INES III: Storm Tapestry

Breaking News: Al Tur Massacre in Sinai

Prime Minister Levi Sharett has just made an emergency announcement, stating that the port city of Al Tur in the Sinai region has been attacked by unknown forces.

As of this report, it is confirmed that just over a hundred have been killed or injured in the past twenty four hours due to an attack on the heavily Muslim city, and the number is expected to climb.

"The Nation of Israel will not stand for slaughter of this calibre against anyone, be they Muslims, Jews, or of any other denomination." Sharett said in his speech.

While reports are still unconfirmed, it is believed that the attack came not from foreign forces, but from the Israeli militant party, the Lehi. While Lehi party leader David Rabin has remained silent on the issue, staunch opponent to the militant party and Speaker of the Knesset Isaac Livni claims that the attack on the city, which is nearly 80% Muslim, was perpetrated by Lehi radicals wishing vengeance against the Iranians and Egyptians for their attack on the Order of Mecca. The Supreme Leader of Iran has not made a comment as of now.

Prime Minister Sharett has deployed Israeli military forces to the region, and Livni is attempting to pass a bill banning the Lehi party, with high public support.

(My flag, btw.)
15/17 orders in. Deadline here. Five international wars and two major rebellions.
So i guess we should be watching that happiness stat than?
You said 15;00! That's 3!

GMT (or rather BST). That's 11:00 AM EST, which I should probably be saying since most people in the game seems to be from your time zone. But send orders quick, and I'll do your section last, and everything should work fine.

So i guess we should be watching that happiness stat than?

One rebellion was from a happiness issue. The other was a more opportunistic thing.
Nations with equal to or less than 50% approval rating;
  • Atlantic Kingdom (44%)
  • Mexico (50%)
  • Brazil (38%)
  • Union of South Africa (50%)
  • Order of Mecca (50%)
  • United Kingdom (N/A)
  • Russian Federation (N/A)

Ahmad opened the door to the barracks, adjusting his eyes to the dim lighting inside, and enjoying the coolness that emanated from the building, a welcome relief from the scorching mid-morning sun. As he entered the barrack, Ahmad tossed aside his helmet and rifle, and eagerly began cleaning his face in a nearby washbasin. The dirt and sand that covered him was the result of a morning of drills and training with his regiment in the deserts outside of Sana'a. By now, he was tired and eager to escape the burning sun and 95 degree heat. Slowly lifting his head out of the water, Ahmad could hear the faint sound of a radio drifting from the back of the building, but nothing else. This of course was a surprise, as normally at that time of day the barracks were full of soldiers trying to escape the heat.

Curious, Ahmad wandered through the rows of bunk beds towards the back of the barrack, eventually spotting a large group of fellow soldiers seated around a radio, listening intently. Ahmad attempt to greet the men, but was promptly quiet by whispers of "Quiet you fool, He's talking". Knowing that He could only be one man, Ahmad sat down on the floor and began listening to the radio as intently as the rest of the soldiers in the barrack. Immediately, Ahmad recognized the authoritative voice of the Supreme Leader, Mojtaba Khamenei. From what he heard, it seemed as through the Supreme Leader was giving a speech to a large crowd back home, and had, luckily for Ahmad, barely begun.

"…clearly Allah supports our just cause, as shown by our victories across the Middle East. The Revolutionary Army has swept through the south of Arabia, drawing every closer to the land of Mohammad." (At this the men in the barracks gave off a small cheer). "Our Egyptian allies have seized Medina, and soon Mecca and the Kaaba will once more lie in the hands of Allah's children. In Iraq, the brave Mujahideen of the Army of the Jihad have held their lines against the most experienced troops of the Order, despite their numerical inferiority and lack of training. What other proof is needed to show that Allah is on our side?"

"And yet these infidels refuse to bow down to the inevitable. The Order continues to fight for control of Mecca, and the equally treacherous Israelis now attempt to interfere in our jihad. No matter, for we shall sweep them aside like a bug, and the Dome of the Rock will also return to the hands of Muslims. Our Shi'a brothers in Iraq will join the fold, and Muslims across the Middle East will be reunited under the banner of Islam."

