[BTS 3.13] Philippine Civ (MODULAR)


Newbie in Modding
May 24, 2007
The Philippines

Here it is the Pearl of the Orient , Land the Morning.............


Background :

Spoiler :
Most Filipinos are a combination of Malay, Chinese, Negrito (native Filipino), and Spanish blood, but may also have a mix of Japanese and American. The racial mix originated from eras of differing foreign rule. The Negritos or Aeta ( the natives of the Philippines) were the original inhabitants of the islands. Following these hunter-gatherers was a breed that included the mix of Malays from deep southeast Asia. The Malays basically crept up starting from Mindanao. The Muslim culture stemming from Mindanao was thus born from the Malay migration. The next to step foot on Philippine soil would be the Chinese, or those originating from east Asia, as they migrated across the sea and intermixed with the natives and Malays of the Philippines.

Horticulture and agriculture developed. Everything was relatively quiet until the 1500s when the Spaniards came upon the Philippines and desired to colonize it. Unfortunately for Spain, the Filipinos were not in the mood of being conquered. Ferdinand Magellan, a famous Spanish explorer credited for "discovering" the Philippines, was killed by Lapu-lapu, a famous Filipino chief credited for killing Magellan. Despite Filipino resistance, the Spanish eventually took over. Spanish rule over the Philippines would be a long one, from the 1500s to almost 1900. The Philippines' role as a key trade/base point was born. The Filipinos never did take a liking for Spanish rule, so they continued to rebel.

Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, is credited for sparking the series of Filipino rebellions during the 1800s. Rizal basically made a habit of writing Philippine nationalist papers, which the Spanish did not like at all. Around the same time, another hero was born in Andres Bonifacio. So Rizal sat back and wrote papers that angered Spaniards, while Bonifacio fought and led Filipino rebellions against the Spanish that also angered the Spaniards. And so Rizal was executed, and not long after, Bonifacio was too.

Emilio Aguinaldo took over as Filipino leader for a couple of years until the Spanish decided they wanted a ceasefire. Aguinaldo thought it was a good idea, so they organized an agreement that allowed Aguinaldo to go into exile and earn some money in the process. So at this point in time, the Philippines still technically belonged to Spain although Spaniard forces were taken out of the Philippines due to conflict in Cuba and with the US. The rebellions in the Philippines were at a standstill and Aguinaldo was out of the country spending Spanish pesos.

The US, being at war with Spain during this time, saw this as a great opportunity to snatch the vulnerable Philippines. And so they sought about doing just that by attacking what little of the Spanish navy was left in Manila. This influenced Aguinaldo to go back and declare independence for the Philippines . By now Spain no longer saw any point in wasting any more time with the Philippines so they sold the Philippines to the US for 20 million dollars. The US took over from there and set the Philippines with a puppet government suited to their liking. Rebellions still occurred but were not effective. The outbreak of World War II resulted in the Japanese invasion of the Philippines. After the war, a lease was signed to permit US bases in the Philippines.

The 1950s were relatively stable with the election of Ramon Magsaysay into power. Magsaysay tried to do good for the people but was lacking in funds. Ferdinand Marcos succeeded the throne during the 1960s and would keep the position until 1986. Macros took a good thing and got carried away with extremes. He proclaimed martial law to maintain his presidential position. Corazon Aquino followed as president at the end of Marcos' dictatorship.

The Philippines exhibited some growth during the 1990s under the leadership of Fidel Ramos. Declining to run for re-election Fidel Ramos was succeeded by actor Joseph Estrada. Estrada's term unfortunately resulted in rampant political corruption and economic decline, which prompted his impeachment.Gloria Macapagal Arroyo followed as president of the Philippines. She was reelected in 2004.

Manuel Quezon (Ind,Cha) - Universal suffrage
Lapu-Lapu (Agg,Pro) - Nationhood

UU :
cargo space 2
combat 3:strength:
movement 4:move:

Barangay Hall (Jail)
-20% Maintainance

How To Install:

  • To install, extract the folder to your mods folder.
  • Afterwards you need to go into you BTS configuration file and change 'ModularLoading = 0' to 'ModularLoading = 1
  • For those new users, make sure you load the mod. When you start the game, go to advanced and select the "load a mod" option.

