Civ4 PitBoss Available

joikm said:
I've just started my first pitboss game, and so far, so good! It is a great way to play Civ 4 with a group without the hassle of PBEM. However, I have ran into a couple of problems.

If I want to use a map script (like Smart Map) with a bunch of options/settings, the UI for pitboss gets messed up, as there are too many elements, and there isn't a scrollbar in that section. A scrollbar would be great.

If I load a game, then start a new game without quitting pitboss, the I don't get the option to password protect the game.

What would be extremely nice is if I could set up pitboss to automatically load the last autosaved game. What I want is a way to have pitboss start when my system boots, so if my system restarts when I'm away, I can still play the pitboss game, and other people aren't shut out. A command line switch to do this would be excellent.

Thanks, and keep up the great work!


Very good idea! Just started my own PTBS game as well. Another alternative to command line options is an autoexec type INI file that the console can read when it starts up.

Furthermore, the option to run as a service would also be greatlyappreciated. This way, nobody even needs to log onto the computer for PitBoss to start running.

Really need this feature since my server already restarted once during the night and people couldn't get in until I got back, logged on and restarted both PitBoss and PBNotify.
Every time my connection is lost due to ISP stoping my internet for 1 sec , or I just reboot my router or disable the connection the PitBoss blocks. I usually start 'Internet' game , so it sends packets to gamespy and i wonder if thats the problem. Then I noticed I cant even start PB if no connection is present (just disable the connection).:wallbash:

Have anyone had such problems or is it just me ? I think its a serious issue cause i have to load the game everytime i dont have internet for 2 seconds.:mad:
buldozer said:
Every time my connection is lost due to ISP stoping my internet for 1 sec , or I just reboot my router or disable the connection the PitBoss blocks. I usually start 'Internet' game , so it sends packets to gamespy and i wonder if thats the problem. Then I noticed I cant even start PB if no connection is present (just disable the connection).:wallbash:

Have anyone had such problems or is it just me ? I think its a serious issue cause i have to load the game everytime i dont have internet for 2 seconds.:mad:

I think you have the same problem I had. My solution was to simply use direct IP (and the handy no-ip client since I have a dynamic IP address) and avoid Gamespy entirely.

While I'm here, I get this wierd issue: often I will wake up, come to the computer, and see that (according to netmeter) Pitboss is using up a lot of upstream traffic (like a 'bandwidth memory leak'). This must be to a local source (the router or something) since it hasn't been recorded on my ISPs usage meter. The problem is that when this happens no one can connect to the server until I restart it.
the oob said:
I think you have the same problem I had. My solution was to simply use direct IP (and the handy no-ip client since I have a dynamic IP address) and avoid Gamespy entirely.
I used to make the game directIP (with no-ip) but then only one from outside could join, the only solution was through Gspy ,and now the PB blocks ... :mad:

the oob said:
While I'm here, I get this wierd issue: often I will wake up, come to the computer, and see that (according to netmeter) Pitboss is using up a lot of upstream traffic (like a 'bandwidth memory leak').
Hehe had the same thing. I have netlimiter and sometimes i notice uploads like 100kbytes/s and i have like 10kbytes/s . But this happens like 1 on every 10 times
buldozer said:
I used to make the game directIP (with no-ip) but then only one from outside could join, the only solution was through Gspy ,and now the PB blocks ... :mad:

Works for me (direct IP with the no-ip client)... what's your setup? If you're on ADSL with a router like me, I suggest forwarding port TCP 2056 on your router, and not using any software firewalls (the router itself acts as a hardware firewall, I just rely on that).

buldozer said:
Hehe had the same thing. I have netlimiter and sometimes i notice uploads like 100kbytes/s and i have like 10kbytes/s . But this happens like 1 on every 10 times

Yeah that's the same thing as me, it's uploading beyond what my ISP allows, but then that's quite possible since it's clearly uploading to a local source (as it doesn't come up on my ISP usage), which means either my router or PC, and I doubt the latter, since I don't think it would even need to use the network card to talk to itself.

