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TSG29 After Action Report

Big win! Not only did I get the achievement for Appian Way, but this was my first ever Emperor level victory. Probably it's a combination of the great start location, the fact I just played as Persia for the first time last week and I took to them like a duck to water, and that Tech victories are my favorite. Even though I forgot about the no razing and saving promotions, it didn't kill me.

I'll type up my notes later. Right now I want to celebrate =D

Game: Civ5 GOTM 29
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1941AD
Turns played: 361
Base score: 1470
Final score: 2041
Time played: 8:01:00
Renamed file: flp_ndrox_C502901.Civ5Save
1966AD Science Victory with ~2500 points

Gawd damn, the AI is still stupid as ever in combat. Also, Monaco and Singapore were locked in a war the entire game even though I was ally of both. The war between them occurred, of course, because they were allied with two civs that were at war. Another bug that could still be fixed. Meh.

I think this is my 2nd win at Emperor level (other one was a TSG as Gandhi for a Cultural Victory). Definitely couldn't have done it without the buffer of some civs that weren't war-crazy. Also, when America decided to be bastards and DOW on me I already had Riflemen and Cavalry and all they had was pikemen and a few minutemen/cannons.

I think the clincher was probably the decision to build my primary three cities (I later annexed Atlanta for the naval access) next to mountains so they all got observatories.

Yup, 3 Observatories FTW.
Yup, 3 Observatories FTW.

In my game (3 cities, peaceful, only one city next to a mountain for an observatory) my actual science rate in beakers/turn was almost meaningless. So the observatory didn't do much. Almost all of my beakers came from RA's and GS's, plus the free tech from Oxford and 2 free from Rationalism policy. Usually for me, actual science rate only matters for staying ahead of the AI in domination games, where you are unlikely to be signing many RA's or producing many GS's (due to mostly being on max production focus). Science rate in that case is increased through population from conquest. So I rarely find observatories to be that crucial.
1966AD Science Victory with ~2500 points

Also, Monaco and Singapore were locked in a war the entire game even though I was ally of both.

I had never actually seen this, but in my game Monaco actually toppled Singapore and took it over. I wasnt sure if CSs were actually capable of taking a city/CS. it was pretty neat to see it happen.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 29
Date submitted: 2012-02-06
Reference number: 25661
Your name: yahzuk
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1854AD
Turns played: 297
Base score: 1509
Final score: 2557
Time played: 9:19:00

I was pretty excited to come in under 300 turns, but my crowning achievement was a 76 turn golden age from t195-t270.
Taj Mahal (20t)
Louvre (2 GA -14t and 12t)
Brandenburg Gate (GG - 10t)
plus 2 other GG and a GA (8t, 6t, 6t)
monthar, im halfway through it and every time i remind myself what turn he is on i get pretty angry. i still just dont get that level of efficiency. i noticed a couple things really helped like finding the +culture ruins early to get Tradition even earlier. i didnt get that ruins til later and i didnt get Tradition as my first policy. and his Susa settling choice just confounded me. If I had done that i would have been DoW'd instantly.

I did take a little land north of me in the desert flats, but only with one city. Washington eventually settled like 4 mini-cities throughout the game up there (had maybe 8 or 9 total when it was done) but didnt make good use of the resources there. I was always expecting a DoW with them but i somehow managed decent relations (and a larger military than i needed).

edit: little things like turn 33 really piss me off. he is at 3 happiness and is searching for a spot to settle for Susa. it just so happens that his scout across the map discovers a WW, gets the +1 happiness and plops a new city next turn keeping him at 0. not only that but he took a spot with ivory so he can get some more happ later. (he did trade his only silver to askia but he had another mine being worked for it.) "luck" like that just infuriates me.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 29
Date submitted: 2012-02-08
Reference number: 25664
Your name: Thresian
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1903AD
Turns played: 323
Base score: 952
Final score: 1487
Time played: 10:41:00
Submitted save: Darius I_0323 AD-1903.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Thresian_C502901.Civ5Save

