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Are right-wingers seen as scum?

The extreme lefties on these boards fall in to to catogories

Conspiracy theorist nut jobs and communists who given half a chance would send me to a gulag.
The reason you guys miss him so much is because he didnt really take a stand against you like other conservatives here do, and he simply wasnt as arguementative with you over issues. He'd take your flung poo, smile, and not retaliate in kind. Nice, I suppose, but thats not me, and I dont apologize for that.

When I eventually leave, you will either miss me or you wont. Big whoop.
Uh, what?

I am notably not one of the communists around here, dude. When I disagreed with VR, I disagreed with him about his treason and basically nothing else, and he never just shrugged that off. The whole "oh he was great because he admitted when he was wrong" thing never applied here. What I did appreciate VR for was everything outside his politics that made him an actual human being, both stuff from here and stuff from IRC. He had a face, you know? That, and his demeanor - he was one of the few CFCOTers who didn't act all pompous because he thought he had all the answers (a disease that affects both the right and the left).
Just examine this particular thread. Just in a quick read you see that right wingers are:

Oh thanks a bunch for this Mobbie. The mention of 'rabid' was from me. :)

And here's the quote.
Some of my best friends are right-wingers. :D In fact, my best friend is one. A rabid one even.
Now boys and girls, who can tell me what went wrong here? I bolded some hints.

Now I need a right-wing volunteer. Anyone? The guy with the flag, at the back. Can you step forward? Maybe you could play the role of an iceberg?
The most rabid posters here are pretty much universally lefty, though I would say they are that way because they are young rather than lefty (with some notable exceptions).
Thanks for that :)

Well, that's both of the rabid quotes out of the way. One from me describing my friend specifically, the other describing pretty much universally lefties.

I think that pretty accurately illustrates the point I have been making several times. See, I don't know why people are so mean to right-wingers. They are so accommodating :)

What I did appreciate VR for was everything outside his politics that made him an actual human being, both stuff from here and stuff from IRC. He had a face, you know? That, and his demeanor - he was one of the few CFCOTers who didn't act all pompous because he thought he had all the answers (a disease that affects both the right and the left).
I have never called anybody a bigot in this forum. But Mobboss certainly called me one on more than one occasion. And again, I am far from being one of those virtually non-existent "left-wingers" in the US which comprise a tiny 20% of the population. it just appears I am from your own political perspective, as even Obama does.

All these threads invariably backfire. You would think the authoritarian far-right would eventually learn that and stop creating them. But thanks for not doing so. The blatant double standard is always good for a laugh.

By all means provide proof of me calling you a bigot straight out. I'd like to see it as I certainly dont remember ever calling anyone that.

And fwiw, you have utterly failed to provide ANY SHRED OF FACT that I have ever tried to run anyone off of these forums. Either provide the proof of this, or at least man up, grow a pair and admit you lied about this and apologize. I'm not going to let this go until you address it directly. My suggestion is that you admit your error and move on, otherwise whatever small shred of credibility you have around here will utterly be destroyed.

Your call, but you dug this hole, now dig your way out.

This seems to be the prime whining point by Rightists. Just how tolerant are you and your kind of people of my persuasion? Don't worry, I already know just how kind. Don't think I care for a second about your little persecution complex. Your ideology runs the entire world. Get over yourselves.

Ah, so now rightists are 'whiners' as well. Except, as has been pointed out, who's actually doing the majority of whining in this thread?

As for tolerance, why i'd be happy to come by the Applebees and have a drink with you to talk about things such as workers rights vs the tards that just want to break things. Wouldnt bother me in the least.

Also, it says a great deal about the extremist corner Rightists have worked themselves into, that both liberals and communists are together construed as a single entity called "The Left."

Lets see, I do believe you've coined the term 'rightists'. Are you any better then?

I'm not happy with them. On the other hand the political machine they support isn't trying to suppress gay rights so I'm less inclined to lose sleep over it.

