Requests to the admin

Thank you Plako! We also hope your services are not needed, but we are thankful that you are available if the need arises.
When I was logged into the game and started to chat with another team, I missed that focus was not on the chat window but on our main stack of units. When typing, the stack promptly moved in a way that is significantly damaging to not only us but also a third party.

Realms Beyond would like to request a reload to the latest "RealmsBeyond" autosave, logged 17:45 CEST.

More details are available to the game admin in our forum and on request.
Please pause the game. Are there anyone against the request? Please comment as soon as possible either privately or here.
When did the problem occur? It seems to me there has been several logins after latest RB login. It would be better to act immediately. Also which save you like to be used? Please remember to log in with different user name to prevent auto-save over write.
I think I said which save that should be used:

Handle RealmsBeyond, timestamped CEST 17:45. The misclick happened circa 18:00 CEST. Team RB hasn't logged in after this.

Yes, we are aware that several teams have logged in after the event, but one of them is among the teams affected by this.
Reload granted. Please pause the game after reload.

Some reasoning:
* We've precedent where CFC was accidentally turned to AI and reload was granted
* Misclick caused significant harm
* Misclick didn't involve any battles or give any additional benefit to RB
* No one has reported that reload would cause harm/benefit to them e.g. in the form of re-rolling battles
Someone remove the pause but my team didn't replay the turn. So I request a reload.
Please pause the game so we can sort this out.

Could someone verify the situation. Because of the mod there is a chance that some nations can't log in even if there are still time left. Is this the case here? Also 24h pause should have been in order. Please pay attention when logging in and playing your turn.

edit. There does not seem to be a good place to reload. Based on civstats RB has been capturing 2 citie after last potential save. That probably means handful of battles that would be rerolled.
I think your understanding is correct, Plako. The Univers and CivPlayers are not at war and can still log in and do stuff, but CivFr is at war with CFC and thus locked out from the game now.
Yes, tricky one.

Personally I would have expected more cautiousness and extra special care from a team requesting reload to leave the game paused after they play, so teams who must play play too can have this chance.
I think your understanding is correct, Plako. The Univers and CivPlayers are not at war and can still log in and do stuff, but CivFr is at war with CFC and thus locked out from the game now.

CivFR are locked out of being able to play because the game was not paused and they are playing in the first half. Civstats was showing correct time left for those in the first half of the timer and it was clear they will be left unable to play.
CFC does not have sufficient trust level concernign my objectivity. I resign. You need new Administrator.
CFC does not have sufficient trust level concernign my objectivity. I resign. You need new Administrator.

I don't think 2metraninja critics was pointed at you, more like on the team (whoever was that) who hadn1t kept the game paused.

You are doing a great job, please stay!
I don't think 2metraninja critics was pointed at you, more like on the team (whoever was that) who hadn1t kept the game paused.

You are doing a great job, please stay!

Of course I am not criticizing the admin decision. In our private forum I said long ago it was the right one. Who win or lose this game must not be based on misclicks, but who have better strategy/tactics/diplomacy skills.

Problem here is with RB not pausing the game after they play, because for example CivFR's ALL moves in this turn was undo.
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