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Language translations for leader sayings

I am still keeping my fingers crossed in the hope someone posts an Askia translation. Of all the civ leaders, his is probably the the speech I am most curious about.
Morningcalm, great idea for a thread. I had been thinking of something myself, but this is excellent.

For Augustus, when he declares war on you he has a pretty cool line. I'm trying to make out the whole thing, but I know it ends with "debes mori" (you must die).

Just for the two large phrases you have (so you can supply the original dialogue). I think the translation is correct.
Intro: Salve, Augustus sum, imperator et pontifex maximus romae. Si tu es Romae amicus, es gratus.
Attacked: Tam fortis, tamen tam stupidus! Utinam habeas cerebrum simile tuae fortitudini.

I'll try and get the declare war dialogue right.

EDIT: Partial translation, a few words I can't figure out. Someone who's Latin is a little better than mine would be of a lot of help. Words in parenthesis I'm not entirely sure what they are, but it's kinda what it sounds like.

(Parearium) meum paucum (continet) et milites turbi defeunt ... iguitur debes mori.
The last part is "therefore you must die".
Cool, thanks! Updated parent post accordingly. I started the thread mostly out of curiosity, and also because I have a thing for learning [tiny bits] of other languages, though I don't excel in language studies by any means. The bad translations of Civ 5 stirred me to action. :)

It shouldn't be too hard to find the following leaders:
-the last bits of Oda (have asked a friend for help)
-Askia (everyone should contact their Nigerian friends and see what they can find out)
-Hiawatha (contact Mohawk speakers in the U.S., there should be quite a few websites)
-Gandhi (Hindi speakers abound).
-Suleiman (Turkish speakers also abound).
While you can keep it there, I was hoping to have a little better grasp of the Latin before the Declares War (when Augustus declares war) file is put on the first post. If nobody beats me to it, I'll probably bump this thread when I find my Latin dictionary.
Well it seems no one did Ottomans yet so here it is!


Dikkat! bunu yapacak gücün oldugunu sanmiyorum! pekala basliyalim!

Beware! I dont think you have the Power/Might/Resources to do this! but lets begin

Declares War:

Benim insanlarim icin büyük tehdit olusturuyorsun! seni yoketmeliyim

You are a grave/great Danger to my People! I have to destroy/eliminate you!


*Korkunc! maglup oldum! Sakalim ve Göbegim askina bu nasil olabildi!

This is terrible! I have lost! By my Beard and my Belly, how could this be?

Hate Let´s Hear It 01:


so you say!

Hate Let´s Hear It 02:

Devam et!

Keep going! (with a very unpleasant tone)

Hate Hello:

Ne istiyorsunuz?

what do you want? (tone is not as unpleasant as it could be)

Hate No 01:

Bu Kabul edilemez!

This is unacceptable

Hate No 02:

Ciddi olamaszin!

You cant be serious! (very pissed off tone)

Hate No 03:


Excuse me? (even more pissed off)

Hate Yes 01:

Aah cok iyi!

Aah very good! (tone is as someone is relaxing after great exhaustion)

Hate Yes 02:

Anlasmamiz gerektigini varsayiyorum!

I think I have to agree OR I think we must come to an aggreement (not easy this one)

Hate Yes 03:

Cok Iyi!

very good (same as HateYes1 but without the great exhaustion part)


Osmanoglusu sizi selamlar Yabanci! ben Süleyman!

Son of Osman greets you Stranger! I am Süleyman!

Neutral Hear It 01:


I´m listening

Neutral Hear IT 02:

devam et

keep going

Neutral Hello:



Neutral No 01:



Neutral No 02:

kesinlikle Hayir

absolutely No!

Neutral No 03:


we deny

Neutral Yes 01:

cok iyi!

very good!

Neutral Yes 02:


OK! (tamam literally means complete but in this context its used like OK)

Neutral Yes 03:




gelin pazarliga tutusalim! hosunuza gidermi?

lets do business! would you like it? (this is very awkward! I dont think "hosunuza gidermi" is something a Ottoman Sultan would use in such context. Its just not "Statesman" enough)


Zaferiniz icin sizi kutlarim ve umarim Baris daima kalici olacaktir!

Congratulations on your Victory and I hope that Peace is going to last forever! (or everlasting)


- where did they get this guy?(narrator). It seems they made a time machine and get an actor from 70s turkish movies. The talking style is considered very funny or silly in Turkey. There is even a comedy series that mocks this style of talking. Just imagine an very bad Elvis wannabee trying to talk like Elvis.

- this is modern turkish btw. Ottoman turkish had more Arabian Elements in it and sounded quite different.
Thanks Canpolat! I've added you contributions to the parent post. I did see that on Youtube someone else commented Suleiman sounded like a 20s young man imitating an older man's voice. What do you think of that?
Canpolat, very good translation! I'll have a couple of additions/fixes though.. Btw I agree that the voice acting is very very unnatural, almost to a comical degree! (Note: I'm 'turco'-american)

Hate Yes 02:

Anlasmamiz gerektigini varsayiyorum!

