is my first. I am, I'm new to this big business stuff. I mean, I spent - I did spend the last few years working in a lab or typing things - typing on a computer. It's a new experience for me.

EGM: Interesting. What made you start up this company? Where did you get the funds?

FREEMAN: Well, I, I founded - I started up Circuit Software when I - because I wanted to use my savings to spread my vision of gaming. I mean, I have this great idea - well, I think it's a great idea - for video games, to help with the, uh, to increase realism and on the whole make for a streamlined and efficient, uh, cross-platform - I mean - cross-situational engine.

EGM: How did you get the money to start up Circuit Software? It says here you pursued a doctorate in mechanical physics. What happened to that?

FREEMAN: I, well, - I did, as you know, try for a doctorate in physics - mechanical physics. But I eventually dropped it when video games came on the scene and I began to devote a portion of my time to learning - learning how to program, programming. So I did that in part, and I got a job at M.I.T. where I was going to get my doctorate, and - I do have a master's degree and, well, I was going to be a professor but I went and got the loan for this instead.

EGM: Why would a bank give you a loan to start up a gaming company? It doesn't seem as though there's much potential revenue on the face of it.

FREEMAN: Well, I - no, you're right, you are right, a bank would have to be mad to lend to a 27-year old graduate student drop-out, but I presented my idea and they determined it to be viable so, well, this is my start-up.

EGM: Ah, yes, the moment of truth. What is your idea?

FREEMAN: Hm, I, I suppose I can tell you, I already have it patented, I won't give you all of the delicate - the delicate details but I can give you the gist of it. It's - what I'm making is a physics simulation engine, an - it's a shell of sorts, kind of, which can wrap around different, uh, gaming basics and it will simulate physics as well as realistically process that interaction. I - well, I think it's groundbreaking and ultimately it should make for really, just, really realistic games and really engaging on its face.

EGM: So how is that going to turn out in terms of gaming and Circuit Software, in the big picture?

FREEMAN: Well, this engine - I call it Spark - will, it will be easy to program and engage from a novice programmer's point of view so it should be easy to use while being an effective simulation, so I will - I'll probably be, for example, contracting it out and doing the interfacing for other company's and their projects and that - it won't be the major profit goal but it will help me pay off my loan and push the company ahead. Plus, future games from Circuit Software will use the Spark engine and that should help the quality and, on the whole, in - in the big picture, we will put out technologically innovative and visually appealing video games for the market out there.

EGM: Well, we're out of time. Thank you very much for talking with us Mr. Freeman, and best of luck on your project!

FREEMAN: Oh, the pleasure's all mine!
(NOTE: Still editing the post)

I'm going to start things off with an opening gambit...

Name: Charles V
Type: Historical Simulation
Development Status:
A historical game, with a professional historian specialist in the area hired for it.

The player begins at the asencion of Charles V to the Duchy of Burgundy in 1506, using the time of his aunt Magaret's regency as a tutorial. This period ends

Because of it's narrow focus, the game should be able to achieve a much higher degree of historical accuracy. Developing seperate AI for individual characters of significance (e.g- Francis I, Charles V's great nemesis) will allow the game to simulate their personalties in response to the player's actions.

The game engine will not be based around a generalised form, but specifically around the nature of Charles V's governance (our historian should be able to tell us about that). Specific game engines will be developed for events surrounding becoming Holy Roman Emperor, Charle's relationships with his family, interactions with foriegn powers (primarily based around the individuals), partitioning the Hapsburg territories (if the player chooses to- he doesn't have to), and the issue of Protestantism.

Name: Soldier
Type: Battlefield Game
Development Status:
The player is a Soldier in World War II, moving through a series of battles in a storyline based on the War (he can fight for the Allies or Axis, and goes through every major battle).

In battle, the player can select a soldier of any Type, Squad, or Location- or search for soldiers. By default, he will be given ones close to but not yet at the action (allowing him to adjust and rush in). If he gets killed, he can simply take another soldier by the same means.

He can be in a squad, or follow the (presumably more popular) option of Slip Through the Cracks, allowing him not to be in any squad (using the unrealistic plot device of a bureaucratic error). While he will be in a "realistic" battle (rather then consulting professionals, the developer will do research, presumably on the Internet but not necessarily, and ask people on online forums- though the game will be announced, and he will take any free advice he can get from the most reliaible sources he can get), the player can leave a character who gets wounded beyond a certain point (though he can also keep going).

During battle, the player will be aware of what is going on. (If he presses Esc, rather then a menu a screen comes up with a menu on the right hand side and a map of the battle, with markers indicating various things) His character is only one man, but he tries to be in the right place at the right time to give his side victory.

After the results of a battle, the player gets two screens. One explains the historical context, and one the battle to come (both are skippable). The game diverges amongst many possible paths, going up to the end of 1945, depending on the results of battles. However, a minimalistic approach is used- after an Allied victory in Norway, the Germans will still invade France, for example.

Name: You
Type: Freeform RPG
Development Status:
The player begins as an adult with $50,000 inserted into the world of 2010 (or as close an approximation as can be gotten). The player can play seriously, or have fun getting away with socially unacceptable behavior (criminal or otherwise) and insulting famous individuals. About an equal amount is put into each path- realistic consequences of actions, or simulations of the looks on other people's faces.

