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SevoMod 3


I've just installed SevoMod 3.3 and went into Civilization4.ini to specifiy:
; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
Mod = Mods\Sevomod

When launching it, I've got 3 error messages coming one after another :
Here is a copy of the message (can't post screen captures easily) :

1) XML Load Error

Failed loading XML file XML\Civilizations/Civ4CivilizationInfos.xml. [.\FXml.cpp:133] Error Parsing XML File -
File : XML\Civilizations/Civ4CivilizationInfos.xml
Reason : "Contenu d'éléments non valide selon la DTD schéma."

----- I use French CIV4, so I translate as best as I can the previous line :
Reason : Content of elements not valid according to DTD scheme

Waiting for : {x-schema:CIV4CivilizationsSchema.xml}AnarchyCivics.

Line : 710,13
Source : <Leaders>

2) XML Load Error

LoadXML call failed for Civilizations/Civ4CivilizationInfos.xml
Current XML file is : Units/Civ4UnitInfos.xml

3) XML Error

Tag : CIVILIZATION_BARBARIAN in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is : Interface/CIV4WorldPickerInfos.xml

After passing these messages, I arrive to the main screen, can select all the settings except for the last one, the civilization I want to play, because all I have is a unique choice : random.
I selected it anyway to see what will happen and the game instantly crashes when pressing OK. I can see very rapidly a message saying something about Allocated memory. Though my PC is in accordance with pre-requisites, and I can play Vanilla Civ4 on Huge maps with no problems.

If anyone has any idea, comments, questions to search deeper and of course solutions, I'll bless him for the rest of the year.


I suggest you go to the first post...then to the Development Forum as this thread is 'dead'.

I am not sure SevoMod is French compatible as most mods are English only.
TAfirehawk said:
I am not sure SevoMod is French compatible as most mods are English only.

Yes it is. I just noticed that some files (for a 100% French version) are missing in Sevomod 3.3, but I'm working on it with Sevo.
Is it a feature or a bug that switching to Free Religion doesn't automatically switch to No State Religion?
VladTepes said:
Is it a feature or a bug that switching to Free Religion doesn't automatically switch to No State Religion?

This thread is obsolete, please see first post :)
Since I've Sevomod3 installed, sometimes, always when I'm attacking a city, the Sevomod is blocked, but also the computer himself.
Some idea ?
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