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Political Cartoons

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Been a while, but I have managed to retrieve some stuff, and I intend to post more frequently again on this thread.
I was just intending to post the Busheviks myself, but here is some other with the shennaningans ( now did I spell that correctly Ram?) world's most dangerous upperclass twit and his scary bunch:

:dance: A Master Returns!! :worship:

(It is spelt Shennanigans afaik. You should really ask an Irishman, I recommend you ask him in English rather than any of the other 8 languages you speak, which I don't :) )

I loved the film Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and now I love the cartoon too! Other great ones there were "Welcome to Guantanamo," and especially the "Global Warming is no big deal, have a nice day."

Here are three in a similar vein:

And I have a nice South American series ready to unleash but I think I'll hold it back for........
Well it is just around the corner now, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!!! [party]

Whether you celebrate it or not, all the best, and yes, yesterday I saw a shop selling all manner of Christmas things. It just gets earlier and earlier :shakehead

Rambuchan said:
A Master Returns!!

Wow. Such a compliment from the maestro himself - thanks a lot.
And while we wait for a undoubtely great South American series, here is a continuation from yesterday.

(much)More to come to a thread near you soon!
Here is today's dose.
I apologize if any of them have posted before, I had an annoying accident with my hard disk recently and had to recollect all those images and I am too lazy to run through the whole thread. But what the heck, they are good enough to be seen twice, or what?



Luc, those are all excellent as always! My favourites were:

- Wrestling Rumsfeld. Pretty simplistic but funny nevertheless!

- The putting the kids to bed *shudder* and Spot on!

- "I would like totally privatise it dude!" was also *shudder and Spot on!

It's amazing to think it but constantly indulging in these cartoons has actually inspired me to go ahead and do one myself. I actually did it for the Image Editing Thread in OT, specific post link is here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=2946264&postcount=144

Anyway, doing a 'subvert' of that Matrix poster reminded me that I have a complete series up my sleeve. These are dominated by Tom Tomorrow, for his work inspired this series, which I am quite simply going to entitle:


As part of my neverending mission to bring you all great political cartoonists, I am stepping into new territoy. It is my pleasure to introduce to those of you who don't know him yet...


This guy is called a graffitti artist but you'll see that the following are in fact political cartoons. They are even more than that. They are anti-bill boards, anti-establishment streetsigns and so on. But as you can see, he much more than that even. They are also 3D installations in a way. They resemble the eco-sculpture of Richard Goldsworthy, except these are appropriate for an urban environment.

Banksy 'operates' around the Shoreditch, Old Street area of London. I was fortunate to live there for a few years and many of Banksy's works remain there today. They do not get painted over. And I still don't think anyone knows what he looks like officially.

He has come under criticism lately for 'selling out', apparently. This is true in that he did the cover for Blur's recent album but I'm still bang into Banksy. See what you make of him.

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