• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Turn 11

Spoiler continents view :
Spoiler ownership view :
Spoiler army strength view :
Spoiler connected empire view :

Spoiler continents view :
Spoiler ownership view :
Spoiler army strength view :
Spoiler connected empire view :

Spoiler continents view :
Spoiler ownership view :
Spoiler army strength view :
Spoiler connected empire view :

  • J. Cash - 11 reinforcements
  • E. Presley - 6 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 3 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 9 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 8 reinforcements

  • qoou - You reinforced Scandinavia with a total of 4 troops, and that is not possible because, according to the rules and given the circumstances, you may only put up to 2 battalions there.

  • Everyone - I'm terribly sorry for the long delay! I was just still finding my way around what to do. Don't worry, though, I've figured that I can do this download-play-upload cycle on a regular basis. Do note that I'm paying extra for Internet access than I did before, so don't chastise me or I'll just cut "having fun hosting a game of Risk" off my budget.
  • Everyone - The multiple map thing is a gag. Pick one and be happy, players.
  • qoou - ... So, in what I believe is following the spirit of where you wanted them to be, I placed the 2 remaining battalions in Greenland.

Get those orders in ASAP!

Spoiler something you should read at your own risk, srsly :
I'm not claiming to have any trace of journalistic style, no way!

BLACK-DIE AFRICAN HORDE CRUSHES ALL OPPOSITION! In its greatest show of its massive strength yet, the Black-Die African Horde of Simoom destroyed the Basque Separatists' largest field army without sustaining any casualties. Separatist leaders have given no comment on the matter, and simply and confidently proclaimed that "[Alaska] will hold strong."

J. CASH RECLAIMS AUSTRALASIA-OCEANIA, COALITION FORCES RETREAT TO BRAZIL. As the Victory Battalion (one of the nicknames the battalion that reclaimed New Zealand was called) made its way into the streets of Wellington, forces in neighboring and hostile Argentina fell back to Brazil. Many civilians under the Red Coalition Forces are calling this "an act of supreme cowardice," but such protests are being quelled by the military police loyal to the South American dictator known only as "Warlord."

BLACK FORCES UNDER J. CASH INVADE HAWAII, BASQUE HOLD OF NORTH AMERICA WEAKENS DRASTICALLY. With the loss of Hawaii to the Asian-Oceanian forces of J. Cash, much of the American public rose up in protest in discontent with the "weak Hispaniarderos." There is a marked decrease in the turnout of young American boys in Separatist conscription centers, mainly due to this embarrassing incident and partly because of the obvious fragility of the Alaskan front.
I'd get them in, but I don't know what Risk cards I have!

From Warlord
To Basques, J.Cash

I propose a peace treaty and non-agression pact.
@Everybody: Stop agreeing those silly diplomatic agreements so that the game can end. :p

This makes me want to host a game of Capital Risk next, so that even with those silly diplomatic agreements someone can take the initiative to win the game single-handedly with a bit of luck.
Those silly diplomatic agreements are not worth the paper they are written on anyway. At least not when they include the Warlord's signature. Not that my own is in any way a contract in blood, but still a lot better than this.

Oh, and I prefer the "connected empire" view.
That's 4 for ownership (with two lurkers voting).
Those who don't vote default to continents, which already has 1 vote (total of 3).

That's how voting goes around here. Abstinence does not mean abstinence.

Also, if I don't send card info PMs within an hour or so after posting the update, that simply means you don't have cards.

I like continents because I'm used to it.
Well, I vastly prefer ownership to continents, and "connected empire" only slightly more so. So if this is to be a straight vote, and Symphony sticks to ownership, then change mine to that as well.
:o. Every single one of my stack's rolls was that low?

I'll send orders in ASAP (out of town with limited internet), but if I'm too late, please replace me.
Ownership. It's not hard to figure out Connected.

:o. Every single one of my stack's rolls was that low?
Well my orders are in but depending on when the update happens this may be my last update in a bit. Ill be leaving for Mexico on the 23rd and wont be back for 4 or 5 days
Turn 12




  • J. Cash - 11 reinforcements
  • E. Presley - 4 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 4 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 5 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 9 reinforcements

  • Everyone - ... was fine!

  • Everyone - ... wait for card info PMs! I'll tell you when you can stop waiting.

Quickly before I get distracted again!
Seriously, qoou not sending orders was delaying.​
Hey, doodz, we need a player for Basque Sepa. If you (that means you, lurkers!) are interested, post in this thread as soon as possible.
Lol, this Risk is ridiculus.. FINISH HIM!
What's so ridiculous about sensible strategy?
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