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DisNES II "A Twist of Fate"

Update 1702: And it is, it is a glorious thing//To be a Pirate King!

Non Military

The Priest King of Acolhua was found poisoned in his bedroom, and brief succession dispute leaves over a hundred dead, and the empires elite in no shape to attack Tarascan Michoacan this year (-2 Confidence)

The Ajaw of T’ho is once more attempting to expand his realm (see military events), the reasoning on the direction of this growth is once again being questioned by other high ranking Mayans and the populace itself – why go to these swampy pest holes far from any civilized or profitable presence when the wide rolling plains of Cubanacon lie open? (-1 Confidence). The Ajaw’s ideas for “economic specialization also meet with some confusion – specialize in what exactly? At least his plans to improve the merchant fleet met with approval.

Under T’ho influence, and the trade route to the Chibcha, a number of cities accrete in the southern Mayan lands, the foremost of them being the city of Tumben Zima [1].

The Emerald Empire stirred this year, as the Chibcha continued their military recruitment drive and began to strike at the Carib tribes that occupied the lowlands. In an echo of their southern neighbours, a grand road system for connecting the highland cities with the coastal ports was begun.

Sapa Inca Cupayuc continued his slow program of reconstruction this year, swiftly restoring the road system to how they were before the week of storms that occurred last year. This allowed him to reconnect his new bureaucracy, and once again impose a work tax on the people of the north and the east, who had been most isolated during the year. The northerners, who had grown used to following their own rules, were not all together pleased with this state of affairs…

The Iberian occupation forces install the brother of the dead King of Navarre as King Sancho XV, but with no indications that the Iberians are leaving, or relinquishing any power to the monarchy, this new king is seen as a farce at best and a puppet at worst by the Navarrese. Resistance to the Iberians continues, but the shear numbers of Iberian troops deployed prevent any successes…on land at least (see military events).

A number of years of peace in the Mediterranean see a, possibly short lived, rise in Aragonese commerce with the east occur (+Messina Economy centre).

The Holy Roman empire continues its Gleichschaltung reforms, and although the reforms themselves have met with great approval, the new forums for the people to voice their problems have revealed a groundswell of dissent over the mismanagement of the war in France, the lack of soldiers on the Russian and Turkish borders, and the abandonment of the Courlanders and Lithuanians when they rose in revolt in Russia (see military events) (-3 Confidence).

The Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland sees a large rise in number of men enrolling as officers in her navy, the generous pay making a life at sea seem most attractive indeed. The new and improving navy of King Edward is itching to prove itself in some conflict…perhaps against the Kalmarese whose traffic on “Britain’s Sea” is ever increasing.

King Christians radical changes in the Kalmar union seem to be holding for now, especially as he rebuilds his new and well trained army to be the pride of the nation. Speaking of national pride, the king has decided to forge once more out onto the north seas long since abandoned to the Plantagenet successor states of Ireland and Scotland, and now Britain. An expedition to Svalbard went smoothly, though no permanent presence was established, and inspired by this the King sent out a group of his best marines and Arctic explorers to the west. They stayed on Iceland for a while, whilst the British local governors decided what to do with them before traveling on to the frozen hell of Greenland [2] to set up a tiny station on Scoresbysund, explorations up and down the eastern coast discovered nothing of value, and no indigenous population and the explorers returned to Kalmar somewhat dejected, leaving a tiny outpost of the union on the east coast. The continued presence of Kalmar is dependent on the goodwill of the British to allow supply ships to lay in on Iceland, and the British may not look gladly towards those intruding on their domain, especially now that the potentially profitable trade route to Russia has been set up. In fact the British, quick to relegate the Kalmarese accomplishment to a footnote, set up two of their own bases on the east coast of Greenland. Their bases, though suffering from a lack of funding, have the advantage of a much closer base of resupply in Iceland.

