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The many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XIX

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It's not my fault people can't understand the concept of measuring the points on an island that are the furthest from each other.
It's not our fault you can't grasp something as simple as area. You asked for length and width, when multiplied they give you area.
It's not our fault you can't grasp something as simple as area. You asked for length and width, when multiplied they give you area.
Ok, so, what am I supposed to divide the area by to get the length or width, considering the lists I saw provided nothing to divide by?
You can't, the closest you could get is the square root. As for finding lengths and widths you're not really having much luck; it's not much use in determining the size of an island.
You can't, the closest you could get is the square root. As for finding lengths and widths you're not really having much luck; it's not much use in determining the size of an island.
Sigh. :(


Thanks. :)
You could always use latitude and longitude to break the island into tiny squares that are entirely land, tiny squares that are partially land, then add them all together with a 1/2 value for the partially filled squares and get something resembling an estimate of the total area of the island. Sounds like a pain though, how badly do you need this info? :)
I'm quite curious as to what's so difficult about area. As a rough guide to get you started:

City of London - 1 sq mile
Greater London - 600 square miles
Wales - 8000 square miles
The UK - 95,000 square miles
Germany - 140,000 square miles
Texas - 270,000 square miles
Kazakhstan - 1,000,000 square miles
Australia - 3,000,000 square miles
China - 4,000,000 square miles
Russia - 6,500,000 square miles
Eurasia - 21,000,000 square miles
World's Land Area - 57,000,000 square miles

For this thank Wikipedia and my boredom.
What was the first game to feature morality? Everyone I know says it's Black & White. I thought it was Ultima IV but apparently that doesn't count.
Okay I had a weird thing happen to me on my fake facebook account. I have a fake facebook account in order to post messages on my local newspaper website. The only profile info I have is a fake date of birth, and my gender (male). So I get an email they send from time to time suggesting friends, and somehow my own mother comes up on the friends suggestion list! So how did facebook know it was my mother? How did it know fake me was real me?

Things like that creep me out. How did facebook associate my mother with my fake facebook profile? Maybe it associated her from my email (My yahoo email is associated with my fake facebook account)? My email is the only thing I can think of. It had 5 other friend suggestions, but they are people I don't know or recognize. I'm pretty sure I didn't give facebook permission to scan my email contacts.
It might get it from your email address being the same on the accounts, it might get it from the cookies you have on your computer if you check both accounts from the same compy. I loathe things like that, my cookies clear every time I close my browser and it loads to a blank page when I open it. That still doesn't quite get rid of everything sites scan for.
In normal, everyday interactions with other people, who tend to be ruder, liberals or conservatives?

Don't you dare call this question "vague"! :mad:
In normal, everyday interactions with other people, who tend to be ruder, liberals or conservatives?
What makes you assume that there's any meaningful correlation between politeness and political orientation?

Edit: Jobbies, x-post.
What makes you assume that there's any meaningful correlation between politeness and political orientation?

Edit: Jobbies, x-post.
Personal experience? :dunno:

I've observed that liberals seemed to be ruder, generally, from my interactions with people online and offline. :dunno:
My personal experience is that there is no meaningful correlation between politeness and politics. Arguably, conservatives are more likely to bother with certain petty rituals that could be interpreted as greater politeness, while the more critically-minded folk of the left tend to place less value in that sort of thing, but that's a matter of form rather than content.
I listened to an NPR special where a liberal was making the argument that common conservative values tend to discourage typical forms of rudeness not only with those with whom they agree, but also with those they tend to disagree. He was asserting the difference between that and typical liberal messaging styles is one of Democratic Party's greatest weaknesses.

It might only be form rather than content, but form matters. Well, it matters if you actually want to get things done in the world rather than living a pipe dream. "Go F yourself you are wrong" might be followed by a well-reasoned point but whoever you are talking to is no longer listening. You've lost credibility by being unable to converse in a constructive manner.
I listened to an NPR special where a liberal was making the argument that common conservative values tend to discourage typical forms of rudeness not only with those with whom they agree, but also with those they tend to disagree. He was asserting the difference between that and typical liberal messaging styles is one of Democratic Party's greatest weaknesses.

It might only be form rather than content, but form matters. Well, it matters if you actually want to get things done in the world rather than living a pipe dream. "Go F yourself you are wrong" might be followed by a well-reasoned point but whoever you are talking to is no longer listening. You've lost credibility by being unable to converse in a constructive manner.

I don't know. I'm not saying liberals are unfailingly polite. I certainly am not. But conservatism hasn't really demonstrated much politeness over the years either. There are certain modes of behavior that some people have and others don't. But does it really follow along ideological lines? Hell, half the reason that I'm as rude as I am is because I got sick to fracking death of being treated rudely by conservatives!
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