Dominion NES


Dec 22, 2005
Note: Players will be receiving detailed stats by e-mail.
Thanks for sending orders early everyone. Next orders expected for next Saturday.

The invasion of Lanka

Marignon soldiers patrolling in Man don't see any sign of troglodyte activity.

In Mictlan, atlantean priests have captured many people and thrown them in jails under the high temple of Mictlan. the relatives are distraught but have been told this was necessary for the greater good of Mictlan and the holy Mantis, therefore this enslavement has been accepted by the population, already accustomed to slavery.

Arshnoc authorities offered a wedding gift to the Baikal faerie ad her husband, and rewarded the miner who found the cave drakes egges.
Citizens praise lord Stheran for his generosity.
In Seul, water from poisoned springs have been sold by a charlatan pretending the water could heal. In small doses, this elixir seemed to have beneficial effects on a few persons. But as some people bought his bottles and drank more of this water, many fell ill and died.
The charlatan fled after hoarding a nice amount of money.
In Caelum, a hen was found to lay gold eggs, and was offered to the church by a devout inhabitant. The animal laid gold eggs every day until a fox seized it and killed it. The animal was hunted down, and the hunters split the fox's belly looking for gold, but they found nothing, much to their disappointment.
In Man Ch'i, a huge boar has started ravaging the land. Peasants are afraid, their crops destroyed, and they ask their rulers to send them troops or hunting parties to take care of the monstrous beast.
In Arshnoc, an old man without children gives his old family talisman to the state before dying. It is rumoured to give the agility of a cat and help avoid blows in battles.

In Slavia, all observers say that Ermor is running low on money, but the Emperor seems to be able to produce money out of thin air, or maybe out of mana.
How long he can keep his retinue of wizard priests and pay his troops with these magic tricks remains to be seen.
Anyhow, he made a pilgrimage to the Mound of ancient kings, a forlorn place in central Slavia, where he convinced kings dead a long time ago to join his armies.

A few vanir wizards from Helheim ask lord Thordai to accept them as his new priests. They realise the wrong of their past ways and want to help Thordai with the magicks they learnt with the Hangadrotts, and want to serve the new lord of Vanheim.

In C'tis, abysian priests erected a temple on the ruins of Sslaah's old castle. During the works, they found a cache of magic gems that must have belonged to the false god.
In Nubia, bandits caused trouble in the province, plundering and killing. These bandits are a mix of lizardmen and humans who claim Nubia should be independant. They are not organised and far too weak to overthrow the local Abysian garrison, but they managed to steal and plunder a lot.

In Polgard, humans complain against the unjust rule of the Jotnar. They say that the weather is becoming colder since Magni's people invaded them, and they don't have enough crops to feed all their children, and they fear famine.
The giant governor decides to make an example and kills all the dissenters. Many inhabitants flee Polgard, afraid of their new masters, and leave for Colchis.
Meanwhile, Jotun giants led by their lord Magni invade the country of Utgard, inhabited by giants and men.
Spoiler :

Several Ulm inhabitants near the coast of sunken lands are moving away from the sea. They say their children are having too many nightmares and this place is cursed.

A field of ancient statues has been discovered in a forlorn valley in Arcoscephale. The many statues are in the shapes of both animals and men, and all are extraordinarily realistic.
Further studies reveal these statues were living beings turned into stone by an ancient power, including several fighters petrified with their weapons and armors.
In Pangaea, Celes ordered dogs to be trained to seek the maenads still hiding in the woods. Hunting parties sent into the woods found a few wild women, slaughtering all they could find.
Also, in order to prevent them from joining the maenads, women were prevented from going into the forest, which was a real problem as most of the population lives off the forest.
The result has been massive upheavals from the population against Pythium forces, as their wives and sisters were slaughtered in the woods or imprisoned in the cities, upheaval which had to be quelled by troops. Only the presence of many patrols in the east of the province prevented a massive exodus to Arshnoc.
Many women and in fact many men were sent to jails that had to be built for that purpose, and so many people had to be put in jail that in some villages there would have been no free woman left. The situation is exremely unstable as a result.

