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MNotw VII-The Court of the Momus Game Thread


May 27, 2007
Sign-up thread and rules can be found here
MNOTW VII-The Court of the Momus
Morning, Day 1
Breakfast: Frogs' eggs Sunny-side Up, Perpentach's latest craving. Everyone sat down to their meals with a false gusto and dug in, except for the Cow, who was looking dubiously at the Corn that had been placed before him at the instructions of Perpentach. About halfway through the meal, Perpentach took one sip of his wine, stood up, and declaimed:​
Good things come to those who wait,
Till waiting brings an end.
And ends do come because of hate.
Farewell to you, my friends.​
Saying this, he clutched his breast, and turning around, fell back across the table.
No one moved. Everyone waited for the Mad King to stand up and take his bow. Finally, his daughter, Keelyn, approached his body. She felt for his pulse and screamed.​
"He's dead! Daddy's Dead! Giggles!! Bring me the cook, Autolycus! He must have poisoned my father!"
Giggles the Balor obediently went into the kitchen and dragged out Autolycus, snapping his neck on the way. Investigation of the kitchens and Autolycus' quarters provided no indication of the cook's guilt. Turning to the shocked courtiers, her eyes tearing up, Keelyn spoke, "I'm going to my room. None of you are going anywhere until I'm satisfied that Daddy's been avenged. Beyond that, do what you like. Giggles, watch them." And with that, Keelyn flounced back to her room.

Dramatis Personae
Momus- Perpentach, dead morning 1 (NPC)
Cook-Autolycus, killed morning 1 (NPC)
Daughter-Keelyn (NPC)

Chamberlain-J-Man poisoned midday 2
Contortionist-TheWesley Backwards Logic

Doctor-TheLastOne36 lynched evening 1
Falconer-Civplayah poisoned evening 1

Farmer-CCRunner murdered night 2
Guard-Love lynched evening 2

Interior Minister-Renata
Noble-Nictel lynched evening 3


Tramp-Winston Hughes
Treasurer-Diamondeye, lynched evening 4

Just to be clear, if your goal is not game-ending, you must still survive until the end of the game in order to win, unless I specified otherwise in your PM. Due to personal schedule, The day starts now!!! Midday will be about 6 pm on Saturday, and nightfall will be at 8 pm on Sunday (All times are EST, which is GMT-5).
Let the fun begin! Keelyn wants vengeance, so someone must be killed tonight!
Lynch votes, as always, in Bold.
Poison! I wonder who could have done this! While I wonder about that, I'll go MOOOOOOOOOve over to the corn pile and finish eating it.
GM Statement Just posting so everyone knows game has started. And to head off the question, no, you can't vote to lynch keelyn or Giggles. Oh, and please include me in/give me summaries of your PMs and conversations with each other. It makes the game more interesting and enjoyable for me. Plus, it helps my write-ups.
Two people dead in one morning? Terrible! One poisoned and one had his neck snapped! The chamberlain looked at his breakfast and didn't feel hungry anymore
She had her hand across her mouth looking at the body in shock, then she realized she was a doctor and stood up and ran to the body, checking various parts of the dead king's body.

"I can confirm it is poison"

She continued checking the body, mumbling medical phrases to herself,

"The poison was fast working, this means it was somebody in THIS room!"

The others looked at eachother in shock,

"I am going to my room, if somebody else get's poisoned, pleased make me aware of it. I advise somebody comfort Keelyn in the mean time as well."

The doctor walks to her room.

The Interior Minister, a fussy little man with a waxed mustache, pointy shoes and a perpetual air of mild irritation, bore the signal distinction of being the only person in all of Jubilee without a discernible sense of humor. (Unlike others he could name, he didn't even try to fake it.) He'd escaped beheading for the crime only because Perpentach found his taste in footwear amusing. Well that, and because all Kings, even the mad ones, require a certain complement of fussy little men with heads for numbers, in order to keep things running smoothly.

Excuse me, Chamberlain. EXCUSE me. I need your signature on this form. THANK you. And you, Treasurer? THANK you.

Now, then. Where were we? Death of the King? Oh my.

The Interior Minister retrieved a voluminous case from beneath his chair and opened it on the table, where it displaced three trays of frogs' eggs and one of eels' bellies. The handle dragged in a bowl of dipping sauce; the Interior Minister did not appear to notice. He tucked his signatures away into a pocket of the case, then from another pulled a large folder titled "What to do in the Event of the King's Death" and flipped rapidly through the pages therein.

"When the King Dies in the Course of Riding to Hounds", no, "When the King Dies from a Stray Fireball at the Grand Tournament", no, oh yes, here it is: "When the King Dies of Poisoning While Sitting to Table in the Presence of his Court".

The Interior Minister scans the instructions, pales, and slams his case shut. Sludgy droplets of dipping sauce spatter the other diners. Behind the flimsy barrier of the single sheet of parchment, the Interior Minister eyes the Balor as if considering whether to make a break for it. The courtiers, on the other hand, are much more interested in the parchment, which reads only "Lynch People Until Morale Improves".

WELL. It appears that Keelyn has the right of it. May I be so BOLD as to suggest anyone but me. This kingdom needs ... needs ... needs me.

As eyebrows rise around the table, the Interior Minister shrinks into his chair, his jaunty mustache drooping.

Or not.
The treasurer looks around suspiciously at the others. He has used the commotion of the king's death to hoard their frog eggs for himself in a huge pile and is now standing protectively over them.

"Be quiet, misterminister,
you're being to sinister,
no-one is priceless,
but your shoes are tasteless.

I'm a-getting a vibe from the doc,
he seems not quite taken by shock,
and he knows about poisons too,
I think that's our best clue."
The treasurer looks around suspiciously at the others. He has used the commotion of the king's death to hoard their frog eggs for himself in a huge pile and is now standing protectively over them.

"Be quiet, misterminister,
you're being to sinister,
no-one is priceless,
but your shoes are tasteless.

I'm a-getting a vibe from the doc,
he seems not quite taken by shock,
and he knows about poisons too,
I think that's our best clue."

The doctor saw this accusation as a surprise, and was offended of the idea, and even more so by the use of 'he' to refer to herself.

"I'm a doctor, I see these things everyday, I have grown to not be so uncomfortable around the dead. Do you think with all my years of practice I do not have the basic understanding of poisons?"

She then turned to the accusation, offended by the idea of her poisoning the king,

"The first thing I learned when I studied to become a doctor is to never harm anyone, no matter what." She than stood up and raged off to her room in utter disgust.
The chamberlain hears the words from the minister of the interior. He can't believe his ears and says: "You accuse everyone here but yourself! Tell me your excellency what is the matter with you? Please explain your loss of .... decorum. Have you been consuming copious amount of wine last night?
I do not tipple, sir.
TheLastOne36, come back here right now! You're our doctor and more then likely the most qualified of us to examine the King and see if poison really is the cause of his demise. Love, if it is poison, then see to it that our food stores are examined for further poison and that all handling of future meals is properly looked over. It would probably be wise to protect the cow, Choxorn, just in case our current food stores are tainted. Civgeneral, we are going to need your faithful guidance for our fallen King. Could you say a few words over him, please?

I'll make sure that everything is set up for what appears to be an extended stay. The Steward glances toward the tramp, Weston, considering about personally helping with her room, when he recalls how the doctor, TheLastOne36, had complained about all the patients he'd dealt with the prior month with some malady he couldn't recall the name of. Maybe he should wash her bedsheets again.
It doesn't take much to see it was poison. I'm more worried of how quickly the poison started working.

OOC: :lol: at Choxorn being a cow. I'd laugh if it was him that is our culprit.
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