"I once again call on all faithful Muslims, from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, whether Shi'a or Sunni, to take up arms in the name of Allah and drive these traitorous dogs from the holy cities that they occupy, ending their oppression of Muslims in the Middle East. Remember, with Allah on our side, we cannot fail. Allāhu Akbar." As the Supreme Leader ended his speech, Ahmad could hear the crowd over the radio breaking out into deafening chants of "Allāhu Akbar" and "Death to the Order".
I've wondered why am I not applicable in that regard? Do people dare not speak of the King?
They're just too polite to say anything
Probably, time for tea and biscuits anyway.

Though I'd be surprised if the uprising wasn't the Russians, with their situation and what not.

And the only reason I'm posting is so Imago can post it starting the next page.
A glance into History: The War for Texan Independence.

In 1835 the esteemed General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna abolished the Mexican Constitution of 1824 and established his own 1835 Constitution which Texas refused to follow for the simple reason that their self autonomy was threatened. Thus the war began as armed Texan ranchers congregated at various locations around Texas, even several Mexicans have joined the caused, which angered General Santa Anna. Promptly he formed an Mexican army and began marching north, it was during this march that Texan patriots surrounded the Alamo in San Antonio. The makeshift fort quickly surrendered and the Mexican Garrison allowed to march out and leave Texas.

While in a lull waiting for General Santa Anna to make his march from Mexico City, the various leaders met to design a Constitution and name a leader of the Texan Military. It is this man we will follow: He is General Sam Houston.

Sam Houston rose to accept his sacred duty as savior of the Texan People against Mexican aggression, he solemnly spoke of the upcoming war, "We will win only if you esteemed people will grant me complete control over my armies, that you will not dictate any plans, nor meddle in the affairs of the army. I will not tolerate any politicians pushing me from the safety of Galveston, if I have your complete assurance that you will not do any of the mentioned, I will gladly assist you in gaining your independence and defeating General Santa Anna. But Gentlemen, I must warn you, General Santa Anna is Mexico's best General and many of his colleagues in Mexico hail him as the Napoleon of the West, so I warn you that this war will not be easy, nor will it be quick and decisive. It will be bloody and long. I am ready for this, the question is..." Houston stared at the politicians, "Are you?" With that Houston turned around, his indentured servant, Mexican Law outlawed slavery, followed.

Houston arrived at the Alamo to survey the defenses, what he saw galled him, the Alamo was nothing more than an incomplete church quickly added to it and converted to a fort, though the Alamo has the one thing Houston wanted, it has the best and highest concentration of guns found west of the Mississippi and Houston wanted them in the safety of Goliad County where his army will form. Despite Houston's best efforts the Alamo garrison refused to leave, prompting Houston to send a small squad to capture the guns and bring them to Goliad County. General Santa Anna and the Mexican Army arrived first.

The Battle for the Alamo

General Houston was in Galveston when the first messenger, a Mexican rebel turned Texan Patriot arrived with a message from the Alamo requesting reinforcements. Houston turned to his political leaders and threw the message at them, "I have ordered that fort to be abandoned! I told you and them that that fort would not be held until I have gathered enough reinforcements to adequately protect both Galveston with you gentlemen in it and fight the Mexican Army. Right now I barely have enough to anything, those forces now fighting at the Alamo number near 200, and would be a fine addition to this growing force!" Houston caught himself and saw several soldiers staring their way. Houston glared at them and the soldiers scurried away. A politician spoke, Houston did not know his name, "General, why don't you simply take your men and march there now?"

Houston, using every attempt to keep calm replied, "Because Gentlemen, I do not have the men to face General Santa Anna, he has nearly 10,000* highly trained professional soldiers being led by one of the best generals in North America. If I attempted to rescue our trapped brothers at the Alamo, we would lose our entire army and there would be nothing to stop General Santa Anna from marching on you and killing ever one of you. No gentlemen, I will not go to the Alamo." Houston saw the shock on their faces and simply walked away. Leaving the politicians stunned and confused.

*Number was highly exaggerated, the actual number was around 6,000.