The Imperator of Russia was most busy this year on the diplomatic front, signing trade and diplomatic pacts with the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Quqonid Khanate, and the Da Qing Empire. Unfortunately these have not yet borne fruit; the British, though eager and enthusiastic to trade, have been stymied by the lack of capacity at the Arkhangelsk docks, restricting the flow of goods to a thread. However the Russian government is quickly moving to upgrade the docks and things should progress rapidly from the next year onward. The Quqonids however have bestirred themselves very little; a common border was defined with the great steppes of the Kazaks going to the Khanate, but the armies of the great Khan made no effort to protect trade routes in the region or event enforce his rule at all, and the Russian trade caravans were stalled in the rapidly growing outpost of Omsk. The Da Qing have also done little to ease the flow of trade, but luckily the Russians decided to take things into their own hands and established a firm route to northern Mongolia. The first small caravan of this “Northern Silk Road” was skated and rolled along the frozen Irtysh in late December; its cargo light, but its implications to the Ottoman monopoly on goods and information transfer from east to west was very heavy indeed.

At home the Imperator is also busy, his new civilian senate; the Правительствующий Cенат, is nearing completion, and a number of new government agencies were set up. The clearing out of the Kremlin and a program of calendar standardization see his program for consolidating all power to himself entering its final phases. As his forces move closer and closer to eliminating all dissident (or even slightly questioning or individualistic) elements it proves too much for some of his nobility (see military events) (+1 Centralization).

The alliance and friendship between the Russians and the British was met with great disquiet in senior circles of the Hapsburg realms and Christian VI’s new court.

The Ottomans, inspired by the European fad for fortifications, decided to out do them all this year with the construction of a truly enormous series of defenses on all their land borders. Their social engineering is nearly as successful as the physical as numerous religious sects are forced to toe the official line by submitting to the authority of the Caliph, Patriarch, or Bishop of Trezibond (the foremost Genoese religious figure) depending on their creed (+1 Culture), and Turkish colonization of the Hungarian plains begins.

The Da Qing Emperor Kangxi, much like the Russian leader, decided to draw more power to himself and “restructure” the civil service (+1 Centralization, -1 Confidence). When the last official from the restructuring was finished being boiled alive, a new crop of ambitious young men have risen to help govern the empire, though their mettle has not yet been tested. This display of barbarism has made the foreigners of the coastal cities rather hesitant to move inland. A effort to spread schooling to the empire has floundered on a lack of qualified personnel, and some towns resent the fact they have to pay extra taxes when the tried all they could to find a teacher (-1 Confidence, +1 point into education).

Stability, enforced with an iron fist, in the centre of the old kingdom of Ava allows the peasants to once again collect their crops and the merchants to trade, bringing wealth to the city clusters new master; King Mom Pi of Ayutthaya (+Ava Economy centre). In Ayutthaya itself the king rides a wave of popularity as further reforms and spending improve the lot of the lower classes, though the nobles are beginning to worry where this is all leading (+1 Confidence).

In Nan Ming China, agricultural reforms and government bring great profit to the capital city of Nanjing. This, in combination with the Pirate Wars crippling of Nan Ming commerce, brings great power to the Agricultural-Confucianist factions at court, and they use their new power to further weaken the still profitable southern cities of the Merchant fraction to the Merchants anger (-1 Culture)

Attempts by Ayutthaya, White Malaya and Dai Viet to encourage international trade flounder as the Pirate Wars begin (see military events).


Affalon continues spreading across the islands to its south, securing the extreme north and eastern tips of Cape Breton Island and a small settlement on the mainland of Nova Hibernia. The settlement of Cape Breton, or U'namakika in their tongue brought protests from the Mi'kmaq, who see the central lakes there as their spiritual capital, and a delegation of chieftains sailed to Affalon to demand that the king cease the settlements on that island.

T’ho extends its league with fire and bribery, bringing a number of (poor) tribes under its wing in Calusamul and Chitimachamul [3] with little military effort, though persuading settlers to go to these sites was somewhat difficult due to the poor conditions and swampy land. There was also competition for settlers from a consortium of nobles in the outlying cities of the Yucatan coast of the league; who sponsored farms and expansion into Cubanacon, making deals with the local Arawak’s…perhaps a threat to the Ajaw’s power is in the works?

The Chibcha skirmish with a number of Carib tribes occupying the lowland regions of their lands, driving some of them into the sea, and slaughtering others (-1 Chibcha Divisions). The improved security of the coasts is increasing the number of Arawak traders who visit the southern shores with Mayan goods.

