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Tomatekh's New Civilizations

Halych seems a little off (shouldn't go that much south and west AFAIK), but that might be because of the angle of the map
Otherwise looks great! :)
It could be a conflict with my city states mod, which has Meroe, Dakar, Kiev and Garama as city states. I'm going to do a test on the earth map without my mod active and see what happens. I've also deleted the older versions, so hopefully that helps too.

UPDATE: Same issue without my city states mod. The civs are in the game and on the map as AI but cannot be selected at the set-up game screen. I've tested this with other maps and the same issue occurs.

I wish I could help more, but I've never tried to make a scenario so I don't really know all the steps. I doubt it's a problem specific to my civ mods, though, as besides the mentioned overlap with the civlopedia screen files in some mods, there's nothing special about their structure.

Perhaps posting in the general customization forum regarding using mod civs in scenarios may yield better responses. I'll ask around on my part and see if I can find an answer.
I wish I could help more, but I've never tried to make a scenario so I don't really know all the steps. I doubt it's a problem specific to my civ mods, though, as besides the mentioned overlap with the civlopedia screen files in some mods, there's nothing special about their structure.

Perhaps posting in the general customization forum regarding using mod civs in scenarios may yield better responses. I'll ask around on my part and see if I can find an answer.

Thanks :D. I might see if other mod civs have the same issue. All that aside, I've been playing a couple of regular games with your civs and they're excellent! I just hope I can get them working on an earth map with tsl soon!

Edit: On a quick search of the forum I found that I'm not the only one having this problem with mod civs. I'm going to watch that thread and see if someone finds a solution.
Tomatekh, I'm a new poster here but have been downloading mods and playing them for a few weeks now. I have a problem that all my mods seem to crash when I am almost finished researching Physics, even including yours and JFD's. Does that make any sense to you? I have not yet deleted the mod user data folder, but I am wondering if I should do that to fix the problem.
People are reporting crashes with Kievan Rus' that I've been unable to duplicate. Has anyone else encountered anything?

I''ve had this problem with a few of the civs. I get random crashes when doing things like moving units. In my current game as the Timurids I''ve had the same crash twice when I try to move one of my Caravels.
Tomatekh, I'm a new poster here but have been downloading mods and playing them for a few weeks now. I have a problem that all my mods seem to crash when I am almost finished researching Physics, even including yours and JFD's. Does that make any sense to you? I have not yet deleted the mod user data folder, but I am wondering if I should do that to fix the problem.

Are all mods doing this for you on their own (only loading one mod in a game) or are you loading a group of mods and your game is crashing? If it's not happening individually, then you need to find out which specific mod in the group that you're using is causing the crash. As far as I know, no one has ever reported one of my civs crashing at physics before. What is the specific list of mods that you use?
I''ve had this problem with a few of the civs. I get random crashes when doing things like moving units. In my current game as the Timurids I''ve had the same crash twice when I try to move one of my Caravels.

I figured out the Rus crash, it was related to an XML error in one of the foreign language tags (which is why I didn't encounter it in a normal game). I'll look into the crash you're reporting but are you sure the Timurid crash is from my mod specifically and not another mod that's also loaded? I only ask as the Timurid mod doesn't edit any of the files related to the Caravel or its unit movement and animation.

Do you also use any mod that edits unit graphics such as ethnic diversity or shorter animations or something like that?
I figured out the Rus crash, it was related to an XML error in one of the foreign language tags (which is why I didn't encounter it in a normal game). I'll look into the crash you're reporting but are you sure the Timurid crash is from my mod specifically and not another mod that's also loaded? I only ask as the Timurid mod doesn't edit any of the files related to the Caravel or its unit movement and animation.

Do you also use any mod that edits unit graphics such as ethnic diversity or shorter animations or something like that?

Not really sure what the cause is. I've had similar crashes whilst playing a game as Benin as well. It usually happens when moving a unit more than one hex and occasionally in-between turns. I've been managing to get around them with autosaves and trying to avoid reproducing the circumstances of the crashes.
Are all mods doing this for you on their own (only loading one mod in a game) or are you loading a group of mods and your game is crashing? If it's not happening individually, then you need to find out which specific mod in the group that you're using is causing the crash. As far as I know, no one has ever reported one of my civs crashing at physics before. What is the specific list of mods that you use?