So...you hate conservatives that are against gay marriage, but are merely unhappy with liberals that believe in the same exact thing. Nice consistency there.

BTW, I don't actually hate right wingers. I just have an angry posting style :D

Ah, well, when someone posts that they 'hate' something, usually I take their word for it, but thanks for the clarification. I'll just chalk this up to you being merely unhappy with conservatives then, and call it all good.

People who hate seem to think everybody else do as well.

Very true. Now apply it to this thread. Which side has used the term 'hate' more?

I'm for less gun grabbing than any so-called conservative on this board.

Totally debateable and most likely quite doubtful.

From the guy who described my parents as a failed compromised Christian parents because they decided I needed to find my own way spiritually.

Yeah, I remember how shocked you were that Christians actually thought they should follow the bible and take their kids to church. But you know what? Perhaps I was indeed overly harsh in stating my opinion and for that I am indeed sorry and apologize. I still think your parents were wrong in letting you 'opt out' of church prior to adulthood, but thats just me basing that upon what the bible says. But them failing you would certainly be predicated upon far more than just that, and I was indeed wrong to label them in that manner. Guess I was caught up in the heat of the flames we were tossing back and forth, and I crossed the line. Sorry and I sincerely hope you accept my apology for that crapola.

And fwiw, I never claimed I wasnt innocent, or didnt try to give back as good (or bad) as I got. I certainly have, and I havent always been correct in what I said. But I do have balls enough to say i'm sorry and I will apologize when someone confronts me on something I have certainly done wrongly.
I don't get this OP.

Right-wingers may or may not be seen as scum; though I hesitate to call anyone scum.

I seem to be very firmly in the liberal-left camp myself. Alarmingly so. Does this make me left-wing scum?

I think not, because my opinions are only my opinions. I'm not politically active (perhaps I should be) and I don't maintain my opinions are "better" than other people's. They simply represent how I think and feel about certain issues.

Provided right-wingers don't try and force their views on me, I can do no other than respect them. (While disagreeing vehemently.)

Does this make sense?
This thread makes me sad and angry at the same time.

It's basically political conflict stripped of any actual problems and solutions to be argued over. It's political mudslinging distilled down to the forum format.

Politicians who only like to argue, entrench themselves in their ideology and attack each other without addressing the actual problems at all is exactly what everyone is complaining about, no matter what side of the spectrum they are. And still everyone here is doing it now too.

I knew it would end this way the moment I saw the OP and if I were a moderator I would've closed it, not moved it to the tavern.
The right-wingers on this forum seem to be to be a more extreme rather than moderate, maybe explaining why they get the bad rep as a whole.
The one thing I do tend to notice amongst some right-wingers is a martyr complex
These feel the most adequate take on the situation.
With the added fact that you should remember how far to the right the "center" is in the USA, and how it distort the entire point of view.

And to be honest, my opinion is certainly biased, but I see MUCH more agressivity coming from the righties than the lefties.
In fairness, I believe AS used the term "hate"...
In "fairness", AlpsStranger did no such thing in this thread. This is what he posted:

Until the right wing stops pretending that gay rights are negotiable I apologize for nothing.

It's understandable...
I assume either you, or people you care about, or just the cause means a lot to you... and it should.
Bigotry towards gays is ridiculous.
So you actually agree with him and me, yet I don't remember you ever criticizing the homophobia which is so frequently defended and rationalized in this forum by right-wingers. Why is that?

I disagree with the notion that the Dem Party, as a whole, is economically right. There used to be blue dog dems, but they went extinct in 2010...
Obama has spent a lot... under both the dem and repub party.
The repubs pretend to put up a fight, but... the budget (if we can even call it that anymore) tells the real story. Spend spend spend for your interests/constituents/donors.
So the phrase "double standard" doesn't mean anything at all to you?

And this is another example of how you are an "independent moderate" instead of an authoritarian right-wing Republican?