In a pale echo of the events in the Far East, Iberian commerce is brutally assaulted this year by remnants of the Navarrese fleet, most of which was never captured last year. The former navy has refused to recognize the ‘puppet’ Sancho XV placed on the Navarre throne, and operating out of some secret location, managed to take advantage of the Iberian preoccupation with blockading the French. By concentrating their forces they were able to destroy the fleet defending Dakar and raided the town, severely damaging its commerce (-Dakar Economy Centre). A large part of the pirate fleet was caught off the coast of Morocco by a strong Iberian response in September, and although most of the Navarrese managed to escape there were no further attacks. The blockage in the flow of materials and slaves to Iberia’s still emerging industries disrupted them significantly, with many investors losing money (-1 Economy).

(-3 Iberian Squadrons)

King Alfonso of Aragon quickly dispatched a force to deal with the Berber invaders of his southern holdings, and with local assistance the desert barbarians were beaten back with ease. The irregular army raised by the charismatic Amazigh leader Ferhat Mehenni is made the 7th Army of Africa by the Aragonese commander, and a number of young men are inspired by this to volunteer for military service (+6 Berber Light Cavalry Divisions, +1 Confidence).

king Askia of Songhay decided to leave his dreams of southern conquests for now, and returned home to brutally crush all opposition to his rule and defeat a major Berber invasion (+1 Confidence). Towards the end of the year he returned to his expansion plans, this time traveling along the Sahel to the west rather than venturing into the southern forests.

(-7 Songhay Divisions)

Attack on Fortress France

The day that King Alexis had long feared has finally come, the Hapsburgs and their allies were finally come, to do away with Plantagenet France once and for all. Early in the year the French intelligence corps noticed vast and complex troop movements on their Aragonese and Imperial borders, and an uncommon number of Iberian vessels in the Bay of Biscay – something was coming, and they must act fast.

Act fast they did, withdrawing their fleet to secure locations and manning their defenses with every available soldier – France would be ready for whatever was thrown at it! Waiting for summer weather, and their new training programs to be completed, the allies did not make their move until early May, but what a move it was…

…For well over half the entire imperial army had boarded the imperial north sea fleet, slipped into la Manche and were sailing for the French port of Le Havre. However, and rather unfortunately for the Imperials, they were expected. Somehow the French had gained knowledge of where the attack was falling, and the Hapsburg fleet was met by a tremendous cannon battery and well prepared shore defenses. Though these took a tremendous toll the imperial fleet was vast, and managed to make a landing at the more poorly defended Honfleur on the other side of the river mouth instead. The ease of their landing here turned out to be something of a trick on behalf of the French, as no sooner had the vanguard of the army began their march for Rouen than three great armies of French men (though numerically inferior to the Imperials) attack them from all sides, and the French fleet, which had been hidden further down the coast mounted a suicide assault on the Imperials at dock. The Imperial fleet managed to defeat the French, despite heavy losses, but when the French manage to retake Honfleur (with the aid of civilian saboteurs) the Imperial fleet had to withdraw to the open sea, past the guns of Le Havre.

The imperial army attempted to march on, but cut off from their supplies in hostile territory, and with French assassins striking down every officer they could find, the situation did not look good. General Von Allendorfer, the highest ranking Imperial remaining, decided that if they continued all his men would die for naught, and thus ordered what would know as the “Bloody March” of the Imperial army in years to come. Striking out from the Seine Von Allendorfer intended to reach Fecamp on the coast, where word could be sent to the fleet for extraction. For four days the Imperials marched, every hour loosing men to the pursuing French, who would not let up, even at night, and Von Allendorfer arrived in Fécamp at the head of a desperate army less than a third of the size of the Imperial force that departed Hamburg in May.

However there the Hapsburg luck let up slightly, for the Imperial fleet (and some English merchantmen they had hired for extra space) was waiting just off the coast, and the Imperial army managed to escape the ravenous French hordes behind.

All in all the war of the north was a stunning victory for the French, sure the Imperial armies in Burgundy used the coastal distraction to over run the fortifications there, and even reach as far as Troyes before they were stopped. But that heavily fortified city held them, and units redeploying from the coast promised to push the Imperials back.

In the south however, the French were doing somewhat less well; what had seemed to the Imperials as omniscient intelligence was blind, and their relentless armies were routed.

