• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civilopedia 5 online

Just a quick update: You can now get to the Civilopedia by going to http://www.civilopedia.info/ in addition to the other URL still listed in this post. The old address isn't going away, I just thought a more suitable domain name would be easier to remember. :) It should automatically detect your browser language and direct you to the matching Civilopedia language as well if it exists, otherwise it will send you to the English content.
Try adding this to the stylesheet, looks much better in my opinion.

.container {
margin: 0 auto;
float: none !important;

That will mess up the article images, however; you typically don't want to set things like that to position: absolute;. Also, a nice trick that would be useful on that site is adding the following attributes to the body tag:

onmousedown="return false;" onselectstart="return false;" style="cursor: default;"

What that will do is make the text non-selectable, truer to the in-game form.
Thank you so much for this, so useful.
Is this dead?
absolutely awesome is all i can say about this online civilopedia.
Will BNW civilopedia update be released on the 9th?:) Can't wait to view it again and again before 13th.
Now that I've figured out a way to automatically create the images instead of clipping each one out manually, there's a chance the BNW update will be out on the day the game is released; I just need to figure out where all of the new content is located, how the existing content has changed, and how everything links together with the new stuff. :)
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