SGOTM 12 Maintenance Thread

That's uncalled for.

Erkon has tried to create an interesting and challenging game. This game starts with a history of previous world conflict, and the traces are in the archives.
It was just a joke. Sometime people seems to lack sense of humour.
I got great respect and sympathy for Erkon, at least when i'm not playing his scenarios.

Well, i revalead nothing: the "you nuked us" is there for any mouse over, the project is less obvious, but in a competition of this level, where my team usually finishes in the middle of the pack, despite (or thanks to, i think) my (perhaps not-so) brilliant strategies, i can't think my opponents can miss anything i can see.

Now, i close this.
Good luck to us all, we need it!

And thanks for another game (no adjectives, purposenly)
Moderator Action: Post deleted. I've dealt with the issue.
I can not open the official save.

After I updated NET Framework, some problems are fixed. Now seems that no errors were found in BTS.

There are errors found in Vanilla Files and Warlords Files. Does it have something to do with the issue? Anyone please upload these files, under these folders:
Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\Python
Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\XML\
Sid Meier's Civilization 4\PublicMaps\
Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Shaders\FXO\

Here are my check report:
Vanilla Files - Path: E:\Sid Meier's Civilization 4
Vanilla: Assets\Python\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\EntryPoints\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\EntryPoints\CvOptionsScreenCallbackI,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\pyWB\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\Screens\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\Screens\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\Screens\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\Screens\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\Screens\CvWorldBuilderDiplomacyScree,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\Python\Screens\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\XML\Art\CIV4ArtDefines_Leaderhead.xml,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\XML\BasicInfos\CIV4BasicInfos.xml,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: Assets\XML\GlobalDefines.xml,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match
Vanilla: PublicMaps\,<-- Error: Files do not Match

* * * Vanilla: 26 Errors have been found * * *

Warlords Files - Path: E:\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Civ4Bloom.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Civ4FlagDecal.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Civ4Leaderheadshader.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Civ4Mech.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Civ4SkinningTeamColor.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Civ4TorusFur.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Civ4Wave.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\ContourShader.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\CultureBOrderShader.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\PlotIndicator.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\River.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Symbols.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Terrain_splatTile.fx,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Shaders\FXO\Water.fx,<-- Error: Not Found

* * * Warlords: 14 Errors have been found * * *

BTS Files - Path: E:\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword

* * * BTS: No Errors were found * * *


* * * 40 Errors have been found * * *
hydraculas - what OS are you running? Do you have the correct BTS patch? BUFFY_SG12?
I would like to remind all teams to upload their saves in between turn sets to the progress page. This will reduce the risk that you play the wrong save, and will make trouble shooting easier for us in case you run into problems with your save. You can also upload your partial turn set results if you want to share with your team mates and you don't need to re-download the game if the same player continues to complete the turn set.
It has been brought to our attention that the AI seems to be capable of "cheating" when dealing with fallout:

Gressh said:
.... as shown in this thread
and in particular post number 71, the AI cheats, and can clear fallout without ecology ....

:thanx: gressh

This may be affect your strategy for this game, and it *could* help to explain why Erkon found the difficulty level higher than expected during his play testing.

You have been warned!
Just a quick note to say i think many are suffering due to the forum being lagged out die to launch of civ 5. Not sure how this is affecting all teams.
Well it is annoying that's true... I lost a few posts to 'Server is too busy' so now I copy whatever I'm about to post.

Other than that I'm unable to check for ~20 mins periods a few times in the day but it isn't the end of the world.
I'm sure it will pass. Meanwhile, patience is a virtue :)
I have an "issue"...

For the last few days whenever I'm testing with BUFFY_SG12 and try to load a new save while in a game already, BTS crashes and goes to desktop :(
[say for example reload to a previous turn to try different micro]

I say "issue" because it's more annoying than anything else as I can still play.

Another person in our team has reported the "issue" which leads me to think it's not exclusively due to my rig... all I can think of that happened lately is some Windows XP updates.
I've actually had this "issue" with BUFFY for a long time. Got me in a habit of always exiting to main menu before loading a different save.

Edit: massive x-post. :lol:
I've only had these crash issues with BAT or other high end mods. I've never had an issue with BUFFY and I use it A LOT.

However, I did encounter what Kos did today, but it has not been common.
I always exit to main menu before reloading a game, and I've done that for as long as I remember. It's so natural so I never reflected over it... Not sure it's related to BUFFY specifically, since I think it's the same for vanilla and warlords. Not sure though.

Anyway, thanks Blubmuz for the quick response :goodjob:
It does occur with BUFFY but it isn't restricted to BUFFY. We have seen people reporting this issue with vanilla BtS.
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