Credits :
RTW team for Quezon
Aranor for Lapu lapu
Chuggi for the mesocaravel
Philippine Civ Advanced soon.........
New Leaders : Aguinaldo + 1 surprise.....
New UU, UB : Katipunan , Unknown
Unique National Wonder.........
And a Philippine Revolution Scenario and more

All ccoming soon , so please make your suggestions
Just what I was looking for! Really nice work there Kao'chai :)

It's funny coz I decided to reinstall Civ IV just yesterday after more than a year of not playing (my interest was rekindled after purchasing Colonization last week). I searched for some Philippines/Filipino mods last night, only to find one that was so old, the download link did not point to the file :sad: But what do you know? By some divine stroke of luck, I look again today, and see this one! :D

Anyhow, I've only played ten minutes of the mod so far, so can't comment much on how it works out. But thought I'd register to leave you a big thumbs up :goodjob:

I'm looking forward to the Katipunan unit! ;)
UU :
cargo space 2
combat 3:strength:
movement 4:move:
Hmmm... don't you think a UU with 50% more combat strength (in-fact, as strong as it's natural counter head-to-head, and stronger then it's counter in other combat [a "natural 3"]), as well as 200% movement rate, and as swift as an 1800s Frigate is a little excessive overkill for a UU?

People have a bad habit of going overkill on UU's in custom civs making end-all-be-all UUs instead of just a slight perk to the base unit like the default UUs are in the game.
I wonder, Kao'Chai, do you have custom select/order sounds in Tagalog?
There's no custom diplomacy music or select/order language for the units... in fact, there's not any custom unit skins other then the UU.
Just a very quick note: I think you should change the Civ details.

Civ Description: Filipino Empire
Short Description: The Philippines
Civ Adjective: Filipino

'Filipino' is just more practical than 'Philippine', as it can be used to describe both inanimate objects and people. It's not correct to hover over a place and find its population is "x% 'Philippine'" :p And whereas its not usual to use 'The' when speaking about most countries (Spain, England etc), The Philippines is an exception.

This is very minor, and can be changed by the user himself before each game... but it would obviously be more convenient if set by default. Just thought I'd point it out ;)
I wonder... does Civ4 refer to the Dutch's country as "Netherlands" or "The Netherlands"?
Thanks a lot, your work helped me much to create a philippine civilization in my mod.
Oh, it's finished! Fantastic! I'm glad you took my idea for the Vinta :-p

I do agree on the whole name thing, but I also agree on the excess that the Vinta has now. Either make it faster or stronger, but not both. An alternative that I was playing around while thinking of a Srivijayan civ would be to give it the ability to enter ocean tiles! Do nothing else to it, not make it stronger or faster or anything, just allow it to enter ocean tiles. Thus island archipeligo maps would give them a great advantage... of course, this is also something I was thinking up for the Srivijayan civ where it makes a bit more sense...
Finally! I have been waiting for a good Filipino mod! I like the mod, and plugged it into my Esnaz folder with no problem, which is great, but I have a few bits of constructive criticism for the update you mentioned:

  • Ethnic Skin: Why Celtic? That really surprised me, I was expecting Asian!

  • UU: The Vinta is way over powered, and not a particularly good choice: The Vinta is basically an outrigger fishing boat - in no way a competitor to a Galley - though I DID love the look of it, I would really like to see the Vinta used as a Flavor Skin for the Fishing Boat and the UU to be either an Eskrimador(replaces Spearman, uses animation like a Aztec Jaguar, Starts with Woodsman 1 and Formation),Katipunero (Replaces Rifleman, Drill I and City Protection I), or Katipunan (Replaces Marine, Stars with Woodsman I&II, and Extra First Strike), I could e-mail you a decent background entry if you need them.

Great work, though - I'm surprised that there aren't more Filipino attempts out there - Manila alone has 4 times the population of some of the Baltic Nations that have 3 or 4 mods!
Celtic , wasn't it spanish? Don't worry I'll improve this mod as soon as I get the things needed , anyways , this should the right time for you to give suggestions for the unit artstyles .Here's mine :
Ancient & Classical : Polynesian
Meidieval :Indonesian (Indian)?
Rennaisance & Industrial: Spanish
Modern : American
I just have a little thought about this, but I just want to let you know Im not trying to make you change anything or any matter of that sort. But wouldn't it be cooler if the Civ was called Maharlika? Again, just a thought...
for those interersted i have a ferdinand marcos in the db


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