For the Aragonese, after putting down some, supposedly French sponsored piracy had stealthy transferred over half their army to stations in the Duchy of Savoy. They used a number of cunning stratagems to disguise this movement, and although the French had noticed troops leaving the Pyrenees, they had not divined where they went. Thus when the Imperials attacked in the north, a combined Savoy-Aragonese force swept over the Rhone with numbers more than six times those of the beleaguered French defenders. The French put up a mighty fight of course, and their well fortified positions allowed them to inflict disproportionate damage on the invaders, but it was not enough and soon foreign troops were marching from Clermont-Ferrand to Beziers.

The attack slowed after this, bogged down by the poor Aragonese supply situation and French partisans, but when the Aragonese troops in the Pyrenees began to move out onto the plains the southern French armies had to withdraw to the west and Bordeaux, or risk being crushed between the two Aragonese armies. The Aragonese quickly reclaimed their old fief of the Languedoc coast to the…well indifference of the southern French. Their movement west and inland was slowed by the aforementioned supply problems and the great fortified city of Toulouse which was still holding out as the year closed, and the French still have a strong presence in the south west. The Duke of Savoy-Province decided to end his advance after hearing of the imperial defeats in the north, digging in near Moulins.

In the west attempts by the Iberians to blockade the French coasts were halted by the various sheltered and heavily defended ports of the French, and the need to halt Navarrese piracy further south.

As the year closed France is on the ropes despite its masterful victory in the north, and how long it can hold on is a question on every Europeans lips. But King Alexis still has more tricks to play, especially when on December 20th he issued a order for general conscription…

(-27 Imperial Divisions, -13 Imperial Squadrons, -19 French Divisions, -2 Royale Garde Divisions, -6 French Squadrons, -9 Aragonese Divisions, -4 Savoy Divisions)
Великий Бунт

In the earlier parts of this, the first decade of the new century, the then Tsar, and now Imperator of Russia had decided it was time for a change; tired of his troublesome nobility, he decided to deal with them…one way or another. A quiet and brutal campaign in 1701 was conducted against the western nobility, killing a great number, and this was used as an example to the rest in 1702. This plan…backfired somewhat, as a number of noble conspiracies decided that if they let this continue they would be left powerless or worse. Thus in Autumn of that year the great revolts began; Courland, Moscow, and Kazan, all were seized by various opportunistic nobles. In other parts of the nation various other conspiracy, real and suspected were put down brutally by the ГИ, driving those nobles who escaped into the arms of the rebels.

The Army responded quickly and the спецназ retook Moscow in a daring midnight assault in the depths of winter, breaking the back of this rebellion and forcing most of its leaders to flee for Arkhangelsk and Courland. Then escaping with their wealth and retainers to Europe, particularly Kalmar and Britain, or adding their skills to the Courland revolt, which is the certainly the most successful so far as unrest spilled over into the Lithuanian regions. Courland and will pose a strong challenge to uproot, especially as the Teutonic leaders have been much more successful at galvanizing their populace in rebellion than other regions. With Moscow fallen and the army growing ever closer the Kazan rebels are undergoing something of a crisis of confidence, with many wishing to surrender to the Imperator and others counseling flight.

(-1 Russian спецназ division, -4 Russian Divisions)

The Bahr al-'Arab War

It was early morning, sometime in January, when the Ottomans made their first assault into Calicut. Crossing the scant few miles from their camp to the city walls in the dawn light they resembled, to the Sinhalese and Calicut defenders at least, a black tide sweeping across the land. The bombardment commenced an hour after first light, and would continue unabated for the next 7 days. Calicut was built with defense in mind, but its walls were woefully outdated, and each shot brought more ancient stonework crumbling down. On the eighth day the guns fell silent, and the defenders knew true fear; the Ottomans were coming…

The outer districts fell quickly, but by mid morning the Turk’s forward forces were becoming bogged down in street fighting and fires. But one man among the defenders, Commander Dahanayake, did not worry – for all this was indeed going to the plan the generals had worked out…and now was time for the next phase.