Following the recapture of the Alamo, General Santa Anna's army split up to navigate the rough terrain to Galveston and to allow his men ample room to forage without running out of food. General Santa Anna chose to lead the smaller column of 1,500 men to Galveston with General Cos leading roughly 4,000 on a longer route to Galveston. Messengers poured in from every direction begging Houston to take action, that Galveston itself was under threat from Mexico and chastening Houston for the fall of the Alamo. Austin himself threatened to have Houston hung for treason. Houston shrugged it all off and gave the order for his men to move out. They would trail General Santa Anna's column. The men, eager to get moving and finally take the fight to Mexico, began chanting 'Remember the Alamo'.

Houston's army was on rough parity with Santa Anna's column, but Houston was always careful to understand that Santa Anna's column was still a professional fighting force led by a superb leader. His own men were mostly backwood riflemen and cowboys, some of them may have even fought in a battle once or twice, such as the Battle of Gonzales, Texas' first major victory before the losses at the Alamo. Despite such enthusiastic soldiers, Houston was still pessimistic and would refuse to engage Santa Anna until he finds ground to his favor. After several days of marches and counter marches which drew grumbling from his army that Houston was too much of a coward to engage Santa Anna, Houston finally found the ground he saw in his dreams. The ground would eventually be called San Jacinto.

The Battle of San Jacinto

Map of San Jacinto battlefield held by General Sam Houston.

Texan cavalry overrun Mexican positions, capturing General Santa Anna.

General Houston decided not to waste time and ammunition dueling with Mexican cannons who far outrange his own guns and are more accurate, Houston instead sent his cavalry on a race to the frontlines while troops under Deaf Smith circled the Mexican army through the woods. The Mexican army was caught completely unawares and expected an old fashioned battle between guns put up little resistance as the cavalry swarmed over their positions killing all who got in their way whether or not the surrendered. It wasn't until some of the commanders finally caught up with their commands that some form of control was returned and those who surrendered were captured. As Houston expected the Mexican army retreated to the San Jacinto river and right into the waiting trap of Deaf Smith and his men. Of the 1,500 Mexicans that started the battle, close to 650 were captured, the remaining 750 or so were either dead or wounded. General Santa Anna was among those captured. Both sides were shocked the battle ended so quickly, less than 20 minutes, so shocked in fact that Houston refused to believe that it was over and demanded that his troops prepare for battle again. When he was convinced no other Mexican soldiers were nearby he conceded that he had won an amazing victory over the Napoleon of the West. Already some of his closest friends have begun calling him General Wellington.

When Houston learned that General Santa Anna was a prisoner of his army he immediately requested that he be brought before him. He strategically placed himself near a tree with a noose on it. When General Santa Anna saw the tree, the noose and General Houston himself, Santa Anna visibly panicked, thinking they were going to kill him on the spot. In fact General Houston asked General Santa Anna to sign a paper that guaranteed Texan independence and ceded Texas all land as shown on the map with the treaty in exchange for his life. General Santa Anna agreed and signed the treaty.

To this day it is known as the Treaty of San Jacinto and Texas' greatest battle.

Sam Houston was elected as Texas' first president and served two terms before resigning from politics and dying in 1863.
Update: 2052

Peaceful Events

The Treaty of the United Americas showed great cohesion in coming to the aid of Quebec, with the CWOH Commonwealth and Texas framing their alliance’s spoiling invasion of Canada as a humanitarian mission. Yet technological spats have kept the group less than totally unified. Neither Texas nor Quebec has yet contributed to United Americas’ shared research, and neither has been allowed to reap its fruits. Likewise, Texas has not explained its army’s efficiencies.

(See Military Events)

Queen Victoria’s coronation was the news of the year on the Atlantic Kingdom’s eternally glitchy Holo Nets. Events like the construction of the Pillar of Victory were themselves enough to overwhelm coverage on the Canadian war. The ceremony itself was somewhat of an international gala, with persons like the Brazilian president in attendance. Darkening the mood in noble circles were allegations that Victoria’s first parliamentary elections had been flagrantly rigged, with the Monarchist Party receiving just enough ‘votes’ for an absolute majority, but the franchise was so small that few serfs even noticed the controversy.

To Victoria I, national finances have proved far more important than scruples or tradition. The Atlantic Kingdom now sells state prisoners to factory owners for slave labor, allows colored serfs to work night shifts in industrial settings, and war profiteers by helping fast food owners and merchants set up shop near the United Americas military bases that have sprung up along the Canadian border.