The monkeys of Lanka built a big fortress complex in Ashdod, with small forts near the borders and on the coast and a bigger fortress in the middle of the province.
In Lanka island, the goddess Hanman has performed miracles, healing monkeys and rakshasas, restoring youth and curing diseases. She used her powers to heal old rakshasa and monkey veterans and made them fit to fight again.
In Gath, a few heretic giants called the Abba had long been tending to the wounds and diseases of the human population. An oddity among generally bloodthirsty giants, the Abba have also started tending to the monkeys' illnesses.
Local authorities decided to allow them to continue their healing trade, despite their heretic claims that only the Pantocrator whould be worshipped, but Lanka priests may demand something in exchange for this freedom of theirs.
In Patala, a wave of patriotism leads small monkeys known as Markatas to take arms in order to defend their land from outside invasion.

The invasion of Lanka:
A big fleet, made of Shinuyama and Arshnoc triremes, sails southwards towards Lanka. They are soon met by the navy of Lanka, which is outnumbered two to one.
The monkeys immediately realise that this is an invasion fleet, and their sailors try to stop the opponents before they reach their island.
The triremes first try to ram each other. The initial shock sinks Arshnoc nobles' triremes and most of Lanka navy. Afterwards, vastly outnumbered, the monkeys fall to the allied navies. The rakshasa commander, seeing his fleet doomed, orders to scuttle his last ships in order to prevent the opponents from seizing them.

The battle was short and one-sided, but the lost of some Arshnoc ships ment that many soldiers who were onboard sunk and died. In particular, the whole noble chariot regiment was aboard vessels that got rammed and they all died before ever reaching the island.
Many Arshnoc footmen also drowned in the battle, but the army managed to land after sustaining minimal damage.

Arriving on the island, the troops and wizards try to burn down a vast area of jungle to clear a landing area.
The fire is put despite the moisture of the wood, and Arshnoc wizards manage to contain it and clear just the area they want.
The army lands there and starts building a fortified camp. The soldiers grumble and complain a lot for working in the middle of soot, with dark stinking dust flying around at every step on the newly cleared land, as they still have to get rid of burnt but still standing tree trunks and breath soot during the work.
Meantime, Lanka prepares for invasion. Monkey lookouts are sent, and an extraordinary proportion of these are caught by the allied forces, but some manage to reach the capital and report the situation to their officers.
At first, Lanka doesn't seem to react. The huge army that landed finishes fortifying and cleaning the area. In the camp, bakemonos and humans of different nationalities try to live together peacefully, waiting in the sultry camp for orders to move.
After a while, some monkeys (small markata and chimp-like archers) move towards the camp stealthily in the jungle. Despite all their stealth, they are spotted by Arshnoc armies, who realise these can't be the main forces. Indeed, Lanka main forces regroup near the capital city, where they wait for their scouts and markatas to bring back information.
Markata and chimps try to harrass the allied troops, shooting arrows at their foragers. Allied wizards retaliate by starting fires in the jungle, trying to burn the monkeys'camps. However, as they did that, unnaturally strong winds blew, and the smoke and flames were fanned towards the allied camp. Arshnoc wizards had to quickly stop their spells and caused rain in order to stop the backfire.
As a result, many markata died burnt, but the allied armies breathed a lot of smoke. They were in a camp in the middle of burnt forest, and it became increasingly difficult to find food for the army.
Despite the presence of some guerilleros in the jungle, Stheran and Shizen, who had both decided to lead their armies themselves, realised that they had to move before they ran out of supplies. Already, the quarrels between soldiers were numerous, and they lacked fresh food.
Therefore, they started towards Lanka capital, hoping to get rid of the guerilleros as they moved forward. The army was so big that it couldn't easily move in a single column, nor could they avoid all ambushes, but they still managed to progress without suffering too much from the monkey partisans.

One morning, several leaders were found missing. Two were dead: the corpses of an Arshnoc celestial master and a bakemono priest were discovered in their tents, bearing wounds looking like they had been attacked by a tiger. Another Arshnoc wizard priest went missing.
Further investigation revealed that these men had been visited by a marvelous woman during the night, and one of them had fled with her, and she killed the other two. Despite the death of an Arshnoc mage, dissent rose between Arshnoc and Shinuyama troops and leaders. Shizen and Stheran had to be extremely strict to avoid their armies turning on each other.
In fact, the missing mage had been seduced and abducted by a rakshasi, one of those demon wizard-priestesses of Lanka, who are able to change shape and could fool all of Arshnoc and Shinuyama defenses.
The missing mage had been seduced by a rakshasi, a beautiful Lanka sorceress able to change shape and a mistress of illusion. He told her all he knew about Stheran and Shizen's plans, and how they were able to foil the guerilla tactics of Lanka thanks to a wizard doing some kind of rituals in the far-away province of Seul.
Lanka officials appraised the situation and decided to send word immediately to their colonies on the south continent, and all other nations, so they would know what was happening.