Two rockets, a red and a yellow, streaked up into the sky, a signal to spring the trap. Immediately the elite Sinhalese pathfinders, who had attached themselves in disguise to the Ottoman camp train, struck out, assassinating all the ottoman command they could find, crucially delaying the reaction of the army to what came next. Vast numbers of Sinhalese and Calicuti attacked the ottomans from the east, having snuck through the outskirts of Calicut territory and even parts of western Madras, and a rough peasant army reinforced by the pathfinders blocked the Ottomans from behind. Trapped between the armies and the city, and out numbered almost three to one the Ottomans were broken and fled north, loosing even more men in the retreat. Despite their own large losses to the Ottomans the Sinhalese were fired by this victory and quickly pursued the Ottomans north, hitting them again and again, and even taking some of the Ottoman heavy artillery when it was abandoned as the armies fled. The Ottoman fleet in the area attempted to evacuate their forces, but the Sinhalese, once more using their doctrine of overwhelming numbers, managed to trap and defeat the local fleet. The Sinhalese were now free to roll all the way up to Ottoman Goa, defeating the minor garrisons left behind, and perhaps wanting to use Goa as a bargaining piece in later negotiations.

Another Sinhalese victory occurred on the other side of the Bahr al-'Arab, when a small raiding force managed to draw out the Ottoman fleet and quickly burn the poorly defended city of Zanzibar to the ground and destroying the years spice harvest.

But Dahanayake in the north, and the Sinhalese king and general staff, having relocated to Tiruchchirappalli were worried – this was far too easy, where were the Ottomans? They sent hundreds of scouts in the wide ocean, but none came back with any word, and some didn’t come back at all, and spies and missions sent into the Ottoman lands never reported back. However late in august they at last received word…word of something more terrible than they had ever imagined.

A few weeks earlier the watchtower of Jaffna on the northern coast of Lanka had been horrified to see a tremendous Ottoman Fleet pulling into harbor, evidently having crossed the sea in great secrecy, traveling much further south than the normal routes, and pursuing and destroying any who spotted it. After a few hours of conversation between the guns of the fleet and those of the defenders, the Ottomans began to unload their troops. This terrible scene was being repeated at every port on Lanka that morning, and soon the Ottomans were marching for the capital.

Meanwhile in Anuradhapura a bitter battle was being waged, a war of words and politics. Some men of the court urged capitulation to the Ottomans, others demanded a fight till the last, or at least till the king rescued them. When the Ottomans arrived they found the gates open as they had expected, only to be set upon as soon as they entered by partisans who had slaughtered their agents and conspirators.

Incandescent over this betrayal, the Ottomans directed a terrible revenge on the island of Lanka. They killed every government and military man they could find, devastated the countryside and salted the earth, and had looted and burnt every city under their control by the middle of September. They then left the land mutilated and reeling, without a shred of organized governance and full of starving masses.

The Sinhalese would be unable to help their people after what the Ottomans did next – they relocated their forces to the city of Kanyakumari at the tip of Deccan, and reached out with their fleet to intercept the Sinhalese. The Sinhalese refused to engage this forest of masts, which outnumbered even their own large force, choosing instead to evade and raid the Ottoman supply ships across the ocean and into the southern port. At the same time the Sinhalese Armies charged south to aid the huge irregular uprising that had occurred in the south, fearful of a repeat of the Rape of Lanka. The irregulars and raids (and the ubiquitous Pathfinders) slowed the Ottomans enough for the Sinhalese armies to engage them just south of Cochin, loosing badly but weakening the Ottomans enough to force them to lay a long siege to Cochin rather than just overrunning it.

The badly damaged Sinhalese retreated north from the besieged city as the year came to an end, but there was still fight in them, and now a burning revenge.

(+1 EP for the Ottomans next turn, +30 Sinhalese irregulars)
(-16 Ottoman Divisions, -17 Sinhalese Divisions, -9 Sinhalese irregular divisions, -8 Ottoman Squadrons, -17 Sinhalese Squadrons, -3 Sinhalese Economy)

A Web of Deceit and Greed

As they year began, two monarchs were rather, and rather wrongly, pleased with their diplomatic acumen; King Bayinnaung taking refuge in the northern reaches of his former kingdom, and King Mom Pi secure in his capital of Ayutthaya.

