• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

New Civs - Confirmed Details

So Austria can "ingherit" city states.... I assume this means basically annex them into part of your territory and not say make them full Allies....

EDIT: I think we can all assume Austria's capital will be Vienna, no?
So Austria can "ingherit" city states.... I assume this means basically annex them into part of your territory and not say make them full Allies....

I liked your original post better, had a quirky comment regarding Maria Theresa's shape and the City States :mischief:.
What ever happened to that transcript answering the community's questions? Its been a week now.:(
They released all the new achievment's on steam on of them has a nuke pic with 2012 on the nuke so we can guess what you have to do to get these. i'm not sure if there is already a thread for this if not create one.
New future Civs suggestions:

- Timurids, Leader: Timur (Tamerlane). Units: Armored elephants or horse archers.
- Mughal Empire, Leader: Babur, units: Zamburak (Camel with swivel gun on it's back) or Ahadees (Handpicked soldiers by the emperor)
- Mamluks, Leader: Aybak, units: Mameluke Cavalry/Infantry
- Poland, Leader: Bolesław II or Jagiello, Units: Winged Hussar and ??
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