It's happened when using Garamantes and Goths. I also have had (usually) Israel, Anglo Saxons, Papal States, Venice, Australia, Confederate States and Gondor loaded. I've tried playing each one by one and the same thing happens, although I am not absolutely certain whether I've yet used yours on their own. I will do that just to be sure and then update you whether that happens again. I'm wondering whether Physics is the start of some new era or anything like that that one of the mods just doesn't go to.
It's happened when using Garamantes and Goths. I also have had (usually) Israel, Anglo Saxons, Papal States, Venice, Australia, Confederate States and Gondor loaded. I've tried playing each one by one and the same thing happens, although I am not absolutely certain whether I've yet used yours on their own. I will do that just to be sure and then update you whether that happens again. I'm wondering whether Physics is the start of some new era or anything like that that one of the mods just doesn't go to.

Physics is at the end of the Medieval era, but researching it doesn't actually start the Renaissance (you'd need to research one of the techs in the next column for that). Now there is a crash related to the Renaissance era for any civ made in Vanilla and not updated to Gods and Kings. The game looks for spy names, can't find any, and then crashes. But it can't be that as physics doesn't change eras and all my mods have spy names.
Why is Benin getting reworked? The old ability looked really good.

What will happen to the old Benin civ? Will the abilities be used for another civ?
Why is Benin getting reworked? The old ability looked really good.

What will happen to the old Benin civ? Will the abilities be used for another civ?

Well first, Benin's getting a huge art update which the civ badly needed (I had upgraded a lot of the art for my other civs and the release was beginning to show its age).

Second, the reason I'm changing the abilities is because the old Benin was kind of disjointed in it's focus, whereas the new version has a much more unified feel for me (as a defensive civ, which was its original intent). Only really half the abilities are getting changed, with the rest being shifted around more than outright deleted. I also think the new stuff is more interesting.

Anyway, here's the changes.


Old Benin:
- +25% Flank Attack for all land military units.
- Capital starts with Walls.
- Double Copper resource to trade

New Benin:
- Defensive buildings in all cities are 20% more effective
- Capital starts with Walls.
- Copper can be used to fulfill Iron requirements (one for one)


Old Benin:
- +15% Strength in Friendly Territory
- No attack penalty across rivers

New Benin
- +15% Strength in Friendly Territory
- +25% Flank Attack

(Unchanged, but the lua code has been cleaned up a bit)

So the main thing is the flank attack modifier, but the new UU still gets to keep it as a innate bonus. (% to be changed depending on playtesting)
That clarifies a lot of things. One of the things I liked about benin was that it was a defensive civ making it appealing for culture victory.

One of the things I wish modders would do more is really explain their civ and the intent for how it should be played. Most civs in the game, have some focus or, a strategy emerges around their abilities, (Ex: Roman, Egypt). Part of a civ's appeal is seeing the stats and it's units and what not and knowing how to play it, or at least getting an idea.

I got that sort of feeling from Benin because of how the UA and UU sound like they could be used.

Really good civ.

BTW: is it possible to set a start bias to make you start near copper?
There's no way to set a bias based on resources. The most you can do is set a bias for the terrain the resources are likely to spawn in. However, the copper aspect was never meant to be the main focus of the UA. With the new ability, the idea is not to give Benin the ability to completely substitute Iron or give them the guaranteed ability to build Iron units, but rather give them an additional chance of meeting those requirements.
I did a minor art update for the Garamantes (map, DoM, leader icon). I didn't completely re-make the new map from scratch like I did for Rus' and Benin (as I simply didn't have the time to do so), but I still feel the touched up map is a nice improvement:

I've always felt the Garamantes map was a little strange because I included the area for Rome, Numidia, and Carthage, but I've also felt it was necessary because if you focused just on Garama you'd have this tiny blop completely surrounded by desert with no distinguishable features on the map. Plus, it lets me show the two major trans-Saharan trade routes of the time which were the whole reason why Garama was important to the ancient world.
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