Lanka armies finally marched towards the allied invasion forces, knowing their harassment tactics couldn't work very well, and they decided to fight the opponent in the forest rather than inside their city.

The allied armies spotted the battleground chosen by Lanka and prepared for battle. They sent wizards to burn the area, clearing the forest so their cavalry would have clear ground to fight in.
Unfortunately, Lanka knew of that plan, and had chosen this spot precisely because it was easy to guide winds in this pass. As Shinuyama wizards burnt the forest, a raksharaja caused the winds to blow towards the allied army, and flames started going back towards them. Only Shizen's intervention managed to calm down the winds, letting Arshnoc wizards call upon rain to quench the fires.
Once again, this burning jungle affair resulted in lots of soot in the eyes of the allied soldiers, and many trunks remained on the field.
Arshnoc cavalry decided it was too difficult a terrain to fight in, and decided to stay with their archers, while Shinuyama mounted samurais refused to act in such a cowardly manner.
Finally, the armies met, under the rain which had been evoked to control the fires.
Shinuyama and Arshnoc had twice the numbers of Lanka, but Lanka had managed to pick the location of the fight, and knew the enemy's battle plan.

Spoiler :

Allied armies set Shinuyama troops in front with archers and wizards in the back protected by Arshnoc infantry while Lanka occupies a wide line with archers on the sides and wizards scattered in the back, with Hanman surrounded by a retinue of serpents.

Lanka troops started blessing their biggest warriors, both apes and rakhasas, and cast sleep spells at the bakemono frontline, and shot the first volleys of arrows.
One of these arrows was lucky and hit Stheran in the neck, killing him immediately. Many other Arshnoc wizards were turned into pincushions before they had time to cast spells to protect themselves from the missiles.

Spoiler :

Troops closed, Lanka casting sleep spells and Shinuyama wizards casting slime, cold and fire spells at the monkeys and rakshasas.

Sleep clouds, balls of slime and fire darts litter the front line, while Hanman raises skeletons to help her outnumbered infantry.

Lanka's center is broken and flees, with only a few skeletons behind to take their place. The wings are also outnumbered, and allied cavalry and celestial hounds join the fight as Arshnoc infantry decides to avenge the fall of their god.

Lanka wizards cast poisonous spells at their oponents.

Lanka front line has disintegrated. Only a few skeletons remain, and Lanka's right wing archers flee.

Shinuyama sohei face Lanka wizards while dai kabutsu and Arshnoc infantry still face skeletons and archers.

Hanman flees the battlefield before it's too late.

Allied Arshnoc and Shinuyama troops beat Lanka armies.
After the battle, the few remainging Lanka troops sacrificed themselves to buy their goddess time. She managed to get off the island on a small fihserman boat along with the rakshasi and a few wizards, but her army in Lanka has been annihilated.
The allied troops had suffered many losses, not the least the death of Stheran, but they now had complete control over Lanka island.
Now Arshnoc priests talk about praying in order to call back Stheran from the death, as a god like him cannot be forever dead. Others say that they should call back his two brothers so they can take over his rulership while the priests do their duty.

New map:
Spoiler :


Reynardine the Great
Jul 31, 2007

Well, that could have gone better, but could have gone a lot worse. Sucks that Stheran's body's dead.


Jan 22, 2003
LOVE the pic-art... especially the woman dog and spearmen in "maenad hunting"


Not An Evil Liar
Jan 20, 2009
Not Lying through my teeth
Dang it! That one province is going to be a real problem :mad:

Time to change tactics


Not An Evil Liar
Jan 20, 2009
Not Lying through my teeth
LOVE the pic-art... especially the woman dog and spearmen in "maenad hunting"

On the Plus sides, there are no more dissenters in Pangaea. On the Flipside, I lost all my income from it in this turn :mad: AND a massive stability hit there.


Jan 22, 2003
Is the Jutenheim player active? Should I send diplo to Vert or to the moderator?

Kyzarc Fotjage

Rise Up
Apr 16, 2009
Western Washington
Ow... Stupid monkeys...


Jan 22, 2003
Tellajio had a lot of time to think now. Not having his own body meant he wasn’t tied to the weaknesses of bodies anymore; he needn’t eat and he needn’t sleep. And so he thought a lot and remembered. But now he had someone to share those thoughts, those memories with; he had a god to share them with.