First to Bayinnaung; secure in the loyalty of his Nepalese mercenaries after rendering them quite a princely sum, he rode out with the remainder of his forces and those mercenaries to Homalin, to meet the Vanguard of the Bengali armies to secure what he thought was an alliance. However, within sight of the city the King received a most unpleasant shock when his own mercenaries clapped him in golden chains, killed his guard, and delivered him to the Bengali commander – a prince by the name of Shankar. In retrospect it was not surprising, after all the Bengali’s were wealthy indeed, though detail of what coin they had used to buy the King from the Nepalese is shrouded in rumour, though the fact that several small Hindu towns in the extreme north east of Bengal received visits from Nepalese tax collectors this year may have something to do with it..

The Bengali’s issued a proclamation that they would form a “Kingdom of Upper Ava”, with King Bayinnaung a vassal of Dacca, and reluctantly the remnants of the Avan army, after some prodding by the Nepalese and vast Bengali forces, agreed to follow this banner. The Nepalese quickly consolidated the northern reaches of Manipur and eastwards, whilst the Bengali-Avan forces gathered for an assault on the Ayutthayan held old capital.

King Mom Pi’s mistake was not quite big as Bayinnaung’s, and he at least had a chance to rectify it. Believing that both the Bengali’s and the Arakan rebels would be content to take small parts of the region he divided his forces to restore order in the north and the southwest. His northern expedition up the Salween soon ran into the northern wing of the Bengali Coalition, who had similar ‘pacification’ ideas in mind. Although numerically equal, the knowledge of the terrain given by the Avan detachments and a significant lead in skill - particularly in those mountainous jungles, allowed the Coalition to soundly drive out the Thai’s, though the Ayutthayan generals did manage an orderly retreat, their enemies unable to pursue quickly.

In the south the Ayutthayan peacekeepers floundered against the Arakan rebels, their training and discipline being overwhelmed by the guerilla war the forces of Prince Singu were waging. The Arakan’s were also quickly gaining in military discipline thanks to the efforts of numerous White Malaya officers “holidaying” in the region, though Malacca denied any involvement.

In response to all these set backs and rumours of the Bengali’s massing for a major assault the Ayutthayan commanders withdrew the forces from the south and north, with the Bengali coalition and Arakan hard on their tracks. In the south however, the Arakan’s stopped after reaching Prince Singu’s home city of Pegu – their major aims had been achieved, and now they would merely disrupt the Thai’s whilst the Bengali’s did the dirty work.

The Bengali Coalition showed no such restraint, indeed as someone was paying the soldier for every Thai head brought in it was a real effort for their commanders to reign them in! Soon they were surrounding the Mandalay region on the north and the west. Ayutthaya, having had time to prepare the ground inflicted two serious defeats on the coalition at Maymyo and Monywa, using their control of the rivers to great effect, but with each victory they lost ground and the Bengali’s drew ever closer…

The sense of worry in the great court of Ayutthaya was worsened further when news reached them of a great Malay uprising in the extreme south of Ayutthaya’s domain. Pattani, Kedah, Kra, and Terengganu rose up in rebellion and immediately requested support form the White Malaya’s, Kelantan rebelling but wishing to stir clear of “further Iberian domination”. Raja Ascari immediately (some even say the forces were moving before the request reached him) dispatched forces to the regions than had requested his aid and kicked out the old Thai rulers. However Mom Pi was quick to respond, and as the year draws to a close they have retaken Kra Province and are besieging a Malay fort at Songkhla.

(Ava Army to Bengal, 1 Economy to Bengal)
(-11 Bengali Divisions, -1 Nepalese Division, -5 Arakan Irregular divisions, -8 Ayutthaya divisions)

The Pirate Wars

The South China Sea was quiet at the beginning of the year, as industrious Ming Chinese and Japanese expanded their colonies on Luzon and began exporting the rich rice harvests, and Dai Viet claimed the island of Panay. The White Malay and Mataram also spread their influence along the coast of Borneo. The pirates that had so troubled the Ming last year seemed to have vanished, but in truth, this was but the quite before the storm. And soon rumours reached the archipelago that the great pirate Nassaruddin was planning something…something big…

And indeed he was, when what was possibly the greatest pirate armada ever seen departed from northern Borneo, when over five hundred ragtag sails ignored the poor pickings of the colonists and swept up across to Indochina. Annihilating a tiny Ayutthayan patrol by the mouths of the Mekong Nassaruddin’s fleet swept up to the city of Krong Chaktomuk [4] and stole and pillaged for three whole days before the Ayutthayan army gathered its response (-Krong Chaktomuk Economy centre). As the pirates left the city a stray shot killed Nassaruddin, and whatever secrets he might have carried.