A huge wave of pro-USACS demonstrations rippled throughout South Africa as blacks fed up with the African National Congress’s conciliatory policies let off steam. While the ANC has assured the apartheid government that the protestors only really want slightly more freedoms, not hardcore socialism, a number of tribal leaders have reached out to the international media and begged to differ.

(-South African approval rating)

The USACS’s Five Year Plan growth targets are 50%, and always were. Also, something very pleasant must be going on in the Congo. No stories of rebellion are leaking out anymore.

A number of bombs went off in downtown Bamako, one hitting a nursing home on student visitation day. Hundreds died, and the culprits were clear. Russian spies and African terrorists. The Kélen Toumani declared National Hate Day and vowed to kill all the Rushinz.

(See Military Events)

Partially completed USACS fortifications have been discovered along the Mediterranean coastline of the Maghreb.

The Neo-European Union replaced the Pact of Europe as the vehicle for UK-French-Roman alliance, putting the PE… jokes to rest once and for all.

The United Kingdom of Lord Protector Gabriel Blacktyde is not quite as atavistic as the title of its Head of Government. Schools are increasingly emphasizing technological education, and while the students learn the basics, the professors are using proto AIs to solve problems of economics and infrastructure. Bolstered by the British Petroleum’s exploitation of oil and gas reserves in the North Sea, hints of a surge in economically viable robotic prosthetics, and increased ties with Japan, the London Stock Exchange has become the dynamic embodiment of the Cyber Renaissance, and perhaps the premier institution of its kind in Europe.

(+1 UK ASP)

Nico Romano and his NFP-PRR devolved commonsense regulation to local governments, formed committees to root out government waste, and ushered in a new tax policy encouraging capital investment in the Roman Republic. This has tied Rome to the London Stock Exchange to some degree.

The Germans ordered their army to start creating fortifications along the Rhine and the Roman border.

The democratic Balt Confederacy joined the otherwise communist LIARS for reasons of pure pragmatism, but the government in Helsinki seems rather thrilled about it. Arriving aircraft from USACS flew in formation with Balt fighters as eye candy for the ongoing series of Freedom Rallies before heading out to the front. If sales of war bonds are any indication, the Balts are fully supportive of all measures taken to defeat the Russians.

(See Military Events)

Israel’s socialist honeymoon period seems to have ended with the terrorist attack on the city of Al Tur. Antigovernment protests by both Arabs and pro-Lehi Jews angry that their party was being blamed have mainstreamed communal ways of thinking that many idealists thought had been abandoned decades ago. Prime Minister Levi Sharett poured fire on the crisis by mobilizing much of his military to the Iranian border without actually invading the Umma, which has upset critics on both sides. The Arab wing of the Socialist Party has threatened to break off if war is declared, and few know what a wartime minority government might mean.

(-Israeli approval rating)

Arabian Muslims in Iranian-occupied territory continued to remain neutral.

Pro-jihad and anti-Israeli fervor swept Iran’s mosques and town squares. The Islamic reconquest of Mecca seemed just over the horizon, and a thousand imams cried out to their congregations that victory could not be allowed to slip away. A hundred thousand more youth answered the call.

(+10 Iranian irregular divisions)

In Imperial Proletarian Japan, where Citizens are the State, and by inference, own everything, the Emperor established the Citizens’ Guard of the Imperial Proletariat. Well-funded, the Citizens’ Guard has helped the army ensure order in the Great Industrial and Agricultural Initiative, which has brought thousands of the unfortunate jobless to prefab work camps on distant unexploited Pacific islands. The day Japanese efforts pay sizable economic dividends has arrived, but it doesn’t matter. Get Back to Work.

(+1 Japanese ASP)

War with Russia has changed little in the glorious Imperial Proletarian State, and anyone who thinks otherwise should report to the Office of Might Very Well Having Something to Fear. Joining the armed forces is indeed very healthy, for it is a surefire path to becoming a Citizen! Do not worry about the fighting taking place in your homes and neighborhoods. Get Back to Work.