His soul had been trapped in the blood that flowed from his body when the Atlanean priest had sacrificed his beating heart and when his soul’s blood had been absorbed by the body of the Obsidian Mantis, his soul, his consciousness, his mind had been absorbed by the god too. This wasn’t such a bad thing though, especially when that god was the women you loved, the woman you thought you were never going to see again, the woman you thought was dead.

And so, Tellajio and the so-called ‘Obsidian Mantis’ had spent the first months after the awakening sharing their memories… the secret meetings between the scribe-slave and the noble’s daughter… the shared laughter, smiles, kisses… the moment they learned she would have their child… the flight into the wilderness… being hunted by the priests… her family’s desperate and bloody searches… and assistance from an unexpected source.

They had revisited the hills, the caves in the great swamp where they had met ‘the councillor’. The two minds in one godly body had slipped into the steaming springs warmed by volcanic fires, trailed razor-sharp insectoid claws of glistening black stone along the sandy shores that had once supported their enthusiastic plans for parenthood. It was a cherished reminiscence, a moment when they had only their future to look forward to. Those moments of youth had been so long ago… almost an entire century.

They had been surprised by the giant creature whom they had come to call the councillor’s sudden and completely silent appearance. One moment Tellajio had been feeling his wife’s round and ripening belly, waiting for his son to kick at his pressing hand and the next he had looked up to see two wide set eyes, each at least 2 feet wide, vertical slits of black set in gold. The creature’s skin had been strange, stone-like, shining like the night-time sea. Now that he inhabited the body of a god who’s very body was made of the volcanic stone, he now knew what the creature’s body had been formed from. At the time he had been amazed by the shining reflections of the stars above sparking on the creature’s skin. He was more amazed when he heard the creature’s voice, deep and resonant but crackling and raspy too. That voice, the secrets it had shared had changed their lives forever… had chosen them for immortality and his wife for godhood.

Now, nearly one-hundred years later, that volcanic pool, those steaming spring in the jungle would be transformed. The god of the Mictlan people, the Obsidian Mantis whose body he was now trapped in, the woman he loved, had decided to pay homage to the ‘councillor’ who had helped them through their most fragile moments. The ‘councillor’s help would now be repaid. The Mictlan priests were already raising their monument to the creature’s wisdom and blessings.

The monument would be called, “The Relics of the Jungle Councillor”.

Kyzarc Fotjage

Rise Up
Apr 16, 2009
Western Washington
Invasion and Aftermath
Spoiler :

44 AF
Jan, Mage of the Blackened Star, was getting annoyed and the constant waves breaking over the bow of his ship weren’t helping. A month before he had been sleeping peacefully until being rudely awoken by an aide in the middle of the night. The aide had stayed despite repeated orders to leave and told him that Lord Stheran had ordered him to the courtyard and no, he didn’t know why. Jan groggily wandered to the courtyard where he met the entire Council of Mages, all in night gowns, and Lord Stheran. Lord Stheran gave orders for all of them to immediately gather what they need and get ready to leave. When asked he didn’t give any answer. They left ten minutes later, flying southwest.
Upon arrival in Tien Ch’i they saw a massive army assembled, tens of thousands of men, and hundreds of ships. Jan felt a shock run through him, this was obviously an invasion fleet but where to? Pythium was far too dangerous and no rumors of war have come by so that rules them out. Lanka is a bloody island with far too many infantry backed with mages to be worth it. Where else; Cyprus, Abysia, Mictlan? He spoke up to Stheran as they flew closer “Milord, why is this army here? It’s obviously for some invasion but to where?” Stheran was silent for several minutes before answering “Lanka” he said quietly. Jan flew in a shocked silence for several seconds, “Lanka? Sir, you’ve read the spy reports just as closely as I have. The best odds we’d get on an invasion is 50-50, it’s too risky! And if we lose then we are wide open to retaliation or invasion from elsewhere.” he sputtered. Stheran calmly ignored him and flew down to the ships.
From then on Jan was far too busy with organizing the supply lines to track down Stheran for further questions. Once the fleet got under way Stheran locked himself in his room with several of the new Eyebooks, not allowing any visitors. They have been sailing for over a week now and Stheran hadn’t left his quarters for any reason. Jan sighed as another wave broke over the bow, spray soaking him. He turned to return to his quarters and saw him standing on the deck, his body eerily still as the boat rocked back and forth.
The clouds overhead broke and the fog began to lift as Stheran looked out to the northeast. Jan felt his eyes drawn that way when a lookout from the crows nest called out “Ship ahoy!” at the top of his lungs. Stheran smiled and said to Jan “Good, they’ve arrived.” Jan stared as dozens of triremes burst from the mist, they were of a construction far different from Arshnoc’s and they most closely resembled… Shinuyama boats? What would they be doing out here? He turned to Stheran as realization dawned. Stheran continued to smile and returned to his cabin. Jan grabbed a passing aide and ordered him to spread the word; we won’t be alone, the Shinuyama are coming.

