• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Mod Component Requests Thread

Guys I need someone to write me a code that tells the AI to always keep its science spending on "0" and not to use the slider at all.

I want the AI to use other science producing methods in the game but not direct money.

Highly appreciated. :)
Well this might help someone someday, but i fiddled with the xml (and the basic vanilla model) of the gunship and eventually found the <ActAsLand> bool in the artref did the job the best as regards in game graphics . . . seems a bit counterintuitive but there you are.

now i have helicopters that do air strikes, instead of roaming the hills being shot down by cavalry. it makes me so happy.
Building Stops Culture Flip Thread

Hi people, just thought I would post on the off chance someone takes up the challenge.

I need a comp that stops culture flipping and fixes borders by buildings. The link above is a thread with a little more detail and for the purpose of any ensuing conversation that may occur if I am lucky!
Hi. I Have tried to edit the dll files myself, but I hit a dead end after another.

Attached, there is CvGameCoreUtils as 7Z. I have deleted the requirement of 2+ movement for Promotion: Blitz. I however, lack software necessary to edit the file so that the change takes place ingame.

Would someone kindly take the file, and do the necessary steps to change Dll, and then post it back to me, so that my mod may finally work as intended.
I apologize for this request, but the programs I downloaded and tried to use for modification were... unco-operative, and thus removed as useless.


  • CvGameCoreUtils.7z
    13.3 KB · Views: 147
What's your problem?
I'm not sure. but something with the interface. Buttons are not in the right place and some elements of the Screen does not appear at all . I'll screenshot .


  • Cbar.JPG
    10.1 KB · Views: 197
Do you have a copy of CvMainInterface.py before the merge? Please post it, the merged one too.
This file is not my cup of tea :D

I can't find anything wrong with your merge (in any of the files), so it must be a conflict between added elements. I'm afraid only Platyping could really help you here. However, I did one change (look for my name in the file). Tell me if it changes anything.

The missing bars, what are they? Great General Progression bar? the other one?
Is it possible to make modular resources that can be put under assets/modules/resources for BtS?
I've seen some wonderful extra resources, apples, salt (should have been the original game), tea etc etc. I would love to add them to BtS.
How about a mod (for Warlords) that allows more buildings? Like...

Vertical Farm (req. Composites)
Supercomputer (req. Computers)
Knapping Site (req. Hunting)
Hotel (req. Nationalism)
Archery Range (req. Archery)
Archimedean Screw (req. Engineering)
Sewer (req. Engineering)
Control Center (req. Fiber Optics)
Suburbs (req. Combustion)
Gas Station (req. Combustion)
Skyscraper (req. Steel)
Barbed Wire (req. Steel)
Electric Fence (req. Electricity)
Camera Obscura (req. Optics)
Restaurant (req. Economics)
Fast Food Chain (req. Refrigeration)
Pet Store (req. Biology)
Zoo (req. Biology)
Baseball / Football / Soccer Stadium (req. Electricity)
Cinema (req. Mass Media)
Newspaper Press (req. Printing Press)
Internet Cafe (req. Fiber Optics)
Palm Reader (req. Mysticism)
Telegraph Line (req. Electricity)
Telephone Line (req. Radio)
Subway (req. Steel)
Monorail (req. Electricity)
Highway (req. Combustion)
School (req. Education)
Sickhouse (req. Mysticism)

What do you think of these? :)
So, what are you asking?

I mean, this sounds like something that's simply possibly in XML? And what are these buildings supposed to do anyway?
try this building tutorial

You really only need to edit 2 xmls files (afew more if you want custom art), make sure to add them to a mod folder in warlords with the right folder structure, you don't want to edit the main game versions.

You should be able to achieve the basics in an afternoon. Once you figure out what it is you actually want your buildings to do.
I hope this is the right place to ask (I assume not too many people still reading this...)

How can I add +1 health to a forest preserve improvement (I am unsure if this is not already out of a modpack)

I tried

but both don't seem to work.
Many thanks!
hi everybody,

i'm figuring out how to create an item that units can pick up and drop down at any time (not only when they are killed), and that adds, when carried, a specific promotion, like the equipment i've seen in FALL FROM HEAVEN 2 (by Kael and hie great team).

there is someone who can help me in learning how to do?
many thanks!!
Python random Events -

i use events a lot as I'm only just a baby as regards python, i'm wondering if:

1. there's a code snippit for selecting a specfic city name string?

2. there's a method of returning attitude between different leaders, so i can get the AI to do stuff in the interests of it's friends - such as delivering military hardware

I need XML line program advise on GlobalDefines.xml or anywhere else as to how to extend the explosive range of ICBMs vs Tactical Nukes for BTS mods.

Tactical Nukes have an explosive range of 3x3=9 tiles on the map. How can the range be extended for ICBMs from 3x3 to 5x5=25 tiles on the map? I'm sure the answer is somewhere out there in this fantastic forum! Thank you very much!

"Civ4 the best civ of all times",....so far.:)

SSBN (Ship, Submersible, Ballistic, Nuclear)
SSBN (Strategic Submarine Ballistic Nuclear)
This is driving me crazy. In Civ5 when a unit pillages an improvement it heals some health if it was damaged. I know for a fact that a mod for that exists for Civ4 because I've seen it somewhere on the forums months ago, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it again. Does anyone else have better searching skills?
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