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King of the World #17: Peter the Great

Switch from Serfdom to State Property.
Mad's right (as usual - he's my new hero!). It will be a slog, but it will certainly be worth it when all that jungle is turned into watermills... Dare you squeeze in one more city on the eastern tip of S America? That should block the AI from the continent completely, apart from the irrelevant Qin. And oh, what a pleasure to put 'Qin' and 'irrelevant' in the same sentence.
I loaded the save, and tried to trade scientific method for communism with Huyana...and he made the trade! You'll lose the monopoly on SM, but it'll take WAY to long to research at your current tech rate, and even then, you're losing money...

I'd say, take the trade, and mass build watermills afterwards :D after that, its a sure win.
...trade scientific method for communism...

That's quite the feat. Considering the one is a necessary prerequisite of the other and Huyana doesn't have neither :) Did you confuse Communism and Nationalism?

Trading SM for Economics+cash is quite lucrative though. Especially since you are still in Barbarism(!), should take Bureucracy along with FM. Strictly better as far as I can tell. Even Vassalage would net you a dozen or so gpt, roughly on par with Bureu. Another possibility of course is to trade for Nat as well (Huyana would vassalgift SM anyway) and adopt that. Saves just a bit more.
Oops...my bad...confussed the red symbols (A) Then i doubt if it was a good choice to settle those last few cities....maintanance is absolutelly horrifying...
Well...then just build wealth, trade resources for GPT, trade with backwards nations for cash, and perhaps a civic change?
Very nice work snagging SM from liberalism. A nice 2 continet empire with State Property will be well worth the slow tech pace. Make trades for backfilling techs and gold. Build science. If you cna nab Communism first the Great Spy can be used to backfill anything else, and I suggest directing eps towards a future spy victum!

Agree. Use the great spy against the Incan devil. He looks to be a monster for a long time to come.
I disagree. Due to cost-from-palace and Inca's strong economy I think Neal would be better to infiltrate Athens. Alex has almost the same tech list as HC once communism is had and if Alex decides to DoW Neal, Neal can wreak havoc with spies.

EDIT: or not, whoops... realized that lil red flag was Nat'lism not Com'nism. I still think Alex would be a better spy target tho. He'd be fun to mess with :)
Greece is closer. Of course, if you piss Greece off with spies, you're going down. HC isn't as militaristic as Alex.
Greece is closer. Of course, if you piss Greece off with spies, you're going down. HC isn't as militaristic as Alex.

That's the problem. HC sacrifices only a little in military in order to be a tech fiend ... which of course means that he gets mroe power because of advanced units. :mad:
I'm playing a shadow of this... I think it's no spoiler to say it's very different if you accidentally conquer Europe before you go to S America. I didn't mean to, but having founded London ... Moscow where London usually is, I needed to take Mecca, and it had the pyramids, so stupid not to keep it. Then I got declared on by GK, so stupid not to take him out, but razed his capital and founded two sensibly-placed cities instead. Then Alex went to war with Asoka, who had shrined Buddhism... silly not to sneak in and nab the shrine, and before you know it Alex is asking if he can be my vassal. So he spams units and secures my border while I go and build ten cities (I think) in S America.

Slider at 60% science, 10% esp before State Property, 80/10/10 culture afterwards. Loving my shrine (oh, and Wall Street and five settled G Merchants in Delhi too...)

Super fun! Will be playing out all the other leaders on this map eventually. Incas should be fun...
Arright, guys, I've played the next round. My life has been nuts lately, so the once-a-week or so round is gonna be the norm for a while. Either way, it's played, and I'm going to try to write it up tonight or tomorrow. As seems to be the usual these days, here's an early look at the save:
Wow, glad to see the king is still working! =)
King Peter paced about his throne room. Communism would be the salvation of the empire, bringing new efficiency to the far-off hinterlands across the sea. And with South America contributing to Russia rather than draining it, the empire would become a true powerhouse, rivaling the Inca in Scientific discovery and the Greeks in military might. But Communism was a long way off, and in the meantime, the economy teetered on the brink of disaster. It had become a race against time.

And, of course, time could only be held off with change. Though Peter recoiled at the thought of casting his government into Anarchy, he knew that his antiquated apparatchiks were gumming up the works. Russia opened long-closed scientific files to the world, divulging its secrets in exchange for saving its soul:

Nationalism, Constitution, and Economics. The foundations of the modern state.

The outdated robes of office were cast aside for the dapper suit of a prime minister. The chaos of Decentralized Barbarism was abandoned in favor of the focused fervor of Nationhood and a keener understanding of the Free Market. Russia, after a long period of Anarchic dormancy, emerged reborn:

As the new officials ousted the old, and rioting broke out across two continents, Peter and his specially chosen staff hoarded as much gold as they could. They diverted resource trade income to their personal coffers as a moratorium was called on maintenance costs.