Two weeks later:
Jan yelled out over the battlefield to the remaining mages, “They’re retreating! The monkeys are retreating!” and he heard cheering from the ragged soldiers. He started to heal the many wounds from the monkey’s arrows among the wizards and archers. As he went from person to person he realized he hadn’t seen Stheran since the start of the battle and that is when he saw his body lying on the ground. A cry of horror left his throat and he sprinted to Stheran’s prone corpse. The body was strangely warm, almost alive, the only sign that he had died rather than sleeping was the arrow through his throat. Five books lay on the ground next to his body, the new eyebooks that were the sole links of communication back to Arshnoc proper. He knew what four of them were for, communication between Stheran and various pretenders around the world along with one linking back to Seul, but the fifth was a mystery to him. Its cover was ornate and it looked far better constructed than the other four. Several soldiers came up and carried away Stheran’s corpse with looks of sorrow on their faces. Jan grabbed all five books and opened the book that linked back to Seul. He wrote quickly, tears falling and mixing with the ink, ‘Lanka conquered, monkeys dead, Stheran dead, army badly injured, returning immediately, world knows, protect yourself’. He opened the fifth book and a page fell out. He quickly scanned it, it read as followed;
“To whomever reads this, if you are not a priest of Arshnoc then you will suffer a horrible death unless you send this to the priesthood immediately. If this is being read then that means I have fallen, whether in battle or to an assassin doesn’t matter. The control of Arshnoc is to be passed on to the next highest member of the church, currently Qui Jan, and that person is to follow the instructions that follow. Under no circumstances is Kyzarc to be recalled until his mission is over.
Lord Stheran, deceased”
Afterwards there were complex rituals and chants that filled several pages, they were for resurrecting the Pantocrator but Jan could see where small adaptations would make it work for any pretender.
Jan stood up and began yelling, forcing the soldiers to get ready to leave. They were going home.

Another week later:
Jan looked through the ornate book; he had studied the instructions dozens of time and wrote a copy of them to the Seul mage. The book was completely blank, no instructions or clues anywhere in it, no sign of who had the other end. He carefully pulled out a quill and inked it, he just had to know who had the other end. He wrote ‘hello’ on the first page. An hour later he was about to give up when words appeared below where he had written.
He wrote back ‘who is this?’
‘Kyzarc, now who the hell is using my brother’s book? If you don’t have his permission I very much doubt you’ll live to regret it’
‘My name is Qui Jan, one of Stheran’s mages. I have some bad news for you, your brother is dead.’
For several minutes there was nothing until ‘you think I don’t know that? He died a week ago. You have the instructions for what to do?’
Jan wasn’t surprised, of course the brother of god would know ‘yes. It was in the first page of the book’
‘good. Now don’t write unless something important is happening’
Jan looked in mild shock at the abrupt ending of the conversation, surely Stheran being dead was important, but put away the book and started pouring through the resurrection notes again.

Kyzarc brushed a tear from his eye and closed the book. The search must go on.

Kyzarc Fotjage

Rise Up
Apr 16, 2009
Western Washington
Kyzarc’s Travels: Reunited
Spoiler :

??? AF, the Isle of Eiru.
“Is this a good idea Kyzarc?” Aara asked Kyzarc as they stood outside a door, behind which was the object of their long journey; Kathnesjac. Kyzarc turned to her and flashed a devil-may-care grin, “No” and he burst through the door, flaming rope-dart at ready.

3 days earlier:
“Aara, this is it, we’ve finally got him! He’s here and he can’t escape us again!” Kyzarc said excitedly over breakfast, Aara privately had reservations about this, considering the number of times he’d eluded them in the past, but didn’t voice them.
They had left Mictlan and Abysia over a year ago after finding no sign of Kathnesjac there. They returned to the mainland and went to Man, finding that Kath had spent over 7 years in there and Marignon searching for something. They spent several months searching for signs of where he had gone and ended up talking to a shipping clerk, who mentioned that Kath had left over two months earlier on the Fey Spirit. After more questioning they learned that the ship was in harbor and was departing in half an hour. They got to the Fey Spirit quickly and bought a place onboard, on the way over the captain was surprised that normally contrary winds were blowing them straight there. After a mere week the ship arrived into Donegal, one of the lesser ports of Eiru, a journey that normally took a month at the least. They asked around and immediately were told Kath’s location, a large inland town called Tol Frinar. It seemed he had left quite the impression on these otherworldly people. When they arrived they found that recently the entire criminal underground was overthrown. They spent a week tracking down the leader. They have found him.

