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new unit: firebender (mar 5, 2008)


Outside the box
Jun 17, 2007
a firebender from Avatar: the last airbender

unit is game tested

previews (RUN FASTER IN-GAME!)

(run - default - fortify - attack (x2) - victory - fortify - attack - death)

I tried to do the helmet as the fire nation soldiers have, wich, IMHO, turned out not too bad, seeing as I a horrible at making objects...

palette worked out surprisingly well O_o

tried to sort of make the fortify stand with him having 2 hands to the front, thats how firebenders stand. but it didn't really work out well, this is my best shot... >_<. more editing would screw the clothes, or have the paperdoll in an impossible twist or something.

edited some sound wich didn't work at first, but thank you Vuldacon for your tutorial!

oh well, ENJOY!

download HERE
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I like this one the best :) Tho its probably cos I think other elements are for pansies :p

Nice job, ruby!
Flowers do grow better with a good balance of earth, water, & air.:p

I'm reluctant to offer any critiques since I'm not (yet) a unit maker, but ... the elements (water, etc.) look a little too solid in the attacks imho. Are they that way in the cartoon? I've followed other threads where the makers talk about using partial transparency to achieve certain effects.
I'm reluctant to offer any critiques since I'm not (yet) a unit maker, but ... the elements (water, etc.) look a little too solid in the attacks imho. Are they that way in the cartoon? I've followed other threads where the makers talk about using partial transparency to achieve certain effects.

I know, but when I make them transparent the only thing that happenes is that it makes the water, or the fire look darker...

I tried fooling around with the settings, but nothing good comes out of it...
Another Fun "Bender" Unit ruby_sauce :goodjob:
...as for Transparency, You need to have or make a Transparency Texture Map for the Object you want to make transparent. This uses shades of Black.

Here is an example of a Transparent Texture for the Hi Res Ball you should have in Poser. Load the Hi Res Ball and load this Transparent Texture in materials.


  • TransparentBall.png
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  • TransparentBall.zip
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Then what do you do with the transparency texture to allow varying colors & levels of transparence - like thicker & thinner flames?
Handled in the Material and Advanced Material Rooms.

Here is the Hi Res Ball in Poser that was loaded, increased in size to 1000. I applied Colors and the Transparency Texture Map in the Material Room...(shown below).
Also made new nodes (right click in the Advanced Material Room) and applied them... (Shown Below).

...There are infinite things you can do in the Material Rooms with Simple Objects. Spend a little time experimenting with the nodes, colors and dial adjustments.

This Rendered "Fireball" (Shown Below) used the same Transparency map as I uploaded in the earlier post. Note that you can also alter this Map in a Graphics Program...Darker or Lighter to gain other results such as seeing the Ball as a translucent shadow with the Fire inside, etc...

ruby_sauce... Sorry for Taking up your Unit Thread with this but perhaps you can try it out and get something you like for your units.


  • PoserFireballMaterial.gif
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  • PoserAdvancedMaterial.gif
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  • FrieBallRender.png
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OK, Great... Here is another Render where I only changed the Transparency_Edge to 0.800000 and the Transparency_Falloff to 0.900000 in the Advanced Material Room from the previous settings.

You can now see the Ball but it is still translucent.

Remember that the More Black, the More Transparent. So IF your Transparency Texture Map is Darker, you will gain more transparency that way as well. Try some different shapes, colors and node arrangements to gain some Cool Effects. :)

Just so you understand what you are seeing here and above using the Hi Res Ball....The Colors are actually the Highlights. They are dialed up larger so you can see as much as you want rather than little spots. Other than this, it is the Roughness that I applied to the Glossy Highlight on the Glossy Node you can see in the Advanced Material Room image above that is plugged into the Specular Color. That setting happens to be 0.750000. Hope this will make sense and cause you to experiment.


  • FireBall2_0001.png
    10.2 KB · Views: 125
You really don't want to use any translucency (ie, transparency settings of between 0 and 100%, or transparency maps containing grey areas) on anything that is coloured. This is because when it is rendered, being translucent will result in it looking somewhat pink (because of the pink background). When you convert that into a unit, it won't be translucent - it will just be somewhat pink. This is because the unit palette doesn't contain any translucency colours. It contains colours for shadows and highlights, which darken or lighten the background, and which you can use to make translucent objects that are otherwise grey-scale. But don't try to make translucent objects that are anything other than black, white, or grey. At least, that's my experience. It may be that you find a way with experimentation!
I really am not able enough to do all the stuff explained to me in this thread.

if someone can do all of that, and is willing to edit my unit, then I'd be happy to give him or her my stuff ...
I vaguely remember someone explaining away to make lightning effects by using the lightning graphic on an invisible cylinder. This was shown with a working unit.

There's no problem with that. It's not invisibility or even translucency that causes problems - it's use of translucency combined with colours other than greyscale. For example, if you had a red fireball that had slightly see-through bits, in-game those see-through bits would merely be tinged pink.

but what do you think about the unit besides that?
Good unit ruby_sause... My posts concerning translucency was not intended to cause an Off Topic discussion on your Unit Thread. I recommend using color surounded by or intermixed with translucent Smoke and Shadow shades for the special effects where you want something to appear as translucent.
I honestly think this is a great unit, good work.
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