You continue to claim one thing but post in an entirely different manner.
By all means provide proof of me calling you a bigot straight out. I'd like to see it as I certainly dont remember ever calling anyone that.
Does that mean you admit doing so indirectly? Do you also deny calling me unpatriotic?

And fwiw, you have utterly failed to provide ANY SHRED OF FACT that I have ever tried to run anyone off of these forums. Either provide the proof of this, or at least man up, grow a pair and admit you lied about this and apologize. I'm not going to let this go until you address it directly. My suggestion is that you admit your error and move on, otherwise whatever small shred of credibility you have around here will utterly be destroyed.
I can't count the number of times you even stated to just walk away from a particular topic because in your mind your victim was receiving a savage beating when the reality was entirely different.

And you obviously keep trying to attack my credibility which isn't "nearly destroyed" at all, while destroying your own with these absurd hateful attacks that aren't even germane to what has been actually posted. This is yet another way you try to force others to stop posting because you typically can't discuss the actual topic using facts and reason.

Are you going to "man up", "apologize", and admit that you and others continue to try to intimidate and harass people so they will stop posting in particular threads, especially those which are critical of the military?

Your call, but you dug this hole, now dig your way out.
You continually dig your own "hole" by concocting absurd piles of straw and attacking the posters as you continue to do now, instead of even trying to discuss the issues. But you apparently don't even realize it.

This thread is yet another classic example. Take Ziggy's reference to his best friend that you twisted into another absurd attack. More than most far-right authoritarians in this forum, this is obviously a "war" to you where you think you are justified in incessantly using these tactics.

Ah, so now rightists are 'whiners' as well. Except, as has been pointed out, who's actually doing the majority of whining in this thread?.
Are you claiming your posts in this thread haven't been "whines", including this one? That you are actually now whining because it isn't turning out as you and others had hoped?

Lets see, I do believe you've coined the term 'rightists'. Are you any better then?.
Do you know what the word "coined" means? Here's a hint. It doesn't mean first person to use it in a particular thread.

So...you hate conservatives that are against gay marriage, but are merely unhappy with liberals that believe in the same exact thing. Nice consistency there.
There you go twisting someone else's words into a form you think you can attack. Did he ever specifically mention hate or gay marriage? How about DADT, frequently defending other forms of homophobia, and rarely if ever speaking out against blatant homophobia that gets frequently posted in this forum? Instead, you and others typically attack the poster for even mentioning it in hopes they will stop or even leave the forum. And you still haven't come up with a reasonable secular reason to be opposed to gay marriage, while apparently not even willing to admit you just don't want to give gays the same basic rights due to your religious beliefs. "Nice consistency there."

Very true. Now apply it to this thread. Which side has used the term 'hate' more?
The basic premise of this thread is hatred of anybody who isn't a far-right authoritarian by claiming they are perceived as being "scum". It isn't working out too well, is it?

Yeah, I remember how shocked you were that Christians actually thought they should follow the bible and take their kids to church. But you know what? Perhaps I was indeed overly harsh in stating my opinion and for that I am indeed sorry and apologize. I still think your parents were wrong in letting you 'opt out' of church prior to adulthood, but thats just me basing that upon what the bible says. But them failing you would certainly be predicated upon far more than just that, and I was indeed wrong to label them in that manner. Guess I was caught up in the heat of the flames we were tossing back and forth, and I crossed the line. Sorry and I sincerely hope you accept my apology for that crapola.
I remember you making similar comments about my own forced religious indoctrination that my mother allowed me to finally stop pretending I was sick to avoid at the age of 13. Are you going to apologize to me as well? Or are you going to again claim you did no such thing and for me to "man up" and "apologize" for your own posting style in this forum?

And fwiw, I never claimed I wasnt innocent, or didnt try to give back as good (or bad) as I got. I certainly have, and I havent always been correct in what I said. But I do have balls enough to say i'm sorry and I will apologize when someone confronts me on something I have certainly done wrongly.
Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back when you so rarely apologize for exactly the same sorts of comments, including in this very thread. There is hardly a thread that goes by that you don't deliberately twist my words, or someone else's, into a form you think you can hate. Yet you still haven't apologized even once when I brought this to your attention. Instead, you just typically ignore it.