My current theory is that one of the players was triggering the problem, as it would happen whenever he had a failed connection attempt. He's just recently changed his connection setting in the game to modem rather than broadband (he's on a modem), we'll see how this bears out. So I suggest asking the other people in the game to check that setting if they're on a modem. At the least, he says it's helped him connect faster, so it's worth it for that alone.
the oob said:
Works for me (direct IP with the no-ip client)... what's your setup?
Yeap i have ADSL , so i forward 2057 for the PB server and 2056 for my Civ4 client. I use ICS to forward the 2056 from the 1st PC (PB pc) to my 2nd PC (civ4). DirectPlay was warking like a charm but then again i changed some settings on my router and i when i switched back only one from out side could join.And its a pain in the ass to ask the people once to join like this , the other time like that so i decided to go with Gspy .... as long my conenction doesnt stop the PB is working.....

the oob said:
Yeah that's the same thing as me, it's uploading beyond what my ISP allows, but then that's quite possible since it's clearly uploading to a local source (as it doesn't come up on my ISP usage), which means either my router or PC, and I doubt the latter, since I don't think it would even need to use the network card to talk to itself.
I am sure thats the traffic to the router ... but why only fraxis knows...

the oob said:
So I suggest asking the other people in the game to check that setting if they're on a modem. At the least, he says it's helped him connect faster, so it's worth it for that alone.
Will do so. Thanks.
buldozer said:
Yeap i have ADSL , so i forward 2057 for the PB server and 2056 for my Civ4 client. I use ICS to forward the 2056 from the 1st PC (PB pc) to my 2nd PC (civ4). DirectPlay was warking like a charm but then again i changed some settings on my router and i when i switched back only one from out side could join.And its a pain in the ass to ask the people once to join like this , the other time like that so i decided to go with Gspy .... as long my conenction doesnt stop the PB is working.....

Make sure the local IP address your router is forwarding the port to is the right one. I suggest using a fixed IP address (mine is and then forwarding all the ports to that address.
the oob said:
Make sure the local IP address your router is forwarding the port to is the right one. I suggest using a fixed IP address (mine is and then forwarding all the ports to that address.

Yeap mine are fixed too , NAT is not the problem ,everything is forwarded.
The simple fact is that PB is crappy. I know its beta , but they should have realesed something stable by now.
Oh well , i will keep swithing between directplay and Gspy until i can host a game without loading it every day :(
buldozer said:
Yeap mine are fixed too , NAT is not the problem ,everything is forwarded.
The simple fact is that PB is crappy. I know its beta , but they should have realesed something stable by now.
Oh well , i will keep swithing between directplay and Gspy until i can host a game without loading it every day :(

I've been switching my server over from my main computer to a dedicated server lately, and have found that I needed to forward more ports to my server than just 2056 for it to work. So I suspect your problem may be the same as mine was, ie. there is/are some port(s) you still need to forward.

So here is my full list of ports forwarded to my server (ports 1-18 go to my other computer):

Some/most of those are unrelated to Civ 4, but I can't be bothered figuring out which ones. I know that TCP 8245 is for the no-ip client, so if you're not using that (I am, as it allows people to enter as the address when they connect to the server rather than a changing numerical IP address) then you can skip that port. TCP 6667 is for IRC so you can probably skip that one as well.

If you can be bothered (you or anyone else), give it a try, tell me if it helps.
the oob said:
I've been switching my server over from my main computer to a dedicated server lately, and have found that I needed to forward more ports to my server than just 2056 for it to work. So I suspect your problem may be the same as mine was, ie. there is/are some port(s) you still need to forward.

All the other ports are for Gspy to connect properly , i read this somewhere. At the begining i did it like this opening port range 2000-10000 , but then realized that wont chaneg a thing , Civ4 only needs the one in the civ.ini file....
I am currently been eleminated from the game , but next one if i start one tho will open these ports ... hopefully the freaking blocking will stop...

thanks for your help mate.
Has anyone worked out how to load a Pitboss 1.52 game in Pitboss 1.61? When I load one, it asks me for my admin password which I don't believe the older version of Pitboss ever asked me about when I was creating the game.


