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TSG34 After Action Report

Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Date submitted: 2012-05-15
Reference number: 26264
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1878AD
Turns played: 309
Base score: 1237
Final score: 2027
Time played: 3:45:00
Submitted save: GOTM34Save.Civ5Save
Renamed file: trueblue_C503401.Civ5Save
Finally figured out how to get screenshots to work (used paint.net to convert the file into a jpg).

Included is a screenshot of my near-domination victory through science.

Please note the world map - Catherine is down to a single city and the only other civ left is Germany.

I just thought the picture would be an interesting contrast compared to the other screenshots of GOTM 34! :crazyeye:


  • GOTM 34 Halcyan2.jpg
    GOTM 34 Halcyan2.jpg
    169.3 KB · Views: 151
Settled E of start point as warrior uncovered wheats. I didn't think about production :blush:

Was attacked early on by French and then Germans one after the other until (my good friend) GK attacked the Germans from behind and I began expanding to prevent the Mongols becoming too big. The French were wiped out by the yellow Civ and I took Orleans (north of starting location, I expanded cities east-to-west which wasn't a great idea).

After early attacks I aimed to survive, but then expanded and ended up being 3rd biggest Civ, which I was actually quite pleased with. I can usually win on Prince and this was a good challenge for me (also my first GOTM on Civ 5!). I lost focus on the science victory after the French & Germans attacked me together but managed to get to 2050 alive. First Civ 5 game I've ever seen nuclear weapons used too (by GK on the Germans I think, who'd got quite big but GK had destroyed all other Civs in that part of the map. Only myself, English, Mongols and yellow Civ (Mayans? Sorry I forgot!)

I benefitted greatly from GK's protection for most of the game (somehow) but as Germany disappeared I realised it was just him, me and a massive border. Was glad the game ended when it did! Haven't posted score details as my performance wasn't rated well by the game itself but I really enjoyed playing and will move onto another TSG/GOTM (or whatever the kids are calling them these days!) soon.
Science victory on turn 343. Been so long since I've played Vanilla, I almost forgot how -- GS usage is quite different! Maybe I should have planted more than 2 academies.

Napoleon declared war early, even tho' we had a research agreement and I had a bigger military than him; I didn't expect that. I captured Orleans (because it was closer) but didn't take Paris until much later because i didn't want to poison my relationships with the other AI's just yet.

Catherine was the only AI that was almost keeping up with me in science. I'm not sure how she was keeping up because she had 15 or so crappy little cities.

England and Siam were amazingly weak and ineffectual. Germany was the scapegoat that we all hated; hating Bismarck was the basis of most of our friendships.

Fun game, but I think I'm mostly gonna stick to G&K and BNW; too much click click click with nothing to do but build unnecessary wonders while waiting for techs to complete. (I captured Hanging Gardens from France, Great Wall from Germany after I had artillery so it didn't matter, and built about 15 or 20 wonders myself.) Might could have finished faster if I put my cities on food-focus and built beakers instead of wonders.
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