Those who had hoped that the pirate menace was over with the death of Nassaruddin were sorely mistaken, for bereft of his staying hand, and enamored with their success, his great fleet descend on the South China Sea and beyond like a plague of locusts. Encouraged by this lawlessness the Sulu pirates once more began their raiding operations, joined by the Bugis of Sulawesi and more. Rather than act to halt this chaos, various powers added fuel to the fire by hiring privateers, and instructing their own fleets to turn to piracy for short term gain – the Pirate wars had truly begun and naval trade ground to a halt (-2 Economy from Ayutthaya, White Malaya, Dai Viet, Nan Ming, Japan, Mataram, -1 Economy from Da Qing). The various colonies had to hold on tight to their ground, nearly cut off from their motherlands.

In the North the Japanese were indeed the pirate’s pirates, preying on the pirates and privateers of other nations. Mindful of their interests in Luzon, and wanting an exclusive claim to the islands the Japanese targeted Nan Ming shipping above all, soon gaining mastery of the East China Sea to the detriment of their rivals (+1 Japanese Economy, -Weihei Economy Centre*, -Shanghai Economy Centre), though even they were unable to force their merchants through the southern chaos.

(-6 Ayutthaya Squadrons, - 8 White Malaya Squadrons, -5 Dai Viet Squadrons, - 7 Mataram Squadrons, -9 Japanese Squadrons, -14 Nan Ming Squadrons)

Random Events

A new bureaucracy was established by the Sapa Inca at the start of his reign, consolidating the power to the royal family and reducing the sheer number of officials that had built up (+1 Centralization). One of the first tasks of this new streamlined organization was to collect the Mir’a, or work tax, from the population (+2 points into infrastructure, +1 civilian leadership).

The Sinhalese invest greatly in the training of their specialist army units; the “pathfinders” (+1 Training level for pathfinder squads)

As do the Kalmarese with their royal marines (+ Royal Marine Training)

Confucianist resurgence damage the adaptability of Nan Ming’s military elite (-1 Military Leadership)

The destruction of the training facilities on Lanka hurt the training of the Sinhalese army (-1 Army Training)

The mass recruitment of young men for the military and the commercial world in Aragon and Iberia (respectively) reduces the number available to push the boundaries of knowledge (-1 Aragonese, Iberian Education).

The declaration of Martial law impedes the activities of the Kingdom of Frances bureaucracy (-1 Civilian Leadership).

The kings focus on the Ava situation allows a certain laxness in Nepalese Civilian leadership (-1 Civilian Leadership).


[1] The one on the coast. Lit “New Horizon”
[2] Remember guys – we are in the depths of the Little Ice age here
[3] Southern Louisiana
[4] Phnom Penh
*The Japanese did not attack Qing shipping, but the crippling of Nan Ming commerce hurt Qing interests)
You know, you posted around 2 hours ago. One would assume the update was already up... Oh well, I'll go to school now :cry:
At last, an update! And a very good one, too.

The Emerald Empire

As it was the fact behind the myth of El Dorado, its probably the Golden Empire.

Большое Восстание

A matter of aesthetics mostly, but maybe "Великий Бунт"? Also, spetsnaz sounds really weird for this time in history.

All-in-all, great update. A shame Admiral Khalid's forces got slaughtered, but on the other hand the Sri Lankan operation succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.


From: Ottoman Empire
To: Southern Deccan and Calicut (I am ofcourse sending this to the local nobility, royalty and the headmen of the large villages, as well as any important non-Sinhalese officials), and by extension the world

We therefore declare the Sinhalese Empire to be nonexistant. The surviving Sinhalese in your lands have wronged us repeatedly, and we shall exact our revenge upon them. We shall not exact revenge on the non-Sinhalese of southern Deccan, unless they persist in assisting the Sinhalese survivors. If they assist the Sinhalese survivors in any way, we shall treat them as we have treated the Sinhalese. If they actively assist us in the hunt on the Sinhalese survivors, they shall be awarded with lands and possessions of the Sinhalese survivors, and an independent kingdom shall be created in most of the former Sinhalese lands (not counting Calicut, ofcourse, and the very tip where we seek to once more set up a base for the fleet) in southern Deccan under that local who assists us most in this hunt.
das said:
As it was the fact behind the myth of El Dorado, its probably the Golden Empire.

