• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Team Mavericks Pitboss

Being large early in the game is not optimal in a diplo-heavy game... :mischief:
Okay, I forgot to retire to AI before leaving on my trip, so please kick me to AI. Classical_Hero, you said in this thread you could sub for emergencies, would you be able to handle my civ in this game from now till the end of July? Until CH sees this and agrees, v8_mark will play my turns.
I think I crashed the server when I accidentally tried to load the game in Bat Mod.

EDIT: The servers does seem to still be working, but I can't log in 'cause, according to civstats, I'm logged in (although the game does not say this to me).

EDITEDIT: Server actually did crash.
I might need a sub in one week. They'd have to take my turns for about two weeks. Anyone interested? (I'm England and 3rd in points).
Hey guys,

How badly can we abuse the AI's that are now playing?
I'd like to know that before I start doing it... ;)
So I'm free to abuse those AI players then?
Guess we all will do at some point....:rolleyes:

And, King Morgan, do you mean we should kick more players to AI? Would spice up that game a bit and make it move faster.
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