A dozen armed men were waiting in the room, startled by Kyzarc’s sudden entrance. As they drew their swords the rope-dart flicked out twice and two men fell to the ground. The guards rushed at Kyzarc but the rope-dart flicked out again, killing one and lighting two more on fire. Kyzarc dropped the rope-dart and drew his daggers, dodging thrusts and blows from the guards. He cut down three more before the remaining four ran away, right into Aara, who was currently a bear.
Kyzarc ripped open the next door and threw his knives, killing two more thugs. He opened one of the doors and thirty men looked at him from the other side. Kyzarc threw himself at them, mind temporarily lost as reflexes and instinct took over. He twisted through the crowd, dodging blows that he couldn’t possibly have seen and cutting through armor that survived dozens of street fights. His body was a blur as he moved through the dense mass of people.
He came out the other side and was face-to-face with his long lost brother. He completely stopped as they stared at each other. A thug rushed Kyzarc and fell as a dagger entered his chest. Kyzarc blurred momentarily and his knife rushed towards Kathnesjac, who also blurred and blocked Kyzarc’s blow. The dozen guards who remained slowly edged to the door. They stopped when they saw a bear come down the hallway. Kyzarc spoke to Kath through gritted teeth “Why? Why did you leave us?”
Kathnesjac looked at him sadly, “You know of my prescience? It started up again after we took Arshnoc. I had a-a dream of the future. Stheran was going insane. I saw that the only way to stop him was to leave. There was a something, some cure that would heal any injury, physical or mental. But now I’ve almost got it, the final piece of the puzzle was faerie powder. Just another month and I’ll be able to cure him. I had to keep running because you would try to stop me. I had to.”
Kyzarc stared at him silently, no emotion showing on his face, when suddenly his fist arced around and smashed into Kath’s face. “You bastard, Stheran is dead.” he spat at Kath. Kath looked at him in disbelief, “Stheran, dead? That’s-that’s not possible! We’ve got to return immediately! Arshnoc could be in trouble without us and Stheran.” Kyzarc glowered at him and left silently.

A week later they were onboard the Hidden Sylph, heading towards Arshnoc.

(Sorry bout the double post but Caesar said that having multiple stories in the same post makes the story section of the first page harder to navigate)


Reynardine the Great
Jul 31, 2007
Spoiler Bres's Journal :
天地10年、4月、12日 (12th day of the 4th month of the 10th year of Tenchi)
-We landed today. Had a short naval battle before we could, but it went well overall. Arshnoc forces took more casualties than we did. We've burned an area for a camp out of the jungle and are setting up. There's an amazing amount of smoke.

-Not much new today. Camp is set up, and we're waiting for Lanka to make a move. All they've done so far is send scouts, whom we have captured and killed.

-昨日と同じ (same as yesterday)


-We've discovered minor skirmish parties trying to harass us, and we've burnt them out. Once again, however, the smoke is incredible, and Arshnoc's mages have decided to put out the fires with some rain instead of making us endure this mess.

-We're starting to run low on supplies. Order in the camp is beginning to falter, as quarrels start breaking out over the remaining food. We're going to have to do something soon.

-We've decided to start moving towards the capital. The stupid monkeys are annoying - little arrows come out of the depths of the forest every three minutes! Luckily there haven't been that many casualties, only nicks and scratches mainly.

-More marching, more monkeys. Got a scratch on my shoulder.

-A strange thing happened last night, it seems. One mage each from Arshnoc and Shinuyama have been found dead looking like they had been attacked by a tiger, and a third Arshnoc mage is missing. Investigations have commenced. Order among the forces is at an all-time low. Hopefully we don't end up in pitched battle against each other.
-Apparently the missing mage was seduced by some demon woman of the jungle, who killed the other two. It seems the time for waiting is over - we'll have to find and destroy the Lanka army fast. Otherwise we'll end up destroying each other.

