• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


And what you think is not the facts of the situation. Thank you for proving my point.
And what you think is not the facts of the situation. Thank you for proving my point.

Unless I am mistaken he never said it was fact. They are just opinions and nothing more. Disagree with him and move on. But then again this is just opinion too so take it as you wish.
prove it how? your take on the situation is ALSO what you believe, and not the facts of the situation. I admitted at the beginning that I did not have all the knowledge of the situation, and you might have additional information I did not. you do have information I do not, but you also do not want yellow to believe you are their greatest threat, no matter id you are or are not.
the only opinion that matters in this case is yellow's.
Right now, my biggest threat is not black, but gray. That's who I was referring to on the other page.
So how about a 1h 30m warning? :mischief:
Sigh, mr GM hasn't been online for the past two days. Let's hope he gets back pronto.
Turn 8




  • J. Cash - 13 reinforcements
  • E. Presley - 5 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 10 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 7 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 14 reinforcements

  • Symphony D. - You didn'thold Ukraine, though you clearly meant N. Europe.
  • Neverwonagame3 - You didn't have cards available for trading. That quote you gave me was from a previous turn.

  • Everyone - Things might slow down (2 times a week slow if things really turn out bad, 1 time if you guys can't catch Sunday deadlines) within the next set of weekdays and the sets of weekdays after that, given that it's start of school and it's going to be my first time ever as a college freshman. If I start becoming heavily online again, that means I've found a stable source of Internet access--otherwise means that I'll be stuck to the Web only during the weekends with few exceptions.
  • Everyone - You might have noticed that the pictures are approximately 20% larger than usual; that is no accident, for I am forced to use what we here call computer shops and this computer doesn't have anything other than mspaint, while lacking the .NET framework necessary for the installation of Paint.NET in my external hard drive to work, and I'm not paying for time spending downloading GIMP or something for roughly 64 KB worth of picture filesize.

Turn 9 Orders Deadline: June 6, 2008, 1200 GMT
@Niklas: Guess I was a tad bit off, but it doesn't matter much. Also, if I see that stack heading towards the former empire of the rising sun, I won't hesitate to nuke Africa off the map (although I guess you do control Israel and Iran and retaliation might hurt a bit).

@Neverwon: Just for reference, I've had a clause saying that everything from Western US is to move to Mexico if you have more than 7 troops in Venezuela for the last couple of turns, and it'll be there for the next few turns too.

@Symph: I needed cards, and that only lost you a max of 1 reinforcement.
@Niklas: Guess I was a tad bit off, but it doesn't matter much. Also, if I see that stack heading towards the former empire of the rising sun, I won't hesitate to nuke Africa off the map (although I guess you do control Israel and Iran and retaliation might hurt a bit).

@Neverwon: Just for reference, I've had a clause saying that everything from Western US is to move to Mexico if you have more than 7 troops in Venezuela for the last couple of turns, and it'll be there for the next few turns too.

@Symph: I needed cards, and that only lost you a max of 1 reinforcement.

I don't think conditional clauses are allowed by the rules or under the program being used. And if you add one more soldier to Mexico, I'm starting a war.

From Warlord
To Simoom

Stop your troop buildup on my borders, or else!
I don't think conditional clauses are allowed by the rules or under the program being used. And if you add one more soldier to Mexico, I'm starting a war.

Duly noted. Btw you can do conditionals in the reinforcement phase.
I don't think conditional clauses are allowed by the rules or under the program being used.
You can do one phase conditional on a previous one, where the phases are Reinforcement-Attack-Tactical. So you could have in your orders "IF qoou reinforces Mexico, attack him". For instance. ;)

From Warlord
To Simoom

Stop your troop buildup on my borders, or else!
Or else what? Relax, they're just enjoying the seaside view.
@Symph: I needed cards, and that only lost you a max of 1 reinforcement.
Right. And you couldn't just invade Iceland or Venezuela, and also had to invade two locations! I certainly buy that! Consider whatever relations we had terminated.

black is in an even worse position, unlikely to regain their Australian bonus for at least 2 turns because of red, unless they devote the majority of their force to taking it this turn.

Come on NWG3, keep sending your troops on their death march to Oceania while everyone else masses on your borders. Your brilliance will pay off in the end... with your demise.
Turn 9




  • J. Cash - 4 reinforcements
  • E. Presley - 4 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 11 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 8 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 18 reinforcements

  • Symphony D. - Your reinforcement orders were a bit iffy: (1) The Philippines can only be reinforced with up to 2 battalions, (2) the Philippines only had 1, not 5, battalions, and (3) 1 and 2 doesn't add up to 4.
  • human-slaughter - As I've said a few times before, you (or any other player for that matter) can't attack your own territories, surge or otherwise.
  • Neverwonagame3 - Max move/reinforce to Argentina is five. See: Da Rulez.

  • Everyone - I've got nothing to say, really.

Turn 10 Orders Deadline: June 7, 2008, 1200 GMT
you made the same mistake as me yellow you have to many enemies now.

did you mean can't FC cause it says can.

Also didnt I say to send max reinforcements to Scand at end of turn?
Due to the rules, you can't have conditional surges (i.e., "if I lost territory, surge attack territory") and no, you clearly said N. Europe to Ukraine.
hmm ouch. Thought I said that anyways. Saying i want to surge one of my territories is not a conditional attack rather it is a guess at where I think the enemy will be at the end of the turn. If it turns out my guess is right "woo" If Im wrong oh well my armies dont surge.
But nay, you really can't surge attack "potential" enemy zones.

NOTICE: I haven't sent card info yet. Watch this post. Card info PMs sent!

Edit: Thanks for the catch, human-slaughter!
Alright, well, we can deduce that Niklas is a lying SOB, qoou is a backstabbing liar and a poor one at that, and that you all suck so badly at this game you could only possibly stand a chance at beating me when you all banded together. How pathetic. I suppose you should be congratulated for spontaneously developing a plan, but all you've really done is confirmed your stupidity by dividing the world so sloppily. Enjoy being systematically annihilated by the one in gray.

MISSION ACTIVATED: Burn. Everything.
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