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The Second Civil War (for Warlords)


Mar 13, 2009
"The Second Civil War"
January 20th, 2009...
The majority of the United States government is attending the 44th president Barrack Obama's inaugural ball when they are suddenly incinerated by a nuclear warhead, leveling Washington D.C. and destroying the proper chain of command.

State and local officials scramble to reform their respective governments while actor and international reform advocate George Clooney steps in.

Clooney, the acting chair of Not On Our Watch, an organization that focuses global attention and resources to stop and prevent mass atrocities, seizes control of police forces in every major city on the Pacific Seaboard.

Though claiming his actions were simply meant to maintain stability until the government could reorganize, leaders from every American city begin putting together their own forces in fear of a total coup.

Fingers are pointed. Borders are drawn. And just days later, February 1st, 2009, the United States of America has been split into six factions at war:

-West (George Clooney, actor and peace advocate)
-Rockymountains (John Hickenlooper, mayor of Denver)
-Midwest (Brian Orloff, formerly unknown military officer)
-North (Rudolph Guiliani, former mayor of New York City)
-South (Alan Keyes, public speaker and former presidential candidate)
-Texas (George W. Bush, former president of the U.S)

Also playable:
-Canada (Stephen Harper, Prime Minister)
-Mexico (Felipe Calderón, President)
-Cuba (Raúl Castro, President)

Special thanks to Ozzy for his North America map.

This is my first scenario. I plan to continue to develop this if there is any interest.

Not ragging on you in any way, but I've always liked the idea of an 'action star' civil war, e.g. Arnold leading California, Chuck Norris leading Texas, Stallone leading NY/Northeast, Ventura leading the Upper Midwest, Seagal leading Alaska/Pacific NW, Wesley Snipes leading Florida... hell maybe throw in Harrison Ford commanding the Rockies from his Wyoming Ranch and Van Damme ruling over Louisiana! Would love to play a stupid scenario like that with modified leaderheads... Anyhow will be sure to download your scenario as I enjoy modern civil war settings.
this looks hilarious , nice idea
Really cool idea, but why Warlords?
Either way,
Welcome to the Forums, Morza :beer:.

Warlords for now just because I am one of those mac losers who don't have any better option!
This looks awesome! I have Civ Complete, so thankfully I can play this, but I'm bummed there's no BtS. Hurry up Mac BtS!!!
Sorry for the gravedigging, but I just stumbled upon this scenario last night. I've played all the way through it once as the west, and played through about 20 turns as the others. The concept is great, and I love the basic outline of the game and the way it's setup, but the regions are incredibly unbalanced, and as the west, I managed to take out about half of the rocky mountain region in five turns because the area was undefended. As the South, I lost three or four cities in the first two turns because the entire Louisiana coast and border with most everyone is wholly undefended.
Just the problems I've had so far, and I hope you keep working on this project, because it's a lot of fun!
For some reason this isn't working for me. I downloaded the file and placed it in the "Warlords>Mods" folder, but for some reason it doesn't come up when I hit "Load a Mod"

Thanks for the feedback and input. My thought process in allocating units was to put them where US military bases actually exist. For this reason the respective governments for each region would have to scramble to assemble defense forces and land rushes would take place, with territory changing hands and evolving quickly. On the other hand, in this kind of situation there would also be militia type forces springing up to protect cities. Maybe it would be best to aim for balance next time to make the initial gameplay less hectic?


This is not a mod so I'm not sure that would be the proper method. For Mac I would throw it into my public maps folder and load it as a scenario. Hope that helps.
not ragging on you in any way, but i've always liked the idea of an 'action star' civil war, e.g. Arnold leading california, chuck norris leading texas, stallone leading ny/northeast, ventura leading the upper midwest, seagal leading alaska/pacific nw, wesley snipes leading florida... Hell maybe throw in harrison ford commanding the rockies from his wyoming ranch and van damme ruling over louisiana! Would love to play a stupid scenario like that with modified leaderheads... Anyhow will be sure to download your scenario as i enjoy modern civil war settings.

This is a ridiculously unrealistic scenario. For every single gathering of the Chain of command there is one of them waiting in a bunker in case something like this happens
This is a ridiculously unrealistic scenario. For every single gathering of the Chain of command there is one of them waiting in a bunker in case something like this happens

LOL, that's the part you consider ridiculous?!?!? What about this part...

The majority of the United States government is attending the 44th president Barrack Obama's inaugural ball when they are suddenly incinerated by a nuclear warhead, leveling Washington D.C. and destroying the proper chain of command.

Who is behind the bombing? Why don't the Americans go after them instead of split apart and allow this to happen...

State and local officials scramble to reform their respective governments while actor and international reform advocate George Clooney steps in.

What the :):):):)?!?!?!

Clooney, the acting chair of Not On Our Watch, an organization that focuses global attention and resources to stop and prevent mass atrocities, seizes control of police forces in every major city on the Pacific Seaboard.

Though claiming his actions were simply meant to maintain stability until the government could reorganize, leaders from every American city begin putting together their own forces in fear of a total coup.


Fingers are pointed. Borders are drawn. And just days later, February 1st, 2009, the United States of America has been split into six factions at war:

-West (George Clooney, actor and peace advocate)
-Rockymountains (John Hickenlooper, mayor of Denver)
-Midwest (Brian Orloff, formerly unknown military officer)
-North (Rudolph Guiliani, former mayor of New York City)
-South (Alan Keyes, public speaker and former presidential candidate)
-Texas (George W. Bush, former president of the U.S)

The entire thing is ******ed, the MAYOR OF DENVER takes control over the whole Rocky Mountain region. Not a military official, not a governor, or even a senator, but the mayor of Denver? I like how Brian Orloff is a "formerly unknown military officer," what exactly does this mean? Nobody knew who he was, at all?

Rudy would never lead the north, that's entirely ridiculous. He could probably barely win a state-wide election in New York, let alone the entire north-east. Alan Keyes? I'm not even going to respond to this.

The only thing that makes sense is that morons from Texas would let dubya lead another country, although he apparently wasn't a bad governor, I just like bashing Texans. :goodjob:
LOL, that's the part you consider ridiculous?!?!? What about this part...

Who is behind the bombing? Why don't the Americans go after them instead of split apart and allow this to happen...

What the :):):):)?!?!?!


The entire thing is ******ed, the MAYOR OF DENVER takes control over the whole Rocky Mountain region. Not a military official, not a governor, or even a senator, but the mayor of Denver? I like how Brian Orloff is a "formerly unknown military officer," what exactly does this mean? Nobody knew who he was, at all?

Rudy would never lead the north, that's entirely ridiculous. He could probably barely win a state-wide election in New York, let alone the entire north-east. Alan Keyes? I'm not even going to respond to this.

The only thing that makes sense is that morons from Texas would let dubya lead another country, although he apparently wasn't a bad governor, I just like bashing Texans. :goodjob:
If your not playing for fun, why are you playing at all?
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