-We've discovered the main Lanka force! Battle preparations are commencing, and morale is high with the anticipation that this is all going to finally be over. I count myself among those with high morale.
-Ah, battle! Glorious, victorious battle! We've won! Not without major casualties, but still. It started with our burning the forest as planned, but this backfired miserably - the Lankans had chosen this spot due to the fact that our smoke and flames would be blown back at us, and only Shizen-sama's intervention (with some rain-bringing Arshnoc mages) saved us. We closed in battle, with Lanka firing sleep spells at us along with their arrows. Unfortunately, Stheran himself was struck with an arrow, and his body is currently dead. The rest of the battle continued like a battle - melee combat with spells flying overhead - until our allied forces emerged victorious. We have smashed the enemy army! Not that we haven't sustained major casualties ourselves - our losses are quite high compared to our conquests of non-aligned territories - but it will be difficult for Lanka to resist our armies now. Ha ha!

-The more mundane aspects of taking control of a province are getting underway. Shinuyaman troops are still celebrating, but the Arshnoc contingent is preparing to return to Arshnoc in mourning. Can't blame them really.


Secret Emperor
Jun 5, 2008
Where you least expect me
Orders Sent.

Kyzarc Fotjage

Rise Up
Apr 16, 2009
Western Washington
The orders have gone with mind of hope and feet of wind.


Reynardine the Great
Jul 31, 2007
I have also caused orders to be sent.


Dec 22, 2005
Seon, I still need your orders.

I repeat that I asked orders to be due for saturday, and I'd really like them to be on saturday or even friday in september. So if I don't get orders today I'll write the update without and Pythium won't be doing anything special this turn.

I'd also like to propose you the following:
You can send me a short story of a good event that happens in one of your provinces.
If a good event pops up in one of your province on an upcoming update, and the story is balanced enough, I'll publish the story, changing the province name as needed, and apply the corresponding good event effects.
This will allow you to have some control on the lucky events you get. In terms of effects, look at the events that already happened. Bonus gold, stability, mana, heroes, troops, province defense, research, magic items... are all possible. Exact amounts are decided by me so don't expect that writing a story will provide you with 20 units of bad-ass soldiers. Also don't be surprised if your story doesn't appear. Maybe no good event happened, maybe it happened in a province where the event can't occur due to scales/stability/population/dominion/whatever, or it's too powerful. Or it may appear in another update. Or maybe you got a bad event instead and the story may be turned into a bad version.
Anyway, if you want to be able to give hints to your luck, you can.

I'll also award some benefits to those who write about their country, what it looks like to worship a monolith, live among bloodthirsty priests or fanatical inquisitors. Specifics will depend upon story and my own inspiration.


Not An Evil Liar
Jan 20, 2009
Not Lying through my teeth
I believe I already sent my orders.


Dec 22, 2005
Note: Players will be receiving detailed stats by e-mail.
Next orders expected for next Saturday.

Border troubles

Mictlanese priests in the island of Cyprus have performed bloody human sacrifices to boost the faith in their deity. Population is overwhelmed by fear and awe, and the Obsidian Mantis' dominion grows steadily.

Some vanir of Vanheim decide that they are no longer worthy of serving Thordai from the saddle of their horses. They are persuaded to fight dismounted as their ancestors used to, relying on sacred rage and fanaticism to complemenet their fighting skills.

In Nubia, wizards of Abysia have found magic trees whose leaves are made of gold.

A temple was built in Lanka, and priests of Shizen started converting the population.
In the homeland, Shinuyamans built a great wall all around the island, hoping it would help protect their country from invasion.
In Eriu, Inhabitants revealed the location of a faerie glade where mana can be collected.
Furthermore, in all the provinces of this island, thus from Eriu and Tir na'n Og, people flocked towards the newly built temple of Eriu, and decided to offer their services to Shizen.
From Lanka, part of the army sailed south and invaded Bandar Log, easily defeating the local monkey militia.
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Shinuyama soldiers easily rout monkey defenders

In Man, witches captured playful winds and use them to power their windmills, producing enchanted flour which cured many illnesses and enhancing the health of the populace.

In Arcoscephale, the city of Adwenai has built a covered market, which immediately became very popular. This was a great change over the usual temporary markets held in fields outside the city.
The whole province is expected to benefit from this newly built market.

In Amazonia, a young amazon sorceress emerged from the temple and offered her services to the divine Celes.

