StNNES III: Ruins of Empires

Nation: Arabia (capital at Mecca)
Ruler/Player: Quraysh tribe/Capulet
Government: Tribal Depotism
Category: N/A(Barter?)
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable, Uncontrolled
Army: 500 Spearmen, 100 archers
Navy: 5 Galleys (if not landlocked)
Great Leaders: N/A
Religion: Early Monotheism
Culture: Okay
Great Achievements: N/A
Education: Nonexistant (until writing)
UU: Arabian Warrior: (A unique Arab infantry unit with such religious zeal that he runs into battle shouting God's name, killing as many of his enemies as he can.)
Update 0: 2000 BCE

Around the globe, civilizations have risen from the realm of small cheifdoms and into the world of proper civilizations. All of the most prominent have discovered the secret of working Bronze, these are Shang, Arabia, Kush, Egypt, Tartessos, and the Picts.

In Northern China, on the Border of the Yellow Sea, lies the Kingdom of Shang, stretching from the seaside coast inland to the rice paddies of the Yellow River. The valley should prove very fertile, and the civilization is by a means and measures flourishing. Bronze art of the highest degree is commonplace, and the huge populous enjoys luxuries its neighboring tribes can only dream of. However, not all is necessarily well. Other tribes threaten to coalesce into rival states, and there are rumors of a nomadic barbarian horde to the north.

On the west coast of the desert that is the Arabian Peninsula, a group of tribes, calling themselves the Arabs, have joined together around the city of Mecca, truly an oasis in the desert. Fervent fanatics of their primitive monotheism, their warriors battle cry strikes fear into all, and the people are eager for a chance to prove themselves in battle. That should be easy enough, as other Arab tribes, less civilized than their own, lurk all around, and could pose a serious problem in the future.

Alongside the upper reaches of the Nile River resides the country of Kush. Their sophisticated skills with camels set them apart from others, and they alone seem to be able to traverse the desert at will, riding their humped domesticates into a glorious future. Behind this facade of the desert lies a flowering culture, with magnificent architecture and art radiating from their homeland in the Nubian desert. In the meantime, desert nomads lurk all around, less civilized and powerful, and not yet posing much of a threat.

The country of Egypt is farther north along the Nile, and has a long and rich heritage to guide them. The cult of Isis draws many worshipers to their temples in Alexandria, and their painted art is unrivaled in any civilization. Though their capital is at Alexandria, the kingdom extends all the way to and past the Nile delta, where a complex interwoven set of canals drains the swamps and makes possible all sorts of farming in the fertile rich soil of the River, farming centered around the annual floods that bring much rich silt and sediment from upstream. Rumors float about the kingdom of civilized and peaceful people to the south and perhaps to the east as well; the Egyptian people look forward to contact and trade.

Rising from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean is Tartessos, a large and fascinating city in many respects. Their civilization is bursting with new ideas and energy, like the new government, Oligarchic Monarchy, the most innovative government in the world. They are perhaps the best seafarers in the entire world, and also excellent at land warfare, especially their elite marines, who are armed with spear and sword, well trained, and disciplined. They seem to be on the rise, and are not a civilization to be trifled with.

In Central Scotland among the moors and scattered fields and forests of the British Isle lies the land and people of the Picts. Led by a tribal leader, Wallace, their men form into elite armies of Highlanders, armed with spears and short swords, who are well suited to the mostly forested terrain of early Britain. Their people are well known and recognizable as fierce warriors, and their traditional wear, the plaide (OOC: Not the kilt, that was not invented yet) as much. Their people talk about astray warriors who have come upon other peoples both to the North and to the South. Who knows what the future will hold?

Most Populous Nation: Shang
Largest City: Tartessos

OOC: No spotlight, yet. Next update is tomorrow, that will add some NPCs and I will need orders (stories would be nice as well). I hope start locations were close enough to where you wanted them.
The Map, not much to see... Yet.


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- Grow Army

- Begin spreading word of the great Arab warriors that worship the one God, the most Beneficant and Powerful Creator.

- Send 150 Spearmen north and 150 spearmen east to conquer the other Arab tribes.

- Continue Project
Shang Story

"It all began, now, in the glorious reign of Emperor Shao-Ti first Emperor of the Shang Dynasty of Shang, that the Shang nation began to emerge from the primitives of it's neighbors, and the steppe nomads from the north. Shao-Ti was a peaceful minded being, who desired great farms and cities over the nation, but he was not blind to threats, but he said these immortal words that now will echo throughout the Middle Kingdom... Whomever controls the Huang He, controls China. Those words has effected the past childern, the current emperor at that time, Hang-Luo, commanded an expansion along the Huang He river due to this saying. Farms are being built along this river daily, they believed that their nation is at the center of the world, that there is only primitive barbarians beyond the borders of Shang, and that they brough civilization to those beings beyond Shang, but all that changed in the next hundred years, there will be more next class, on Emperor Hao-Ming, and the beautiful Yan-Gun.