Not a good time, but I was pleased to win at all. I lost my capital early on to a combined warrior rush by Askia and Washington, and was expecting to be posting a loss on turn 55 or so, but the assault on Pasargadae petered out. I teched IW, built swords and recaptured Persepolis. I missed PT. Liz declared while I was taking out Washington, and besieged Persepolis with about 8 longbows and a couple trebs. She did have a couple of pikes too, but I picked them off, and the longbows sat around pointlessly bombarding Persepolis until I could deal with them. Meanwhile, Washington counter-attacked at Pasargadae and New York. f he'd focused on just one city, he could have taken it. Pasargadae came close to falling again, and I was grateful for a second time for having (a) built it on a hill and (b) rush-bought walls. I teched steel and physics, broke the second seige of Persepolis, then turned round to finally deal with Washington. I left him one city of course, to avoid the diplomatic penalty.

I founded a couple more cities, bringing my total to nine, and settled down to farm GSs, while chaining RAs with everyone (except Washington). It seemed that the delay would be getting to scientific revolution, so I tried to buy up a cultural city state, as well as a couple of maritimes for extra growth. Unfortunately, this was like pouring gold down a hole, and I only succeeded in pissing Alex off. He declared on me, and of course I lost all my CS influence. A large number of mech inf appeared from the northern CS (I forget which it was) and took over Boston, which was no great loss. I built some bombers and built/upgraded some mech inf and a couple of tanks, and fought off Alex with little difficulty. Meanwhile I built spaceship factories in 5 cities and launched Apollo. Spaceship was 12 turns later.
At least you pulled out the win. Perhaps you should get a special commendation for recovering your capital and still winning with a decent time.
victory on turn 256

GL on 38
NC on 49 (1city)
Astronomy/Rationalism on 112
Scientific Theory on 150
Apollo 204-222
Turn 292, 1844.

I was pretty pleased with this until I saw some of the other submissions!

Got the GL, HS, PT and was flying.

My main problem was Alex - is there a more annoying Civ? Realising I was going to win he and all his city states declared on me and wouldn't give in despite me dropping artillery and mech infantry on the head of his cannons and riflemen.

I had a surplus of money from all the other civs peace deals when they threw pikes at my artillery but they were breaking their RAs (which I was paying 100 extra for) by DOWing me, and this slowed me down.

In the end I had little to spend my cash on as Alex had all the CSs.

Didn't expand more than 3 cities, thinking that I wanted to keep all the happiness to get GAs (being Darius).

That meant I didn't get coal, oil or aluminium (and hence no spaceship factories), which at the end didn't matter but playing again I might do that differently.

Perhaps not expanding limited my time. I also noticed I hadn't built any production buildings, that might have been a mistake.
Welcome to CivFanatics and GOTM. :wavey:

Congrats on your first win. Just read a bit and I think you'll discover a number of different ways to cut your time. Best of luck. :thumbsup:
Welcome to CivFanatics and GOTM. :wavey:

Congrats on your first win. Just read a bit and I think you'll discover a number of different ways to cut your time. Best of luck. :thumbsup:

Thanks. I've been watching the let's play deity games. Being able to do that is my goal, but I've only won 2 games on that level.

Civ5 is addictive. :goodjob:
Won after 328 turns in 1908.
Great start, it went bad after almost everyone DoW on me so I'v had to build an army.

This was my first time with the Persian. Made a few mistakes, and i'm sure I can shave off 30 turns or so. (build an army earlier would have saved me from so many DoW).
After these wars, it was almost impossible to get fair deals with my competitors. Still they gave me plenty of cash to buy off the CS. Overall a nice game.
Dunno how you guys all finish so fast!

