New Unit Graphics


High Quality Person
Nov 29, 2006
I am planning on making some new graphics for units in WHFB. Please note that they will only be skins, I dont know how to model yet. Screenshots go from left to right in order of units.

Estalian Jinites:

Armoured Spearmen

Heavy Barbarian Cavalry

Gothic Freemen Spearmen

Gothic Lancer

This is probably the last Gothic unit that I will do. I will have a lot less time once school resumes next week, but I'll start on Justinian and Heraclian Dynasty Byzantines.
Nice. Just a shame that civ didn't make an animation for cavalry throwing javelins.

Art is something that this mod is desperately in need of atm, so anything that seems useful is much appreciated.
I think that a javelin trowing cavalry animations wouldnt be that hard if ploeperpengel wanted to try it. All that would be required is merging the mali skirmisher with any cavalry unit. I could be talking complete nonsense though, I know little about animations. Any units that you would like to see new art for Ahriman that has a suitable model?
Well, the non-human units are the most in need of art, though some of them might need more than just a simple skin. Dwarves, skaven, vampires, skeletons, zombies and orcs would be useful to have.
Dwarves and Skaven would be hard. I think most of the ork art can come from FfH and the skeletons are good as is. Zombies might be nice, although they might require modeling work and I dont know what warhammer zombies look like. (I have seen zombies interprated many different ways.)
The current skeletons are fine, but we will need skeletal swordsmen, spearmen and axemen for vampire counts and tomb kings.

Warhammer zombies:

But basically pick any unit from the catalog

Nearly every unit will make it into the mod somewhere.

PL can probably give better art direction than I can.
Tomb Kings skeletons might be fun. They will looke sort of fantasy Egyptian/Desert Necromancers? Also, do they have any simpler flags that I could use? Their current one would be a pain to skin.
EDIT: Nehekara looks sort of hard with all the scimitars and the current art isnt to bad considering that the factions arent playable. I'll see what PL would like. I think I'll try Knights of the Blazing Sun for Estalia.
EDIT2: I didnt see Estalia of Tilea on the site. Are Estalia and Tilean Armies made by Games Workshop?
Not really, there aren't any formal Estalian or Tilean models, they're just human factions that exist in the world. But the knight model currently used for the Knights of the Blazing Sun already looks fine.

Basically, units where there is already a perfectly functional art model are of low priority for the mod. This is true for most of the classic human factions, because with all the factions in BTS its is pretty easy to pick out pikemen, swordsmen, macemen, knights, etc. and have art that already fights (eg Estalia uses mostly spanish art, Kislev should use mostly russian art, etc.).
Thank you Ajidica! We are in dire need of art. Would you mind filling in a few of the Replace Me buttons too if you get the chance? I could upload a few 2d art files I came across that might be appropriate, don't really have any graphics software or knowledge myself.
I have never looked at buttons, so I have no clue at all how to do them. Does anyone know what type of cavalry knights of the blazing sun are? I think they are lance shock cavalry so I am basing them off the European Knight unless there is another suggestion or does PL want to do it becasue he is much better at skinning then I am and would like to do a national unit. (I feel that national or powerful units should have the best graphics.)
Thank you. I'll see what I can do.

I attempted to do the Kinghts of the Blazing Sun. Lets leave my results as pathetic to say the least. PL, I will let you do all of the 'high end' units or ones that require gloss. I am going to try and figure out how to use the nifiewer as in White, Rabbits tutorial.

Apparently it requires NifViewer not Nifskope that I have and NifViewer comes only with 3DSMax, which I dont want to spend my money on. PL, do you know if I can do any nif editing in NifSkope?
I added a new unit. It was designed as a Gothic Comitatus for primordial stews Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire mod and I thought it could be used as an armoured spearmen. Please offer any comments and if you think I should put it in woodelfs announcements and make a thread for them in the Unit Graphics forum.
Any opinions? I am currently working on an Ostrogothic Cataphract. Basing it off the Cataphract model and am currently working on the horse armour. Do you know of a free program I can use to edit a nif? I only have nifskope and from the one nif editing tutorial I found (the one by Rabbit, White) it appears you need nif viewer which requires you to have 3DSMax which I dont want to spend the money on.
Next unit is Ostrogothic Armiger. It is a heavy half-barded Barbarian Cataphract.
nifskope is in most cases better than nifviewer (aka the sceneviewer from civ max tools), but the second doesn´t need max to be installed, works as standalone

Alternativ for more complex editing (or creating) you can use blender (free) with the nif export scripts (also free)
nifViewer doesnt need 3DSMax?

I finished my Barbarian Heavy Cavalry. I dont know where you can use it. I think I will release this one in the Unit Art forum once I can fix the gloss. Since I am using the Byzantine Cataphract gloss, I get the outlines of the Byzantine Cataphract. EG: On the torso, I get the outlines of the Cataphracts plate armour.
It would work well as a lancer. I think my next unit, a Gothic Light Cavalry would work better.
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