(See Military Events)

Military Events

The war against dictatorial Canada was reducible to a number of fairly discrete fronts. Canada’s attack on Quebec, the first event that gripped the media, was actually a fairly back and forth affair, with Canadian troops making half the distance to Quebec City before reinforcements from the Caribbean Republic arrived and used their fancy equipment to wreak havoc on Canada’s communications, virtually annihilating Ottawa’s hard-pressed air force and paving the way for a counteroffensive that recovered even some suburbs of Montreal. Of course, tens of thousands of Canadians soldiers are now entrenched in that famous city, and further attacks have stalled for fear of causing unacceptable collateral damage.

(-4 Quebecois divisions, -5 Quebecois groups, -1 Caribbean division, -6 Canadian divisions, -11 Canadian groups)

In other sectors, the Canadians proved a great deal less impressive. The Royal Army of the Atlantic Kingdom swept aside limited resistance and seized the Ontario peninsula, even threatening Ottawa, while further west, a vast combined Atlantic-Texan offensive rolled through Manitoba and Saskatchewan to seize Canada’s breadbasket and began distributing enough ‘humanitarian aid’ (courtesy of CWOH) to earn cheers from each new township that was occupied. Nearer to the Pacific, Canada was respectable on the defensive, seizing some miles of CWOH borderland in exchange for losing Vancouver Island and getting their regional navy blown out of the water by CWOH air power, but Sacramento’s well supplied troops are on the verge of capturing the city of Vancouver on the mainland, and the balance sheet really doesn’t look very favorable to the Canadians.

(-2 CWOH divisions, -1 Texan division, -2 Atlantic divisions, -9 Canadian divisions, -5 Canadian squadrons, -3 Canadian groups, -Canadian approval rating, -1 Canadian ASP)

France succeeded in bringing its Neo-European allies to bear against the Inca, but the second year of the war was fairly anticlimactic, especially considering the revelation that an ill-timed visit had made Napoleon VIII the most famous victim of the massacres at Cayenne. Relatively small numbers of European troops bandied to staging positions in Panama while the expanding Incan air force harassed logistics and continued to raid Trinidad. The only conquest of any sort was in the Galapagos Islands, where some Roman marines stormed the beaches, arrested local constables, and sent letters home about how they were doing their duty and enjoying paradise. To be fair, the Incan air raids have littered the Caribbean Sea with the wreckage of tankers and transport ships, but none of the sailors who died trapped in steel tombs underneath the waves got much press.

(-5 French squadrons, -4 French groups, -1 Roman division, -2 Roman squadrons, -1 Roman group, -1 UK squadron, -1 UK group, -6 Incan groups)

Brazil’s northeast exploded in rebellion, fulfilling the promise of years of governmental corruption and economic stagnation. Propelled by the undue influence of foreign death squads, the uprising’s ideological position moved left so far so quickly as to alienate millions of potential supporters, but only disorganization prevents a Marxist drive on Rio de Janeiro.

(-7 Brazilian divisions, -6 Brazilian groups, -1 Brazilian ASP)

Egypt shifted much of its navy to the Mediterranean to position better for the potential war with Israel, which left the Red Sea to be ruled by captains as loyal to piracy as they were to the Order. In any event, this hampered Egypt’s ability to reinforce its positions in Arabia.

(-1 Order squadron, -2 Egyptian squadrons)

LIARS completely reversed the trajectory of the Russian-Balt War, which quickly became too big to deserve that name. In Europe, Eichel’s Socialist Germany launched a tank drive across the Vistula, reminiscent of what the Balts themselves had done the year before. The difference was, the Russians didn’t have the professional manpower this year to lob a return offensive. After seizing the border towns of Brest and Lvov, the Germans spiked a salient straight at Moscow, and it was all the Russians could do to contain them. Summer was coming; the Russians’ most legendary edge was melting away. Meanwhile, the Balts circumvented the Russian strongpoint of St. Petersburg and entered the race for the Kremlin—succeeding, much to Eichel’s dismay. German troops were close enough to the city to claim they contributed to the conquest, but victory was still bitter, especially since the Russians proved far better partisans than conventional fighters, what with their power armor and ‘super rifles.’ Too, the Russian premier has moved across the Urals, where he is massing conscripts for a potential winter offensive.