Shang Orders

Increase economy by building more farms, and encouraging peasants to move on those farms and work there

Have 250 Spearmen and 50 Archers expand along the Huang he, have the rest defend in Shang. Have the troops expanding along the Huang he bring along gifts to give the people, and promise them that if they join Shang, that will be wat they will have.

New Wonder: Shang Irrigation System(more farms and canals, +3 eco)


Ah, Egypt. Her beautiful river, life to the land. Her fertile fields, food for the people. Her blistering sands, defence to the nation, her sprawling swamps, glory of nature, her wide sea, heart of trade. Egypt upon whom Isis smiled down upon and upon whom Osiris gazed up upon with gladness. Egypt, land of ancient traditions, of great leaders and of high triumphs. And would the Ptolemies bring anything less to Egypt? Most certainly not. "Most beautiful of nations," the first of the Ptolemies declares, "most glorious and most grand, you shall ride to victory and domination. I will gaze upon this land from the Outside, from the Afterlife, when Egypt does truly rule this world, yet rule it Egypt shall; I feel it in my very being. To Egypt and glory!"

And so the reign of the Ptolemid Dynasty begins. An era of hope, of pride, of ambition for the Egyptian people. Perhaps an era of change, perhaps not. All the people of Egypt knew we their daily lives and the newest order of the Pharoah -- to begin an irrigation system to better water all farming lands along the Nile.

(OOC: I seriously planned this from the beginning, I'm not copying the Shang irrigation project. I just saw Alex's orders.)


Send 200 Spearmen exploring up the Nile to claim more of its fertile farmland for Egypt and send another 100 Spearman westward to claim additional lands along the coast, stopping at Cyrenaica (where the coast turns sharply south). Send an additional 100 Spearman eastward to the Red Sea and claim all lands between the Nile Delta and the Sea.

Train additional Archers.

Begin the Nile Irrigation Project (+3 Economy, Better farming).


Zip, zero, nada.
North King said:
Grow what part of the Army? Archers? Spearmen?

Sorry for not clarifying.
Tribal Oligarchy
Category: N/A (?)
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable, Uncontrolled
Army: 500 Spearmen, 100 archers
Navy: 5 Galleys (if not landlocked)
Great Leaders: N/A
Religion: Turkic Polytheism
Culture: Okay
Great Achievements: N/A
Education: Nonexistant (until writing)
Wonders: N/A

- Start me in the delta of river Volga, in the small village of Itil.
- UU - Khazar Nomad (tough and endurable infantry (unless we have horses - if we do, then cavalry), armed with javelins. Particularily good at scouting and raiding, as well as hunting to get supplies).
- Grow army - UU.
- Expand north along Volga with all forces.
- Start wonder - City of Itil (+1 Culture, +2 Economy (due to the encouragement of fishing)).
The City and mercantile life of the Tartessian Empire
By Nikastor of Gadios

Chapter 3, a small pre-overview of the Tartessian politico-Economical histor...
The City of Tartessos was a beacon to all the world, a place of trade, of culture, of riches, and, of a most formidible military might.

The culture of the city had changed once large scale bronze production ha dbegun, for the it had destbalized the old monarchy; as, while it was always known that the land of Iberios, the great peninsula that Tartessos at least though tof as its own, had great mineral wealth, particuraley in the south around Tartessos, the great mines had traditionally been owned by the King; but it was on the land of the average men where copper asnd tin ore was found, quicklly making a new class of richmen, rich off the ore that was so plentiful...

The result, was a vibrant and rich city, where the common people had, in comparison to any other land, a huge sway in the politics; one where status of how rich one was at birth, mattered little...

The most practicle result of all this, was that unlike in most other lands, the commanders, and officals of the land where, more often then not, common citizens of the land; not at all surprising, seeing as how the nobles distrusted the royal familly with complete control, as well as each other, leaving the reguler folks to be ablke to reach up, and take the honour based not on birth, but rather, uniqully to the tartessians, at least at the time, based on hoq qualified and skilled one was at the job...

