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Sorry, I'd just woken up and was quite hungry when I typed that; what I meant to say was:
"Oh... you might not believe me, but I honestly misread your PM. Oh well, what's done is done. Orders in btw."
lurker's comment: This is one of the most entertaining things I've seen since I watched an Iranologist take a bunch of Roman fanboys to pieces in a discussion about Pahlava-Eranshahr. :lol: Keep up the ridiculous backstabbing!
How many stupid backstabs have there been in total? What are the proportions of players who have them?
My first was this turn, and I wouldn't qualify it as stupid.

Before I broke the buildup limitation in New Zealand, but that's because I knew you were going to attack it at some point anyway, and sure enough, you did.
I see you online and you have all the orders, so where's the update? :p
Turn 16




  • J. Cash - 16 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 7 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 11 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 12 reinforcements

  • Everyone - Your math is impeccable, except that it's not. Eight and eleven does not add up to seventeen.

  • Niklas - Dude, I'd be outraged and would be rambling about stuff if I wasn't sleepy and in bad humor, but then I wouldn't be outraged if I wasn't sleepy and in good humor.

Turn 17 Orders Deadline: Before the weekend ends, please.
Sigh, my turn to be shagged by the dice. Oh well. I'm almost glad, now I don't have to build my entire strategy around that one army any more. NWG, you're toast. :)
What the hell is with this game? Twice now:

What the hell is with this game? Twice now:


If you take control of Asia and qoou attacks me in Africa, your power will be so overwhelming you'll probably win the game.
And if someone controls Africa while holding onto the Middle East, which consolidates their Asian front, their power will probably be overwhelming enough to win the game!

I explained this like a billion posts ago. Seriously. A definition of insanity is repeating the same action and expecting different results.
Simply given the number of links between Asia and Eurafrica, I think they'd be more concerned about you than about Niklas. Though it could work the other way, and would have, if Niklas still had his uber-armies (narrower fronts making them harder to defeat).
Simply given the number of links between Asia and Eurafrica,
So, two then? Yes, it makes sense to expand that number and have an even more diffuse defensive line, in addition to taking casualties along the way, and ignore Africa completely, thus leaving an additional two zones (W. & S. Europe) open to attack.

Look, a Europe holding just Europe and the Middle East has 6 entry points. A Europe holding the Middle East and Africa has 5, and if it takes Greenland with the vast territory and continent driven reinforcements it'd have from such an arrangement, 4, which is the minimum number that can be had for any continent or multi-continent configuration except Oceania, which has 3.

This is not bloody rocket science. I have now seen two people make the same goddamn mistake, and it's a pretty freaking awful one.

Asia is where armies go to die. Risk lesson number one.
So, two then? Yes, it makes sense to expand that number and have an even more diffuse defensive line, in addition to taking casualties along the way, and ignore Africa completely, thus leaving an additional two zones (W. & S. Europe) open to attack.

If you look at it from a combined Eurafrican perspective, it makes a whole lot less sense to to prevent someone from taking all of Asia than taking all of America. Look at it objectively, Symphony: tell me that Ukraine isn't more vulnerable against the Ural-Afghanistan-Middle East trio than Iceland and Svalbard and I will call you a liar.
Please tell me when I have ever mentioned America, since I've been talking about the stupidity of Europe attacking Asia over Africa, and haven't mentioned America once. When you can do that, I will consider your argument relevant. Otherwise, all you're doing is agreeing with me.

Eurasia: 8 entry points
Atlantropa&Middle East: 5 entry points

Simple math.
*shrugs* All right, you didn't mention it. I thought it was inherently obvious that qoou and nwag3 have some sort of alliance; that's why I used the line of reasoning that I did. Maybe I was wrong.
Alliances aren't forever.

But please, all of you help yourselves to healthy doses of alliances so that the game can move on to the final backstab showdown.
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