I think I have to agree OR I think we must come to an aggreement (not easy this one)

"I assume we must come to an agreement!" is a more literal translation.


Osmanoglusu sizi selamlar Yabanci! ben Süleyman!

Son of Osman greets you Stranger! I am Süleyman!

He is actually saying "Osmanli ulusu sizi selamlar yabanci", which translates into " The Ottoman Nation greets you stranger! I'm Suleyman"


gelin pazarliga tutusalim! hosunuza gidermi?

lets do business! would you like it? (this is very awkward! I dont think "hosunuza gidermi" is something a Ottoman Sultan would use in such context. Its just not "Statesman" enough)

"Would you enjoy it?" can be another approach. Nothing wrong with what your translation though, and I agree that this is one of the most awkward quote he has!

Hope this helps :king:
Hi everyone; I just wanted to add two things to Bismarck's sayings:

Peaceful: I'm pretty sure the unintelligible word is "unentschieden" (a draw), so what he is saying is
Was haltet ihr von einem... Unentschieden? (What do you think of a draw/Let's call it a draw)

Neutral Let's Hear It 01: I can't quite make this one out either; apparently he says "Was habt Ihr gesangt?", just that "gesangt" isn't a word. It sounds like he started to say "gesandt" (sent), then corrected himself to say "gesagt" (said) - which would make more sense in the context. So I assume the line should read:
Was habt ihr gesagt? (What did you say?)

I think you're right with the first one. It sounded to me like that too. The neutral lets hear it doesn't make sense really, but I think your explanation is quite good :)

Overall, I don't like this voice actor. The speech could've been much better.
How is the speech bad? Is it the awkward phrasing, something in his accent, maybe not using formal German? :O

PanicX, thanks for your input. Credited you in parent post and changed some translations accordingly.
Yeah, no idea where we can get modern Aramaic speakers who speak English. =|

That said, I'll be able to do much of the translating for Isabella and King Sejong/Queen Seondeok (Korean leader, once he gets released).
How is the speech bad? Is it the awkward phrasing, something in his accent, maybe not using formal German? :O
Bismarck's German is perfectly good - the accent pure High German. Maybe he sounds a bit too clean and precise. Like someone declaiming from a stage.

By the way, I didn't mention earlier that I really love your thread :goodjob:
Also I hope someone will translate Jekatarina soon. I always run into her in my games wondering what she is talking about.
Wu Zetian
Attacked: Hmph, I will slaughter all of you. (闯祸!我要把你们开膛破肚!)
"闯祸" Should be "蠢货".

A slightly more accurate translation:
Attacked: Fool! I will disembowel you all! (蠢货!我要把你们开膛破肚!)
Yeah, no idea where we can get modern Aramaic speakers who speak English. =|

That said, I'll be able to do much of the translating for Isabella and King Sejong/Queen Seondeok (Korean leader, once he gets released).

Aramaic sounds like Arabic, so I can tell the Darius intro goes something like "Peace be upon you" and then "I am Darius, King of Persia..." or "Ruler of the Kingdom of Persia" - But beyond that I would just be guessing. I would not be surprised though if Aramaic turned out to be the language that Arabic evolved from.
Bismarck's German is perfectly good - the accent pure High German. Maybe he sounds a bit too clean and precise. Like someone declaiming from a stage.

Well, calling Bismark's German "perfectly good" gives it a bit too much credit (IMO). As mentioned earlier, he is using words not used normally in this context, and I had two sentences where I couldn't really figure out what he wanted to tell me. Further, he is making odd pauses between his words... I agree with Aldor there. He could have been better. But hearing Bismark speak German at all is a Improvement I like about Civ V.

I will sacrifice you!


Go Die!!!

Accept this or die!!!
Aramaic sounds like Arabic, so I can tell the Darius intro goes something like "Peace be upon you" and then "I am Darius, King of Persia..." or "Ruler of the Kingdom of Persia" - But beyond that I would just be guessing. I would not be surprised though if Aramaic turned out to be the language that Arabic evolved from.

It's closely related, but I think they group it very closely with Hebrew as well.
Aramaic sounds like Arabic, so I can tell the Darius intro goes something like "Peace be upon you" and then "I am Darius, King of Persia..." or "Ruler of the Kingdom of Persia" - But beyond that I would just be guessing. I would not be surprised though if Aramaic turned out to be the language that Arabic evolved from.

Here we go again.....:mischief:

Well, calling Bismark's German "perfectly good" gives it a bit too much credit (IMO). As mentioned earlier, he is using words not used normally in this context, and I had two sentences where I couldn't really figure out what he wanted to tell me. Further, he is making odd pauses between his words... I agree with Aldor there. He could have been better. But hearing Bismark speak German at all is a Improvement I like about Civ V.
Ok, I just listened to the sound files again and you are right; some bits sound indeed a bit strange, especially the "attacked" one (and not just because of the use of Bösewicht - or is it Pösewischt?). Sometimes he makes strange pauses, puts strange emphasis on words, or pronounces 'ch' like 'sch' (that I can actually relate to, being from the southwest :lol:).
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