• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Frequently Asked Questions

With Permanent Alliances on, Is it possible to form a team of three civs by first entering a permanent alliance and then constructing the Mercurian Gate? Or does the Alliance disable the construction of the gate?

What MC said plus one more if you get the Minister Koan event and he stays allied with you...
:eek: Thats a complaint I never expected to see. We have over 300 pages of history in FfH. I would challenge you to find any other game with as much unique documented history as FfH has.

This is true.

And the awesome lore there is there, makes the parts that are empty stick out like sore thumbs. Us fans are never happy :lol:

Does decius still have no pedia entry, for example?
With the slower experience gain in the latest patch, is there any reason left for the 100xp barbarian cap?

Also, there was a way to edit the cap if we wanted to. Can anybody point me to the file?

:eek: Thats a complaint I never expected to see. We have over 300 pages of history in FfH. I would challenge you to find any other game with as much unique documented history as FfH has.

I believe the reference is to some Civilopedia pages' lack of any real history. Like the pages where the description is then repeated in the history, such as the Cave of Ancestors, the Hall of Mirrors, or the Blasting Workshop. It seems to really just be restricted to UBs, which is ultimately understandable since buildings can be more boring then units.

Not complaining! Just pointing out where the idea is prolly coming from.
Hey guys,
i got the previous version kind of 0.30e installed to the BTS v3.13, it was installed long time ago, and now only got free time to play with it.

do i need to download the whole mod or just the 0.40z patch?
Hey guys,
i got the previous version kind of 0.30e installed to the BTS v3.13, it was installed long time ago, and now only got free time to play with it.

do i need to download the whole mod or just the 0.40z patch?

you will need BtS v3.17 AND 0.40 big patch(~350mb iirc) AND 0.40z small patch (~30mb)
Hey Guys
In a german FFH-Subforum we have a tough discussion about this pic.

Spoiler :

How is it possible, that FotL spreaded to the BarbCity? I am Charadon with the BarbTrait and founded FotL.
So did it just spread there, like to any other normal city?
Or is the reason, that the Barbs researched FotL and got the disciple?
Unfortunately, i do not have the save anymore.

I used the WB to check it.
When Charadon has only one city and this one is connected to a barb city, but not to any other civ, the Doviello City does not receive a traderoute.
But some say, that a civ with the barbtrait may not have traderoutes with the barbs, but a general connection with the barbs, where the religions spread along.
Anyone has an idea?
In a german FFH-Subforum we have a tough discussion about this pic.

This picture is another argument that something needs to be done about the early religions.
1)As far as I know, the archmages in FFH gain free xp up to 100XP. After that, they have to personaly fight and defeat enemies, other than barbarians.

If this is true, then there is a bug with the hero-promotion. My 2nd last game (patch z) with the Amurites i had Govannon (of course). And he got more than 100XP, i realized it, when i saw him having ~109XP. He never fighted, so it must have come from his Promotions.
Maybe the Hero-Promotion added the effect (although it should stop at 100xp, too).
Or you are wrong and he got it from Channelling/Potency.
Hey Guys
In a german FFH-Subforum we have a tough discussion about this pic.

Spoiler :

How is it possible, that FotL spreaded to the BarbCity? I am Charadon with the BarbTrait and founded FotL.
So did it just spread there, like to any other normal city?
Or is the reason, that the Barbs researched FotL and got the disciple?
Unfortunately, i do not have the save anymore.

I used the WB to check it.
When Charadon has only one city and this one is connected to a barb city, but not to any other civ, the Doviello City does not receive a traderoute.
But some say, that a civ with the barbtrait may not have traderoutes with the barbs, but a general connection with the barbs, where the religions spread along.
Anyone has an idea?

Did you automate a Disciple? I know as Hyborem I could spread AV into barb cities.
Hey Guys
In a german FFH-Subforum we have a tough discussion about this pic.

Spoiler :

How is it possible, that FotL spreaded to the BarbCity? I am Charadon with the BarbTrait and founded FotL.
So did it just spread there, like to any other normal city?
Or is the reason, that the Barbs researched FotL and got the disciple?
Unfortunately, i do not have the save anymore.

I used the WB to check it.
When Charadon has only one city and this one is connected to a barb city, but not to any other civ, the Doviello City does not receive a traderoute.
But some say, that a civ with the barbtrait may not have traderoutes with the barbs, but a general connection with the barbs, where the religions spread along.
Anyone has an idea?

I couldn't follow the German instructions to see the pic, but it is not unusual to see barb cities with religions in them...or even as holy cities.

They will often capture a city that has the religion (or holy city) in them. That is why you sometimes see them popping a Great Prophet or a Great Bard as it generates GP points.

I apologize if I missed something by not being able to see the screenshot.
I don't see anything wrong there. If you have the Barbarian trait, you have open borders with them, so your religion spreads.

Seems perfectly logical to me.
@Sarisin: I dont know which german Instructions u mean, i wrote everything in English, havent i? Just klick the Spoiler Button and u see the pic.

@WarKirby: The problem is, that even if u have OB with the barbs, u do not get Trade-Routes with them! So the question is, if the leaders with the barbarian-Trait really have this connection with the barbs or just the OB.
Dont forget, that the only requirement to have some connection with another civ is the fact, that your capital is connected to their capital. But the barbs do not have a capital, so i think its (perfectly) logical, if u cannot have a connection with them.
And so the FotL can not spread there "normally".
And this is FFH, not FF, so maybe its a difference.
Kaaaaaaaaael, you should know this, please share your wisdom with us ;).
Okay, so I've built the Guild of the Nine. Now, how do I hire Mercenaries?
Units in a city can cast a spell that hires a mercenary if you have enough money.

Best wishes,


Next question: Why does The Black Wind seem to not be able to carry units? It has a cargo capacity, but I can't seem to load units - or Boarding Parties, Warriors and Workers at least.

Also: Is it intentional that Alazkan the Assassin can't get the March promotion?

And: Where does the Hippus theme music come from? It's awesome. :)

Another one: What's the deal with the Altar of the Luonnotor? When can you build it? (EDIT: Figured it out - you can't build it if you're Evil. :))

Yet another: Why do Giants get the benefits of road movement inside your territory, but not in neutral land? This doesn't seem to be stated on the in-game unit description or in the civilopedia. Is it something to do with Hidden Nationality?

And another: Is it possible to gift units between non-teamed nations? I tried to gift a Great Prophet from one civilization to another but couldn't.
I'm pretty sure religions can spread without open borders, even.

Great, cause it has nothing to do with the question. Even if religions spread without OB, u should have a connection to the capital 1st. No capital, no spread i think.
Plus, if u are at war, it wont spread. So its impossible for all *normal* leaders to spread religions to the barbs. And why should Kael&Co give the Barbs the chance for more culture, even more if the culture comes from uncivilized nations? Sounds unlogical!
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