Most of the world is assumed for efficency purposes to stay static, but whenever the player moves in things are "played" more realistically. Wherever the player lives things are better simulated (and the people he meets begin to live active lives extrapolating form the randomly-generated details).

Maps are based on Google Earth, with well-known personages placed in historically accurate locations. Other figures are filled up randomly.

Name: Badass
Type: First Person Shooter
Development Status:
The game will be a traditional First Person Shooter. The player will fight through the levels defeating the enemies (although some will reverse the model by having the player defend an area where they know the terrain against waves of enemies- to defeat them, or for a set time).

One of the major features will be a mode called "Badass", where the enemy attacks in waves. Using sheer numbers of enemies, sheer lack of weapons, and sheer skill of enemies, the programmers will deliberately make this level so difficult that the best shooter players in the world (they'll be invited) can't beat it. The question to the player is "Are you Badass enough to beat it?"

There will also be a storyline, where the player investigates an ancient conspiracy to subvert the U.S constitution and the vision of the Founding Fathers. (The vision of the Founding Fathers as portrayed in the story fits the Jeffersonian theory of government) While not going so far as to embrace the Confederates, the game is intended to be controversial enough to gain sales that way.

Name: World of Kingdoms
Type: Storyline RPG (Fantasy)/Tactics Game
Development Status:
A turn-based RPG, where the player controls a series of characters. Each one has various abilities which interact in complex ways to bring victory over the enemy, justified by a mix of natural abilities and the game's Magic System. The idea is to use this method to break out of RPG cliches.

The storyline is set in a world based on turning a world originally based on the Europe of the Great Powers into Fantasy nations and altering the resulting traits as plot-convenient, thus giving a geopolitical world in an unknown location. Each group's equivilant is given an ideology, and as the world's root isn't known it seems like an ultra-complicated world.

Traditionally, the world's only major democratic power has been Marodan- but over time it has gotten weaker and weaker. Governments, have made worse and worse decisions, to the point where the nation is falling apart. Their traditional ally, Ganerus (based on Lorraine), has been betrayed and taken over by the Empire of the West.

Throughout the game, the players are a band trying to liberate Ganerus for democracy. One of the subplots in this endevour (intervening in Madoran politics), ends up in a moral dilemna between two choices. Should the well-intentioned, but incompetent government (and democratically elected) of Marodan be overthrown to prevent it's fall to the Empire? (They are cutting defence massively in order to provide aid to the masses of refugees coming from the collapse of Egrathor to their east, thus making the conquest, despite their insistence it won't happen, inevitable) Throughout the storyline, it will be shown by exposistion that it's decisions are bad, and the country is becoming more and more vulrnable.
Yes, another GameNES! I am so in.

Studio Name: Windfall Studios
Head of Studio: Fredrick Liveris/Frozen In Ice
Income: 10c
Upkeep: 1c
Reputation: 50%
-Region: Tokyo, Japan
-Avg. Rating: 50%
Employees: 1
-Confidence: 50%
-Skill Level: 5
Technology: None
Games: None
@Neverwonagame3: You can simultaneously work on (start) only the number of games equal to the number of the employees. You have 1 employee, so you can only start on one. The rest, I will note them but won't give you the actual investment/time until you have someone working on it.

Name: Charles V
Type: Historical Simulation
Development Status: (0/2|0/4|1/1)
A historical game, with a professional historian specialist in the area hired for it.


Name: Faithful
Type: First Person Shooter
Development Status: (0/3|0/4|1/1)
Description: A strategic first person shooter set in modern Sahara. Based around a missionary effort to the region to bring aid and supplies to nomadic groups who have in recent years seen hardening times. The problems of the nomadic tribes comes from unknown creatures that dwell within the sands and mountains. Terrible beasts that crave human flesh and have no fear of man.


Name: Battles of the Western Front
Type: Real-Time Strategy Game
Development Status: (0/4|0/4|1/1)
Description: An RTS on the World War One Battles of the Western Front, particularly trench warfare and famous battles. The game will have a 'Skirmish' mode, and a 'Scenario' mode. Players do not 'build' units, but draw on reserves that the 'national government' will give to them. Using these reserves, they will call out reinforcements that will appear in their base or other such appropriate place.


Name: Tycoon: The Rise to Fame.
Type: Simulation/Strategy
Development Status: (0/3|0/4|1/1)
Description: A game that focuses on the beginnings of a business empire. The player will be given a small amount of cash to start a business in any field, Transportation, Media, Construction, etc.... The player can choose any region from Western US, Eastern US, Canada, Mexico, England, Russia, China, Japan and most of Europe. The player can take out loans, but this will be limited, and the player must keep his company afloat by accepting or declining contracts, buying equipments, or anything his company needs.

@All: Remember, when sending orders, to include project/game stats as well.
I intend to hire more employees this turn, in order to work on all of them at once.
Well... are you sure?

Assuming, that you are: then I'll need to see your spendings before giving you game/project stats.
Name: Fall of the Animals
Type: First Person Shooter
Development Status:
Humanity was overthrown by animals in 2012. Now, you are one of few left. Take an advanced, rechargeable laser gun and take back the planet! Players will go through 15 levels, filled with action packed adventure, and animals attacking you. You will have 3 other teammates, all computerized unless you have friends to play next to you.
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