In Pangaea, the population is still upset by Pythium occupation.
Imprisoned inhabitants have been freed, and a fortress built in the province, along with border forts, making population control somewhat easier. The authorities also organised gladiator fights, some of them against wild animals, in order to appease the population.
This worked to a very limited degree. While some inhabitants like these games and the various donations made by the state, many think that fighting animals is vile and fundamentally evil, except for hunting. Among those, many women. Those who were freed still resent the imprisonment and don't trust the government.
This results in many Pangaeans leaving their villages, and even whole villages leaving for the forest and eastwards towards Arshnoc border. Some have been caught by patrols using dogs, and there were several skirmishes, but the exodus is quite massive and couldn't be totally prevented.
The bright side is that those inhabitants who remain in Pangaea are those who feel the less unhappy.

In T'ien Ch'i, the arrival of refugees from Pangaea provides a boost in population, but the refugees must find new homes and jobs. This doesn't go without some frictions between refugees and locals as xenophobic reactions flourish.
In Seul, soldiers try to hunt down the charlatan who poisoned many people but he seems to be long gone and none is found.
In Man Ch'i, a hunting party finds the great boar and manages to kill it.
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In Ural, Arshnoc soldiers were surprised by the sudden invasion of giants from nearby Jotunheim.
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Giants attack Arshnoc

The local defenders were too few to be able to resist the brute strength of the giants. Worse, several of them wore helmets causing fear, swords bursting in cold flames where they hit and shields that entangled those who dated attack them.
They were backed with vaetti, nasty little goblins mounted on mooses and wolves. Even the sturdy cave drakes defending Ural were no match for the gianst. Outnumbered, outstrengthed, demoralised, Arshnoc soldiers put a token fight before fleeing.
This flight did them no good however, as giants and wolves were faster, and the poor humans were caught one after the other and killed to the last man, while the giants hadn't suffered a scratch.
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Arshnoc soldiers rout

After the province was conquered and the coal mines secured, Magni of Jotunheim sent this message to Arshnoc:
"We now have a resource you don't already have so you could trade gold with us again. Mwahahahahah!"

Ulmish armies in Sauromatia marched southwards to join those of Ermor in order to crush Ermor last forces in the province of Slavia.
Unfortunately, an extremely harsh winter had covered Sauromatian mountains with heavy snow, and even in spring the mountains were still impassable.
As a result, Ulm armies in Sauromatia were still trying to cross the mountains when Ermor armies invaded their former home province.
The Ulm army in Ermor which marched towards Slavia was thus met by Emperor Tiberius Drusius Nero Claudius who headed a big host to reconquer his homeland.
Ulm's army was its classical mix of heavy infantry, sappers and heavy cavalry, while Ermor fielded an impressive amount of gladiators backed by huge behemoths, legionaires and longdead cavalry, and mages in hte back.
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Ulm infantry engages the gladiators and behemoths.

Despite the support of the priests, Ulm infantry was trampled, ensnared and generally slaughtered in the nets of the gladiators and the huge undead pachyderms.

Ulm knights came to help their comrades before they were all slaughtered, but Ermor mages began casting spells to heal and protect their troops.

A few knights managed to flee, but the sappers and priests were surrounded by undead and slaughtered.

The battle was one-sided. Even the heavy cavalry was of little weight against the huge undead, and their repeated charges had little effect on the monsters. At the end of the battle, gladiators asked the emperor to release them and the rest of Ermor troops marched on towards their lost lands.

The fleeing knights finally managed to meet the rest of Ulm armies which came from Bavaria and told about the disaster.
Ermor armies had lost their gladiators, and a few of the behemoths had been killed, so there might be a chance to defeat the opponent, but seeing how the undead monsters had trampled the infantry like ants, the surviving knigths weren't optimistic.
In their opinion, only a coordinated charge of many lances could take out the monsters, or the prayers of many priests. Furthermore, although they would expect the gladiators to be freed, there remained many legionaires and skeleton-reanimating wizards.
Ulm commanders therefore decided that it was too risky to try to face the might of Ermor and lose the whole army, so they decided to "go on with the plan". Namely, conquer Slavia.
The general reasoned that Ermor was almost devoid of population and wouldn't bring enough gold to support troops, and that, without the gold of Slavia, Ermor would be unable to sustain its troops and priests, and they would be forced to react.
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Ulm Sauromatian army therefore invaded Slavia, and slaughtered the militia defending the country. They seized the emerald mines and took control of the province.
The Ermorian emperor couldn't ignore that Slavia had fallen, but he apparently preferred to reconquer Ermor rather than keep Slavia.
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