Ah but what did they call themselves? And considering emeralds were a far more important product of their mines...

A matter of aesthetics mostly, but maybe "Великий Бунт"? Also, spetsnaz sounds really weird for this time in history.

Quite Possibly - as you may have guessed I don't speak russian ;)
@dis, how could japan do all of those things when thom didnt even send orders? And when did pirates suddenly appear? It would have been nice to know about them...

From: Nan Ming China
To: Da Qing China

I believe we should...work together, to make sure the Japanese can no longer harm our trade interests.

From: Nan Ming China
To: White Malaya and other interested parties

These pirates are crippling our economies, they must be stamped out once and for all! Join us in destroying these worthless sea thieves once and for all!!
Azale said:
@dis, how could japan do all of those things when thom didnt even send orders?

Because my NPCs do stuff :evil: (this is a warning to all who don't send orders ;)), plus a) he mentioned stuff along those lines to me and b) The japanese would take advanatge of the situation anyway even without the governments backing.

And when did pirates suddenly appear? It would have been nice to know about them...

yes it was rather sudden wasn't it, quite odd that. PM me some questions and I'll tell you what you know in usual way.
Well, I wouldnt have minded the suprise, but you mentioned that "the pirates that had been plagueing Nan Ming for years" and I thought to myself "wtf? pirates?" :p

Questions to be pm'ed, and Ill even try to make some stories...I want that flag first though.

Prepare for horrors beyond human comprehension....hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muahaha my plans of having the NPC play this turn since i'm unable to send sophisticated orders worked!
Azale said:
Well, I wouldnt have minded the suprise, but you mentioned that "the pirates that had been plagueing Nan Ming for years" and I thought to myself "wtf? pirates?" :p

Reread the last update on "the race for Luzon" - a bunch of your colonists got killed by Sulu pirates.

As for the flag - Red base with some chinese characters on it maybe? Or something in silver? ;)
To the so called "Holy Roman Empire" which is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire for that matter

From Kingdom of France

Dear Foolish Sir

Your armies have been throughly routed. Your forces slaughtered in masses, your officers killed, and soldiers bloodied. There are far more terrible ravanges that await your nation and army should you choose to continue this conflict when you have already soundly been beaten. We will make this offer once and only once as I am in a generous mood. Withdraw, we will allow you to withdraw from our nation unmolested and you will never return again. We will demand no other reparations or territorial consessions. However should you refuse this offer we shall pursue war until your armies are annihlated, your nation devestated, and your peoples broken. Choose wisely.

Alexius King of France
TO: The Alexius the Illiterate
FROM: The Holy Roman Empire

We shall continue this war, and we shall destroy your kingdom. You talk as if you have some advantage, yet, as it stands, half of your nation is occupied under foriegn armies.

Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us. France shall no longer exist within the year.

Emperor Joseph I
silver 2039 said:

Prepare for horrors beyond human comprehension....hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, let France be smashed like it was at the Battle of the Rhone again!

OOC: By the way, the adjective for Savoy is "Savoyard", if you're interested.
TO: The Alexius the Illiterate
FROM: The Holy Roman Empire

We shall continue this war, and we shall destroy your kingdom. You talk as if you have some advantage, yet, as it stands, half of your nation is occupied under foriegn armies.

Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us. France shall no longer exist within the year.

Emperor Joseph I

To Emperor Joseph I the Blind of the not-so Holy Roman Empire
From Kingdom of France

Very well. No doubt your dead soldiers would disagree about us having no advantage but at any rate it is clear that shall prove itself adaquetly in the battlefield. Also you should check to make sure you are not being fed false map. Half our nation? It could verily be a fourth. Perhpas a new pair of eyeglasses otherwise.

Alexius King of France

Yes, let France be smashed like it was at the Battle of the Rhone again!

Oh yes. Lets see how well the Aragonese army stands up to the actual French army which has just smashed the Imperials not a bunch of partisans.
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