And that fairy tail just goes to prove the OP....
That is not entirely true. When someone he typically falsely thinks is a "liberal" supports his view or agrees with him, he usually does fall over backwards trying to show how "reasonable" that person is compared to all the other "liberals".
He insinuated it, he didn't use the exact word. He didn't take issue with it, why do you?

So you actually agree with him and me, yet I don't remember you ever criticizing the homophobia which is so frequently defended and rationalized in this forum by right-wingers. Why is that?
I have criticized it, you just don't pay attention to what you don't want to accept about me. You've built this whole image of me up in your head that is entirely wrong...

So the phrase "double standard" doesn't mean anything at all to you?
It's absolutely why I dislike the Repubs. For the most part, they just talk the talk... which, incidentally, is why I also dislike the Dems... because they do too.

And this is another example of how you are an "independent moderate" instead of an authoritarian right-wing Republican?

You continue to claim one thing but post in an entirely different manner.
I hardly think that you are the arbiter of such things... you are so far gone extreme the middle looks like a dot to you. I really don't care where you lump me in, Formy.
What does she have to do with it? If you're thinking of the prostitute he saved from being stoned, that wasn't Mary Magdalene. "Mary" was a REALLY common name around there...
I know quite well what I am thinking about, and it wasn't that.

Mark 16:9
Now when he rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons.

Luke 8:2
and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out,

The idea that she was the same Mary as the prostitute is unclear.
I have criticized it, you just don't pay attention to what you don't want to accept about me. You've built this whole image of me up in your head that is entirely wrong...
As you have obviously done with me? Yet you continue to take positions that show you have far more in common with the "rightists", including your complaints in this thread, your thread about how Christians are discriminated against and even persecuted, and your thread attempting to condemn Islam based on clearly false characterizations typically heard from Islamophobes like Geert Wilder. These aren't "moderate" positions. They are "extreme" positions.

It's absolutely why I dislike the Repubs. For the most part, they just talk the talk... which, incidentally, is why I also dislike the Dems... because they do too.
Only you didn't make that clear at all. You even disputed that the Democrats weren't essentially the same as the Republicans except for a few nits when they really are. Politics in the US is very much which flavor of ice cream you prefer. Both parties have slid far to the right to try to attract voters that continue to less and less "liberal".

I hardly think that you are the arbiter of such things... you are so far gone extreme the middle looks like a dot to you. I really don't care where you lump me in, Formy.
That just shows how far to the right you actually are. I have no "extreme" opinions, but I do have a number that are fairly liberal and a number that are fairly conservative. They only look "extreme" to those who are far from the center of the political spectrum. Even my libertarianism is far from being anarchistic and shouldn't bother anybody who isn't an authoritarian.
Jaysus, this thread was like, a perfect microcosm for the makeup of OT as a whole in the aftermath of Tavern. Mobby, Forma, kochman, and AskThePizzaGuy sling back and forth with their usual inane drivel. Ajidica and Cheezy occasionally chime in with something halfway decent (or all the way, in some cases). Ziggy tries to be JR, JR is JR. Valka replies to something which wasn't really an issue to start with, and Dachs is cynical/telling people how it really is. Perfect!

God this thread is a waste of space...
The basic premise of this thread is hatred of anybody who isn't a far-right authoritarian by claiming they are perceived as being "scum". It isn't working out too well, is it?

That isn't the basic premise, actually. The basic premise was to find out if the the general opinion of right-wing people is that of scum. From what I have read, it is the people arguing the side of the left that have got it into their head that anything that isn't "far-right authoritarian" is hated. The left-wingers have twisted it into a, "you're far-right and authoritarian because you don't have my leftist views!" dung-slinging match.
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