I would suggest loading the game with 1.52 pitboss, set your admin password (alt d whilst in game). Then load it with 1.61 and the admin password you used.

Can somebody put up a download for the beta version of pitboss? I want to try what was suggested above, but I deleted the beta version when I downloaded the release version. :(
I've tried that. Alt-D only shows my information, and if I go to the game options in the in-game menu, it asks me for the admin password.

I'm starting to wonder if I did set one, and maybe I forgot it. It's been a couple months since we started this game and I haven't been asked for it in a long time. Argh.

Anyone know how to reset the password?
I have long been awaiting this release of PitBoss and have an old computer with Windows 98 set aside for it. Previously I test ran v1.52 succesfully. I have upgraded the Civ4 main program and Pitboss to v1.61 and although I can get Civ 4 to run I am having problems with Pitboss. I get the following error message:

PITBOSS caused an invalid page fault in
module CVGAMECOREDLL.DLL at 017f:022afa7b.
EAX=4cb31c01 CS=017f EIP=022afa7b EFLGS=00010212
EBX=1f053c01 SS=0187 ESP=0118f46f EBP=0afe2e00
ECX=4cb4507f DS=0187 ESI=00000100 FS=1317
EDX=fce56802 ES=0187 EDI=00000002 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
64 69 6e 67 20 58 4d 4c 20 66 69 6c 65 20 80 e3
Stack dump:
4c391001 00000001 4cb2d000 fce56801 fce5687f 18f9c87f 00002601 00002f00 f6000000 4cb29000 00000001 18f4f800 f813f801 000022bf 00002f00 18f4f800

I recollect from previous posts that others have run v1.52 in Windows 98. Has anyone else had a similar experience and has anyone actually got v1.61 to run in Windows 98?
A quick update... problem solved... after a couple of hours playing around I decided to completely reinstall Civ4 and PitBoss v1.61

The problem was that the first attempt to install the v1.61 patch put the updated Civ4 program file in the Windows directory instead of the directory, C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4

When I reinstalled the patch I ran it in the correct directory and everything worked just fine.

For those who are interested I am running an AMD Athlon at 650 MHz with 512 MB of RAM
Jarnhestur said:
Has anyone worked out how to load a Pitboss 1.52 game in Pitboss 1.61? When I load one, it asks me for my admin password which I don't believe the older version of Pitboss ever asked me about when I was creating the game.

Jarn, don't know if you've solved the password problem yet. However, I simply didn't enter any password and everything worked.

One thing I did notice, the date jumped back from 1940 to 1880. (We're playing a quick game).

Other than that, every thing is working just fine.


PS. The date went back, but our various empires are still in their 1940 state. Looks like we've simply gained some extra turns.
I cannot run it at all, it just does not want to start. Civ4 is running fine, no problem here. It seems that PB is looking for some strange fonts and cannot find there. Here is the error in the PytonErr.log file:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "PbMain", line 20, in create

File "Assets/Python/System/wx\", line 7470, in __init__

File "Assets/Python/System/wx\", line 7122, in _BootstrapApp

File "PbWizard", line 1542, in OnInit

File "PbWizard", line 152, in __init__

File "Assets/Python/System/wx\", line 1740, in __init__

File "D:\main\Civilization4\Assets\Python\System\encodings\", line 18, in encode I don't have anything in drive D :confused:

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode characters in position 0-12: character maps to <undefined>
ERR: Python function create failed, module PbMain

And yes, I'm running the Russian version of WinXP Pro with the most recent updates. And yes, firewall and antivirus were turned off completely specifically to try how it goes.
ColonelSanders said:
Jarn, don't know if you've solved the password problem yet. However, I simply didn't enter any password and everything worked.

I still have no solved the password issue on my server. It's asking for a password and I never set one!

Does anyone have any ideas? Am I just completely SOL?
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