And, before the terror subsided, Peter had also made a lucrative deal with the warlike Greeks:

Perhaps a little lopsided in Greece's favor, yes, but at this point, Education is basically a throw-in tech, and neither Astronomy nor Nationalism are exactly rare commodities. Replaceable Parts and Chemistry, though, would boost our production significantly in the coming years.

By 1140, Russia had finally emerged from their decades of chaos leaner and meaner. Peter found that the world had changed while the Mother Country reorganized:

Alexander had decided to enforce a peace between the cruel Americans and the pastoral Iberian Mongols. This was of little concern to the King of the World, but the colonists at Concepcibirk threatening to go native and adding rice noodles to their borscht was grave news, indeed. Artists were immediately hired in the settlement, dancing the Troika and writing long, intellectual novels about angst.

Unfortunately, the years of restructuring and the focus on research over expansion allowed the Germans to gain a foothold in Brazil:

This caused widespread consternation in Parliament, with a few hotheads even going so far as to recommend an immediate declaration of war. Peter, though, was less perturbed. It was a loss, certainly, but the arid nature of the area, combined with the lack of ready food sources, meant that the region would be marginal, at best, until the advent of Biology. Regardless, it was a guaranteed friendly port for Frederick on "our" continent.

By 1210, Louis had broken from Spain and filled in Frederick's vacant spot in Huayna Capac's power structure. Typical of the conniving Frenchman that he should jump ship to the strongest nation on the board. More importantly, though, our southern colonists decided to ditch the borsht and go with straight rice noodles:

... Damn. Ah, well. We still have the option of sending a military force to take out the Barbarian city of Carib and once again take the (cultural) fight to the scheming Chinese. Who's with me?

You'll note that I do not recommend direct military action against Qin Shi Huang. As weak as he surely is, he is entangled in world politics, and any declarations of war would trash a very sweet deal Peter managed for himself...

Perhaps Isabella would never quite be the power that Cyrus tends to turn into on this map, but she's still a force to be reckoned with. And now, her force is our force.

An interesting event happened in 1220:

Well, well, well. The shoe's on the other foot now, isn't it, Monty? Of course, with Roosevelt on the wrong side of a continental religious Buddhist lovefest I can't promise that he'll do well in this little skirmish, but it's good to see him taking the initiative :) Less happily, the Inca continue to dominate the Wonders game, though that does happily remove any temptation to trade for Divine Right...

Which we proceeded to do that very turn:

I did it all for the 820 gold. At least now we won't need to worry about AIs shoving it in our faces every other turn.

By 1265, the long march to Communism was finally over:

We were, apparently, in a race with the French for it! But we won, so we earned the Great Spy, who combined with a Londongrad Great Scientist to launch our second Golden Age. So it was here that I decided to stop, as we have some decisions to make.

First off, what shall we research next?

I'm personally partial to Steam Power, to beef up our Workers and get some Levees online, but I can be persuaded otherwise.

Besides, it would be a Monopoly Tech:

As you can see, we're doing fairly well, techwise, and with maintenance no longer crushing our hopes and dreams, we should transition to doing VERY well real soon now. Corporation might be nice to tack another Trade Route to all of our coastal cities.

We're going to go State Property (obviously), but are there any other switches we should make?

We're in a Golden Age, so they're free. What about Free Religion? Buddhism is strong, but 10% Science is fairly tempting. Free Speech? We finished the Musketmen quest, so they're all upgraded to Pinch, so the ability to draft them (and maybe turn them into Riflemen later) is there. I dunno. I kind of suck at the Civics game.

Here's a look at the Diplomacy screen:

We are quite well-liked by those we want to be liked by, and we have our alliance with Spain, so I think we'll be okay, war-wise. So I think it's time to finally start thinking victory conditions. Space? Maybe shoot for Diplomacy? Or even Culture? I do have a lot of religions tooling around the empire, after all...

Oh, one more thing. I have a Settler puttering around the Amazon. Where should he lay down roots?

The save is up above.
Settler 1 south, levies and water mills, Umm good set I suppose, forgotten really what's going on, bit confused.

IF you Don't have Great Lighthouse, go Corporation, otherwise, best not too..

I'd say Steam Power (watermills) then, Railroads (duh) then Electricity.
Yes, one south looks right, and at least one, maybe two more cities in the jungle. LOTS of workers, farms and watermills, obviously Steam Power, and in a century or so the jungles of S America will be a powerhouse and you'll get to space no problem. But you know all this - you did it with the Inca in KotW 6. I reckon it'll be a good deal sooner this time.
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