True Start Location Earth Maps


Mohawk Games Developer
Mar 14, 2002
True Start Location Earth Maps

This map pack contains all of Civilization Vs Earth maps with true start locations. All Civs (and City-States) begin the game in their correct location. The pack includes a TSL version for each map size.

To install, download this file and place in your mods folder at ..\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meiers Civilization V\MODS\. Run the game, go into the MODS menu and click BROWSE. The mod will install automatically.

Activate the mod, click Setup Game and choose the map - each map has the prefix TSL. Ensure Load Scenario is ticked.


Was about to start a game with this, just wondering: Any way to get the resource quantity selector thingy to appear with these? It goes away when you select the map (by design I'm guessing, but just checking since I like to play on super abundant)
Do you mean advanced options?
Hmmmm. I just tried TSL Earth Large. I maximized the number of civilizations and city states in the settings. I was Russia and it put me in Australia along with Rome and some other civilization there on Australia.

I'm going to try the TSL Earth Huge and see.

edit: nevermind, you have to click on the "load scenario" button. It works.
you HAVE to have load scenario checked. Basically I don't think you can go into advanced setup because if you do there is no load scenario button to check. I looked quite vigorously and it was not there, but if you don't go into advanced setup... only go the "set up game" screen and launch from there.

btw I loaded up as Japan, and I was in the correct spot, not what I was expecting but I'm not complaining. Anyhow there real problem is that I can see some city state on the other side of there world, and the fog of war isn't removed either. I've met a few civs from there too, so still some bugs.
ahhh...ok. I got to click on the load scenario button. Man, I can see where a lot of new people aren't going to figure this out right away.

BTW, you just highlighted you don't read instructions. ;)

That's been in the OP all along.
btw I loaded up as Japan, and I was in the correct spot, not what I was expecting but I'm not complaining. Anyhow there real problem is that I can see some city state on the other side of there world, and the fog of war isn't removed either. I've met a few civs from there too, so still some bugs.

Yeah confirmed. I'll have to fix it up and upload a V2. They mentioned this over at 2k forums as well.
wow, thats probably the worst english I've used in a long time. Great mod/map Dale, I'm playing emperor/epic as England currently and having a blast. So much better having everything in its place.
Are the resources in the right places?
I'm from NZ so I don't get ciV till tomorrow and so I can't download to check.
Are the resources in the right places?
I'm from NZ so I don't get ciV till tomorrow and so I can't download to check.

No only Civs. I ain't spending a month researching and placing correct resources. :p
Okay, I enabled the mod. However, when I go back to setup game the maps do not show up. What am I doing wrong?
Okay, I enabled the mod. However, when I go back to setup game the maps do not show up. What am I doing wrong?

Did you enable the mod (click the tick button)?
yes, I finally got the button to light up. (didn't want to turn on).

Just found out you can't custom it. Anyway to use more than 12 civs?
Use a bigger map. ;)

Trust me, when I was placing the civs, I went no closer than 4 hexes between each. Less than 4 and you won't even fit one productive city each in Europe.

The problem is there is too many European Civs.
Dale I understand.

Why won't the save game work?

I loaded the huge map as Rome. it put me between Ragula and venetia.

I saved first, so I could see if I could move off of the cows. Of course not. so I went to reload and couldn't.
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