Needless to say, tartessian military successus were... rather numerous...

chapter 7: a brieft interlude as to soem of the specifics of the taressian economy
Economy wise, as mentioned before, the wealth of tartessos laid in a combination of the rich veins of ore of many multitudes of types, colpour, and harnesses, including mnay which, for the moment, escaped even the ability of the Tartessian master forgers to smith to any great deal, as well as the rich lands, ripe for the groth fo olives, grain, wines, and the raising of live stock upon. The result being that, while Tartessos was grand capital city, even the average city fo the Tartessian empire, was largere thne some of the capitials of most sub-nations, and rumoured even larger then then that of the mythic "other empires" that merchants purported dotted the landscape...

The most notable effec to fthat, was a large purposrtion of taxbale citizens, though more importantlly, a large industrial, and agricultural base for the cities, and of course, the grand capital, to draw upon...

To be PMed soon
6/7 orders. Update is in an hour or two. Those who didn't send in orders will get economy increased... because I'm nice. :p
Ruler/Player: Melek Hamilcar Barca/ Insane_Panda
Government: Oligarchic Republic (Council of Elders with a ruling melek)
Category: N/A
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable, Uncontrolled
Army: 500 Spearmen, 100 archers
Navy: 5 Galleys (if not landlocked)
Great Leaders: N/A
Religion: Carthaginian Polythesiem
Culture: Okay
Great Achievements: N/A
Education: Nonexistant (until writing)
UU: Carthaginian Quinquereme: A trireme, but with 5 banks of oars instead of 3, incredibly fast, but also a very heavy assault ship, these are the true masters of the mediterranean. Equipped with skilled heavy Archers and Pheoni Marines (note: just basic carthaginian spearmen, but better training), it is a perfect Ship for naval warfare. What makes this ship also incredibly fast is not only its 5 banks of oars, but it also has 2 sails, a large one on the mainmast, and a smaller one at the bow. The Dreadnought of its day...
A Brief Explanation on the Nature of the Carthaginian Peoples
By Gisco Bar Hanno, Royal Historian

The City of Carthago

Carthage was rumored to be founded by the Great Queen Dido. She, a Phoenician, established Carthage as a colony, and created a beautiful city on the central tip of North Africa. Its central sector is a marvel, its buildings beautifully crafted in marble, whilst the outskirts are mostly that of stable mudbrick. The Heart of the city was its port, a grand circular structure, with room for ships all along it. The Port could accomadate many ships, which it did, due to Carthage's huge trade presence in the Mediterranean..

The Port of Carthago

A Short History

Carthage hailed from the ancient Phoenicians, a seafaring peoples. They were rich in trade, and peaceful. Queen Dido, a Phoenician, established Carthage as a colony, its grand walls a beacon of trade and peace in the western mediterranean. Carthage's history is relatively peaceful, except on the occasion of the Pirate Wars, a grand campaign against pirates which harrased Carthaginian Merchants, leading to the creation of the Quinquereme, the carthaginian dreadnought.

Political, Economic, and Military Structure

Carthage's government is unique, A Oligarchic Republic, it is ruled by A Melek, a great general and king, alongside the Council of Elders. These councilmen had huge power, elected by the citizens of Carthage, they Commanded the generals and Melek in military campaigns and voted on issues of state. Whilst the Melek gave his own opinion, and acted as his own voting block, his vote containing significant importance to the council. The Melek also personally commanded the army, and was usually a general, elected to the status of Melek, to serve as King for Life, or until the Council of Elders deposed him. The Melek, also had power to denounce members of the Council aswell, if he had support from other councilmembers.

The Council consisted of 500 members, 100 Elders, and 400 councilmen. This council convened on matters of state and decided the future of the Empire.

The Military structure of Carthage is rather odd, with few carthaginians themselves, only leading as officers and elites, with mercenary armies as its core, payed by the vast treasury of the government. Military commanders were elected on a system of merit, Military officers went to an academy and took many exams, cumiliating in a final exam, this judged their position on the military forces and if they succeeded in the field, they were promoted. Carthage employed Numidians and North Africans as their core army, employed by the government, although some carthaginians went into the regular corps, although this was rare.

Carthaginian Quinquereme, without Oars or Sails

The economy was focused on trade, Carthage offered its unique luxuries, exotic dyes, ivory, and jewels for other goods such as grain, iron, etc. Carthage was a rich port city, and as such, she needed to control the seas around her. Her Navy was quite possibly the strongest in the world, with its Quinqueremes smashing foes to pieces. Although its marine force was a little more than average, its Ships were high enough against enemy ships that it made boarding a little difficult....

Carthage looked to the sea to expand itself, through trade and mercantilism...

More to come later, education, etc as i have to go now..

