• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Open Spots in NES.

I be announcing open spots in two NESes:

AoHNES: Gunpowder Revolution- Open is the mighty Numidian Empire, the City-State of Jerusalem, the German Protestant Rebels, and of course the powerful Pope.

EQNES: Shattered Alliances- Many nations still have not been claimed, both weak and strong.
Hi, I have never played in an NES game before. Can I join up?
Of course!
GoobNES01: Fallout is now open, and, having gotten past that crucial "first update", it is well on its way to becoming a successful NES! Come and Check it out!

This is essentially everyone's worst nightmare, a Nuclear Exchange between the USA and USSR during the height of the Cold War, come alive. Its very exciting. Don't miss out!
Okay. Where do I sign up? Do I join up with one already going?
Well, you can join any one ongoing already, they are scattered throughout this page. Generally the ones near the top, on the first page are the active ones. You can start your own, but best to get experience first. A lot of us NESers have MSN/AIM, if you have questions about NESing in general, just pose it here, or contact one of us NESers over MSN/AIM.
ENES 6 now has 4 open spaces, since players left. Several of these nations are propserous or large. Feel free to come in and rule the world, throwing thunderbolts while you're at it ;)
Every Neo Nes is known for something...
... you built Wonders on Alexanders time.....
... you built Empires on Ceasars days.....
... you answered to the crusades....
... you crushed other kingdoms....
... You explored the unknown world.....
... You fought in Napolens Era.....
... You spied on the cold war...
... You built a world superpower....

... now what?....


Yet again Something different something original and the first story neo nes .. ever!...
Comming soon........​
Whatever your new NES is, I reserve Canada, if I can.

And you had better be keeping your other NEONes going, like you promised.
Yes, Liberia!!!
I was thinking Malaysia actually...he seems to have something of an obsession...
pffft, some of those countries wont even be on the map, the nes will be so outrageously crazy and original i wonder if people will want to play at all
Storys tales and legends. It's going to be another world, with magic, races and stuff like that! YAY.
Wow, that sounds really cool. *reads some books about stories, myths and legends*
*reserves spot*
anyhow, i realised that many didnt figured it out but Neodämmerung is the remake of Neo Nes Twilight of the gods
Rnes5 is reopening.

there's a couple nations in there that need new rulers.
take a look, maybe you'll want one of them.
ps, for those too lazy to look at a game without knowing something about first:
board game (think "risk" and "diplomacy" type games)
on turn 20, but got stalled at that point cause a world war broke out and one side of the war sort of lost interest and didnt send orders. which is wierd cause now's the most interesting part of the game, an actual war instead of just exploring and bickering about who "deserves" to be bigger.

so, take a look, pick a side, choose a nation in need of a leader, and have a go at it.

ps, staying part of your nation's "original" allience is NOT required.
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