(-4 German divisions, -1 German group, -1 USACS group, -6 Balt divisions, +20 Russian irregular divisions, -12 Russian divisions, -5 Russian groups, -1 Russian ASP)

Excited Ukrainians launched a distinctly socialist-themed rebellion against Russia, helping to clear off Germany’s southern flank.

(-2 Russian divisions)

Iran’s plan to defeat the Meccan Order essentially consisted of a hammer and an anvil. The Army of the Jihad, largely filled with irregulars, would hold the line in the mountain ranges north and east of the Tigris and the Euphrates while the Revolutionary Army in Yemen would continue to circle around the Arabian peninsula. The Order’s strategy played right into Supreme Leader Khamenei’s hands; for the second year in the row, the crusaders were preoccupied with protecting Mesopotamia, not trying to gain momentum by attacking Iranian heartland or attempting to relive their rapidly faltering positions in the Hijjaz. In Mecca, however, the stalwart defenders did receive salvation in the form of airlifted supplies from Israel, and since neither Iran nor allied Egypt had much interest in provoking a war with that still tenuously neutral nation, the siege of Islam’s holiest city was relaxed. Glumly, the Revolutionary Army linked up with Egyptian positions on the Red Sea coast, occupied the undefended Najd, conquered Qatar from the west, pushed into Kuwait, and finally hit Mesopotamia from the south, but morale was low enough that not even partisan Shia uprisings in places like Nasiriyah could encourage the Iranians to push much further. Most of Mesopotamia is held by the Order like a fortress, and any attempt to overrun the region would be just as difficult as forcing Grandmaster John from Mecca. Still, those two places are the only ones that still pay homage to the crusaders; the rest of Arabia belongs to Iran, Egypt, or anarchy.

(-3 Iranian divisions, -2 Iranian groups, -2 Egyptian divisions, -2 Egyptian groups, -4 Order divisions, -4 Order groups, -Order approval rating, -1 Order ASP)

With hardcore Israeli soldiers and untrained Iranian jihadis lined up across the two countries’ shared border, incidents were bound to happen. A couple jihadi units strayed too far south and were annihilated.

(-2 Iranian irregular divisions)

Sakhalin is the eye of the storm…

(See Spotlight)

(-4 Chinese divisions, -6 Chinese squadrons, -11 Chinese groups, -8 Japanese divisions, -3 Japanese squadrons, -5 Japanese groups, -Japanese approval rating, -3 Japanese ASP, -4 USACS squadrons, -2 USACS groups, -2 Russian divisions, -2 Russian squadrons, -4 Russian groups, -1 Russian ASP)
Story Events

There is no Canada like the Canada of the French.

(+5 Quebecois divisions)

Queen Victoria I appears to be much beloved by her people.

(+Atlantic approval rating)

Virtual reality is cooler than real life.

The Texan army has a storied history.

(+5 Texan divisions)

(+1 Caribbean Cyberwarfare level added in United Americas Tech Pool)

You say the USACS didn’t conquer Australia? Yes they did. Shut up.

(+5 USACS divisions)

It is our next-door neighbor. When we realize it is here, the grass will stain with our biochemical waste.

(+1 UK ACT Systems level)

Napoleon IX has personally assumed the premiership of the Grand Empire, delighting monarchists everywhere. There are a lot of monarchists in France.

(+French approval rating)

A disturbing number of people are willing to die for Consul Nico Romano. No bull.

(+5 Roman divisions)

Israelis shed blood made of fire.

(+5 Israeli divisions)

In the remaining lands of the Meccan Order, there can only be one toast. There can only be one cry. Iran will pay.

(+5 Order divisions)

The Iranians have redoubled their efforts to appeal to all of Islam in the war against the Order, with some success among their own minorities.

(+Iranian approval rating)


“We will be the Land of the Rising Sun.”
-Li Dingbang, Jun of the Third Republic of China

The invasion of northern Sakhalin was a charming little affair, almost a set-piece, with tens of thousands of Japanese marching against an absolute dearth of resistance. Their commanders talked about blitz and initiative, but met little more than reindeer and a Russian population aware they had been abandoned and willing to take their conquerors in stride.