OOC: Could i request a light yellow-green color, but not like Neon green, like the color of this face :p ?
Quinquiremes aren't exactly around in the Bronze Age, but I suppose we can let that slide.... I still need orders. And update is very soon.
Germanic Union of Tribes

Ruler/Player: Gustov/Rev
Government: Tribal Union
Category: N/A
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable, Uncontrolled
Army: 500 Spearmen, 100 archers
Navy: 5 Galleys (if not landlocked)
Great Leaders: N/A
Religion: Pagan Nature Worship
Culture: Okay
Great Achievements: N/A
Education: Nonexistant (until writing)
UU: none as of yet


The Tribes of Saxony had moved north till they founded a city and named it Berlin. This state which was led by the leader of each tribe ina council with 2 leaders elected a war leader and a peace leader. The peace leader set about the improvement of Berlin with the feilds being tilled and channels dug to increase the food being produced. On the other hand the War leader was sending out his troops to explore and to bring about other tribes into the Union.

The troops would meet each tribe and use bribery, threats or even just impress the other tribes into joining the Union and council. Tribes which resist and fight are still to join the Union once conquered but the tribal leader is replaced with a pro Union member to take part in the Union councils.

Improve land around Berlin (better land means people have more time to make goods and trade)
Expand using tactits outlined about

OT anything wrong with this just say so and I will sort it out
OOC: Sorry, the ISP was down for a little bit there.

Update 1: 1900 BCE

Around the world, civilizations are developing into flourishing cultures and expanding. Some contact others and begin to trade. Others conquer their nearby neighbors in bloodshed and violence.

The Germans are a new influence on Northern Europe, migrating northwards from Saxony to settle the city of Berlin. They are fierce warriors, however, expansion will not be easy, on all sides lay powerful barbarians. To the West are the Angles, to the South the Quadii, to the East, the Goths. They are all very similar to the Germans, and the people of Berlin wonder wether they have a good future here.

The Picts’ leader is mysteriously silent. His people are ready to build an empire anyway, and fatten the royal coffers in order to fund future war efforts and expand to further their territory. They encounter two other main civilizations. They are the Orcadians and the Catuvellauni.

The Orcadians are a peaceful sort, and have actually fled the Orkney Isles which gave them their name to the mainland in the face of fierce storms that threatened to wipe them out. Their civilization is perhaps the most advanced in the British Isles and they have sophisticated stone dwellings with true sewer systems and well designated spaces for each household activity. Their ships travel to and fro across the North Sea and they also lay claim to the Faroe Islands and part of an isle they call Eire. The Catuvellauni, on the other hand, are an aggressive expansionist tribe who has risen to dominance over all of their neighbors and challenge for dominance of the British Isles themselves.

In the very Southwest, a tribe known as the Dumnonii have become quite advanced, and also speak a very strange dialect of Celtic. It is rumored that they have extensive trade with foreigners.

The Tartessians have expanded quite considerably, and their glorious city is still the largest in the world. Indeed, they are the most urban people in the world, almost 30% of their people living in cities or towns, as opposed to the countryside. They have started a wonder of the world: the Sanctum of the Bull in Tartessos itself, which will do many great things for the nation, though it will take a while to complete. They are having little luck with the experimentations with ores other than copper and tin, though they have determined that zinc can be added to copper to produce a golden colored metal called brass. The others seem to hold mysteries they cannot unlock as of yet, like a metal called iron, that comes in a red ore and when smelted to purity, is very soft. The only other result they obtained from it was when they accidentally dropped it in the smelter’s fire, and it became harder than bronze, but too brittle to use in weaponry. They are still studying these results (especially since they have a mandate from the government to do so.)

Regardless of this, new contacts have been made as Tartessos expands across Iberia and into Africa, with the Lusitanians to the north and the Carthaginians to the east. Both seem to be seafaring nations, though the Carthaginians only came in a single small galley up the African coast. The Lusitanians are quite peaceful and love to trade, and an unofficial trade route has sprung up with prodigious amounts of tin passing through the city of Tartessos and beyond through the Straits of Gibraltar to sell in better markets for this essential ingredient to bronze. While Tartessos has supplies of this metal itself, the Lusitanians seem to have it in undreamt of quantities, and their source is unknown, though some have managed to pry out from drunken sailors that it is far to the north. Nothing else is known about this close kept secret. It might prove profitable for Tartessos to set up an official trade route from Lusitania through Tartessos, and then another into Carthage with this metal so it can be recorded and taxed. Meanwhile, the barbarian Celtiberians prevent peaceful expansion farther north.