Game: Civ5 GOTM 29
Date submitted: 2012-02-10
Reference number: 25674
Your name: shooter6947
Your email: Moderator Action: email deleted to protect from bots
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1935AD
Turns played: 355
Base score: 2508
Final score: 3532
Time played: 6:14:00

Was fairly peaceful until Washington declared on me. So I crushed him, leaving just one small city. Askia was valiantly holding off Alexander, with some of my units to help, but he eventually succumbed. When Alexander DoW'ed me then, I took all of Askia's former lands (didn't revive him tho). Elizabeth then declared on me, so I made short work of her with rocket artillery. London was size 43 when I took it! Will mebbe post a map later.

- Shooter
Moderator Action: Welcome to GOTM. :wavey:
edit: little things like turn 33 really piss me off. he is at 3 happiness and is searching for a spot to settle for Susa. it just so happens that his scout across the map discovers a WW, gets the +1 happiness and plops a new city next turn keeping him at 0. not only that but he took a spot with ivory so he can get some more happ later. (he did trade his only silver to askia but he had another mine being worked for it.) "luck" like that just infuriates me.

The above quote was in regard to Dave McW's game. This wasn't so much luck as it was good planning. He built 3 scouts to start so there was a very good chance that he would find early wonders. This really shows the power of early exploration. He met all of the other AI civs before T75, and had almost completely uncovered the map shortly after that (except for Greece's lands). This allowed him to sign cheap (200 gold) RA's with every other civ between turns 75-85 or so (and he delayed going into Medieval to do so, by switching between researching Theology and Civil Service until they were all signed). This was a very nice bit of planning and execution on his part. :goodjob:
The above quote was in regard to Dave McW's game. This wasn't so much luck as it was good planning. He built 3 scouts to start so there was a very good chance that he would find early wonders. This really shows the power of early exploration. He met all of the other AI civs before T75, and had almost completely uncovered the map shortly after that (except for Greece's lands). This allowed him to sign cheap (200 gold) RA's with every other civ between turns 75-85 or so (and he delayed going into Medieval to do so, by switching between researching Theology and Civil Service until they were all signed). This was a very nice bit of planning and execution on his part. :goodjob:

That's why i put luck in " "s. his level of play is beyond the standard strategies. watching him not slingshot to the new eras or wait almost 20 turns from the time he had access to Oxford to start it so late and still get it tells me he knows that on certain difficulty settings against certain AIs that he can wait on those things and not get sniped on them. And I dont think it was just a "who had access to Edcuation" type thing either. A couple of the AIs were in that era. After watching all of it I dont think he got beat to any of the wonders he chose and waited till after pottery and mining to go for writing to start GL AND STILL GET IT. and i definitely learned his RA timings are just so much better than mine.

he took a CS out of boredom with 2 units (artillery + infantry) just because he could. it was insane.

but the synchronicity of finding the WW at the exact right time had to be a little bit of actual luck. i know he knew to use scouts and all that and it probably wouldnt break him to be at -1 happ for a couple of turns if he found it a bit afterward. but still, that stuff seems to never happen to me, haha.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 29
Date submitted: 2012-02-11
Reference number: 25679
Your name: mike678
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1844AD
Turns played: 292
Base score: 1285
Final score: 2215
Time played: 6:15:00
Submitted save: TSG29_Start.Civ5Save
Renamed file: mike678_C502901.Civ5Save

First time playing gotm so I'm not quite sure how well I did or what exactly to post here lol.

Rushed to education then made sure to pick of chichen itza. Triple bulbed gunpowder, chemistry and printing press. Built a fair sized army while it was building and attacked washington when it was done. Got all 7 of his cities in less then 20 turns. After that I just sat pretty and fast tracked to victory.

I ended up building a ton of wonders: Chichen itza, Eifel tower, machu pichu, notre dame, sistine chapel, taj mahal, Great library, the louve, the oracle porcelen tower, statue of liberty, cristo rendentor, and the hagia sophia.

edit: Here's a picture of my empire.
Spoiler :

edit2: I just realized I completely forgot to build rail roads lol. I could have shaved quite a few turns if I remembered and would have picked up sydney opera house lol. Oh well :p
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