The Japanese swiftly moved on Vladivostok, forming the First Fleet, a third of which was loaned squadrons from USACS. The city’s air defenses were stronger than anticipated, but eventually overwhelmed, while the Russian Pacific Flotilla was boxed in and wiped out. The city was taken, and the Japanese military started to web like a spider, preparing the logistics to conquer Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky and fanning into the countryside.

That was when the Ever Victorious Army and Navy struck.

In retrospect, it should have been easy to see that the Chinese would not take kindly to an Imperial Proletarian invasion of vast territories just north of Beijing. Still, enmity does not mean war. Perhaps the Japanese thought the Third Republic would fume and promise to deal with them later. Such was not the case.

The Chinese were heedless of Russian sovereignty as they encircled the Japanese expeditionary force. If they had been concerned about the harried Russian government at all, no doubt they would have moved in earlier, before the fall of Vladivostok made the Russians helpless watchers in the Far East. As it was, the Chinese treated the Transamur as if it was their own in every sense of the word, exerting control over the ungoverned region once the Japanese and their USACS allies were mauled. The forces of the Proletarian Emperor were not completely outmatched in the skies, and once his fighters learned of the trap, some fought their way home. Others crashed into the sea, out of fuel, joining many of the First Fleet’s finest vessels. Chinese military doctrine was overwhelmingly nautical, and outnumbered, without organized cover from the skies, the Japanese and USACS admirals were cornered. The Náani Mubarah, among other Africans, was lost at sea.

As word of the devastation reached Tokyo, the Emperor was hustled off to a secure location outside the city, much to His protest. The Citizens who risked His wrath were soon both relived and horrified when their fears proved accurate—the path cleared, the Chinese were moving on the Home Islands. Tokyo fell almost as quietly as Sakhalin; the remainder of the Imperial Proletarian army could scarcely muster a pair of divisions. Absolute victory slipped from Li Dingbang’s hands only because of the skies; the Japanese had reorganized and achieved air superiority through bases in Shikoku and Hokkaido. Republican supply ships crossing the East China Sea often fail to complete the voyage, and attempts by the Chinese to march out of their occupied urban areas often turn into turkey shoots. Propaganda wars assault the ears of the confused populace, but for now, quite despite themselves, the front lines are fairly stable.

The Chinese are not as secure as they like to think. Indian generals are angry that they were excluded, and the Siamese are angry over attempts for them to be forcibly included, as the Chinese had tried to redirect an expeditionary force meant for purely defensive Transamurian purposes into a full scale invasion of Sulawesi. Further, Li Dingbang has angered the Kélen Toumani, and by extension, all the LIARS.

This won’t end well.

NPC Diplomacy

To: Neo-European Union
From: Inca Republic

Leave our hemisphere. You don’t have the will to give us a real fight.

To: United Americas
From: Government of Brazil

Assist us in putting down the communists and we will gladly join your alliance.

From: Brazilian Rebels

Help us, Big Brother!

To: Iranian Umma
From: Indian Union

Any peace treaty with the Meccan Order must leave them with a viable independent state. Failure to comply with this request would be very unfortunate.

To: China
From: The Free States of Siam

We have no interest in your aggressive war, thank you very much.

Armageddon clock suspended. Hard to calculate, the end is.

Circuit, according to the rules you have spent an ASP on creating Praetorian Guard as a type of unit. To buy any you have to set a price (which will have ramifications on the unit’s strength) and then spend at least another ASP the make the purchase. If you want the Guard to be truly elite, you can declare that there can only ever be one Guard division (which will make it somewhat of a super-UU), but the spending of a second ASP at least is an essential part of the process. Maybe you knew this already, but I just wanted to make sure you didn’t think you wasted economy.

Adopt an NPC: Egypt has a very interesting strategic situation.

Omega124 never did send orders, and will be dropped if he does so again. Bestrfcplayer sent orders way too late for them to be applied to the update. Sorry.

EDIT: Stats up.
From: Second Japanese Empire of the Proletariat
To: Despicable Chinese Capitalist Scum

You think you've won? Oh this will be a long and bloody war, friends. It's only just begun.
Great update! Diplo and such to come later.
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