Carthage evolves as a trading nation, hub of Mediterranean trade, and their seafaring qualities confirm this. Their elite ships, developed in fighting many battles, are quinquiremes, which are perhaps the largest and most powerful ships on the Med, but they are agonizingly slow compared to regular galleys. Carthage’s voyage of discovery is a success, they have some of the best charts of the Mauritanian coast, however, it is full of Berbers, a camel nomad tribe who seems to be all along their southern frontier. Even farther, past the Pillars of Hercules is a city that seems to reach Herculean proportions in the sailors’ tales. It goes by two names: Tartessos, and far more commonly, Atlantis. Also they have made contact with the Libyans, who also have a problem with Berbers. They also have a vague notion of the existence of Lusitania, but they do not have direct contact, only sailors in the port of Carthage itself selling tin by the tons to traders in the markets there. This tin normally is mixed with copper to make bronze for Carthage or shipped even further by Carthaginian traders to another legendary land, Egypt, or sent overland through Lybia. If they established official trade with perhaps Tartessos (the base of these Lusitanian traders), or on the other side with Lybia or maybe even faraway Egypt overseas, they could tax this tin trade and make a good profit off of it.

Egypt, the other end of this line of communication, flourishes under the Ptolemies, with much in the way of gold (it is said to be as common as sand), and they have extended the nation in several directions, to Cyrenica (a trading hub for tin), down the Nile, and to the very shores of the Red Sea. They have made contact with Lybia, a trading nation with a long wall to defend against raids by Berber nomads. Egypt may have its own nomad problem: the Nubians, who dwell to the south of the civilized Kingdom of Egypt. To the East, past the Sinai desert, is the Empire of Petra, whose capital is rather unusual, carved into solid red sandstone. They appear to be having trouble with the Hyksos. In the meantime, in Egypt, a new irrigation system is started under the Ptolemies which ought to greatly increase the economy of the flourishing nation. The Cult of Isis is gaining new followers even outside of Egypt, though it has few formal doctrines.

Kush is eerily silent, and its people expand a little and increase the economy a little bit. They are a bit afraid of the Nubians to the north, but trust their leaders to halt any potential incursion.

Arabia is growing, and the new city of Medina is added to the religious empire. The other Arab tribes have, however, started to coalesce into real cheifdoms, and are quite opposed to the idea of a monotheism. In Mecca itself, the textile industry is flourishing and their carpets are unrivaled. They also encounter another Arab tribe that is not quite as barbaric as their neighbors: the Saba. They are a tribe who are having quite a bit of trouble with their nomadic ethnic brothers, and have built a wall to counter this. They also have encountered the Empire of Petra.

Far East of all this is Shang. Shang has expanded far down the Huang He (one of their despot’s most famous words were “he who controls this river controls China!”), and the rice paddies along the river are the most bountiful in the land. They have made contact with many new nations, all of which like the excellent bronze working of the Shang nation, all of which rely on rice. The closest to Shang is Han, a small nation who is mostly concerned with farming their rice, but who possess the secret to an art of weaving a fine material that shimmers and is very soft and smooth to the touch. The Wei to their north are rather unremarkable, and they seem rather barbaric to the Shang, but who still are a good trading partner for small time merchants because of their love of the Shang bronze work. The Zhou, to their north, are even more barbaric, though they assure the Shang that they are indeed the protectors of civilization, for if it were not for them and their formidable northern wall, a nomadic tribe known only as the Xiongnu would sweep down into the Huang He Valley and burn the towns, pillaging the fields of rice as they went. Most Shang scoff at this claim, but their wall does raise some eyebrows. To the south of the Shang are the Chu, a large state with little to remark on it as very different (indeed, most countries in this region seem to be very similar to Shang, probably because of the heavy influence of being first), though they are rumored to border a far southern river, the Yangtze, supposedly even longer than the Huang He. Expansion opportunities remain all around, but perhaps war is in order to expand more...

The Khazars expansion goes uneventfully, however, their new city based on fishing is going well. The Scythians, however, a powerful nomad tribe, seem to encroach all to close, and many question wether they can fight them off.

Random Events:

Increased farming along the Nile river gives Egypt an economy boost.
Bribery causes several hundred Germanic warriors to join the United German Confederacy, though they may not be loyal.
The Tin Route’s great economic importance gives a boost to Tartessos, Carthage, and Lybia.

Longest Trade Route: The Tin Route-over 3000 miles through 7 countries.
Longest Wall: The Grand Wall of Zhou- several hundred miles.

OOC: No spotlight, yet. Next update hopefully tomorrow.
Edit: forgot the Khazar's section.
The map of destiny, doom, and freedom (just checking to see if you are reading or just looking at the map :p ):


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