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Are right-wingers seen as scum?

Jaysus, this thread was like, a perfect microcosm for the makeup of OT as a whole in the aftermath of Tavern. Mobby, Forma, kochman, and AskThePizzaGuy sling back and forth with their usual inane drivel. Ajidica and Cheezy occasionally chime in with something halfway decent (or all the way, in some cases). Ziggy tries to be JR, JR is JR. Valka replies to something which wasn't really an issue to start with, and Dachs is cynical/telling people how it really is. Perfect!

God this thread is a waste of space...

I respect your opinions, but your opinions are just that: opinions.
Totally debateable and most likely quite doubtful.
Nope, I have quite the posting history against so-called conservatives who are making traditional gun grabbing arguments against my stance for more robust gun possesion freedom. I will concede that when make these arguments that are tradionally more leftist, they can get quite nasty about it.
That isn't the basic premise, actually. The basic premise was to find out if the the general opinion of right-wing people is that of scum. From what I have read, it is the people arguing the side of the left that have got it into their head that anything that isn't "far-right authoritarian" is hated. The left-wingers have twisted it into a, "you're far-right and authoritarian because you don't have my leftist views!" dung-slinging match.
Only the hatred is clearly one-sided for the most part.

I certainly don't consider conservatives to be "scum" and I doubt very few actually do. It is just more mindless nonsense from those who are further to the right and even more authoritarian who think they are being discriminated against and even persecuted for frequently condoning, if not supporting, bigotry, racism, Islamophobia, and homophobia.

The basic premise of this thread is Left Extremists and Right Extremists arguing that their side is more persecuted.
If you actually think I'm a "Left Extremist" you obviously don't don't know what the word "left" even means, much less "extremist". But go right ahead and claim I am anti-authoritarian all you want. At least that is truthful, even though I'm clearly not an extremist even in that regard.
Yes, right-wingers on this forum have to deal daily with false, casual accusations of racism, homophobia, xenophobia and islamophobia.

But you have to admit it's a nice counterpoint to your casual racism, homophobia, xenophobia and Islamophobia, no?
Yet I bet he can't find a single example from today, much less this week or even the past month. But he might be able to dredge up an example or two from the past year if he looks hard enough. It is just yet another example of how persecuted the authoritarian far-right consider themselves to be without any actual proof.
That isn't the basic premise, actually. The basic premise was to find out if the the general opinion of right-wing people is that of scum. From what I have read, it is the people arguing the side of the left that have got it into their head that anything that isn't "far-right authoritarian" is hated. The left-wingers have twisted it into a, "you're far-right and authoritarian because you don't have my leftist views!" dung-slinging match.
So the point of the thread was to confirm your firm preconceptions no matter what would happen?

Mission accomplished!
I don't try to be JR. Trying is for losers. I am JR.

Thanks Owen Glyndwr for yet another twist in the thread that keeps on giving :)
I respect your opinions, but your opinions are just that: opinions.

I mean, if you get down to it, that's all anybody's opinions are. :crazyeye: :undecide:

The basic premise of this thread is Left Extremists and Right Extremists arguing that their side is more persecuted.

It's like an internet version of reality TV. What could be better!

I certainly don't consider conservatives to be "scum" and I doubt very few actually do.

Whether anyone actually thinks they are, many times people treat them like they are. Which obviously leads no where and before long its all quote wars and flamewars.

I find it interesting how much people in this thread connect right-wing and authoritarianism. Am I sorely misguided in thinking that people can be authoritarian and libertarian apart from being on the right and left?
If someone has an abhorrent, disgusting view, why is wrong to call them out on it?
But you have to admit it's a nice counterpoint to your casual racism, homophobia, xenophobia and Islamophobia, no?

Well quote 100 posts of mine which show this attitude.
Thats a trifle in the Quacker's posting encylopedia.
And that fairy tail just goes to prove the OP....

As much as you would like that to be, thats no fairy tale at all. I, at least, will give in and actually give credit on occasion to a liberal/democrat/etc. when deserved. You, on the other hand, will staunchly even deny simple fact when its in favor of the right.

Again, thats just the reality of the situation, and certainly not a fairy tale.

Does that mean you admit doing so indirectly? Do you also deny calling me unpatriotic?

Again, calling you unpatriotic is not the same thing as demanding you leave this forum.

I can't count the number of times you even stated to just walk away from a particular topic because in your mind your victim was receiving a savage beating when the reality was entirely different.

Again, suggesting you 'walk away' from a particular topic because of the hole you've dug yourself (much like this one) is not a call to leave the entire forum either. :confused:

You see Form, you cant do it. You simply cant provide the proof for your allegation. The sad thing is your are so incredibly intolrant of those on the right, no matter how much you lie and then get caught at it, you wont apologize to the person you've insulted. Until you can at least do that to someone you've wronged, you have no business wagging your finger in someone elses face about intolerance. None.

And you obviously keep trying to attack my credibility which isn't "nearly destroyed" at all, while destroying your own with these absurd hateful attacks that aren't even germane to what has been actually posted. This is yet another way you try to force others to stop posting because you typically can't discuss the actual topic using facts and reason.

You blatently lied about me here Form and even other left leaning posters have recognized this. If you think lieing about other posters, and then not having the courage to even apologize about it when you get called on it helps your credibility, I think your sadly mistaken.

Are you going to "man up", "apologize", and admit that you and others continue to try to intimidate and harass people so they will stop posting in particular threads, especially those which are critical of the military?

No, and its sad that you think military service members and veterans posting actual fact in such threads instead of purile allegation is 'harassment and intimidation'. Form, you make it sound as if you cant ever be wrong on a topic....even ones in which you arent really knowledgable.

Here let me compliment you. I recognize you know a lot more about NASCAR than I do. Freely admitted. I wouldnt think to challenge you on such topics, and certainly would respect your opinions and thoughts on various issues involving that topic. Why you never extend the same curtesy to lifelong career members and vets of the military on military topics kinda puzzles me....but your free to argue what you want when you want. Doesnt make you right about it though.

You continually dig your own "hole" by concocting absurd piles of straw and attacking the posters as you continue to do now, instead of even trying to discuss the issues. But you apparently don't even realize it.

Again...YOU lied about ME. Me calling YOU on it is NOT an attack, but an accounting of your own intolerance.

All this you are doing now is your ego leapfrogging in trying to justify the lie about me now that you cant prove it and are caught in it.

This thread is yet another classic example. Take Ziggy's reference to his best friend that you twisted into another absurd attack. More than most far-right authoritarians in this forum, this is obviously a "war" to you where you think you are justified in incessantly using these tactics.

Actually, when I said 'rabid' was being used as a descriptor for conservatives in this tread I didnt attribute it to anyone did I? Did I lie in that the word 'rabid' was indeed used?


So if I were factual in saying the word was used, but didnt even try to hold anyone specifically accountable for its use....how is that an attack on anyone? :confused:

Are you claiming your posts in this thread haven't been "whines", including this one? That you are actually now whining because it isn't turning out as you and others had hoped?

You. Lied. Not a whine, but a fact. Now your caught, and this vomitous reply is your attempt to avoid that being rubbed in your face. Well get ready for it, 'cause its not going away.

The basic premise of this thread is hatred of anybody who isn't a far-right authoritarian by claiming they are perceived as being "scum". It isn't working out too well, is it?

I think the thread is working out great. Even the OP took stock of the comments and gave his opinion on them. He indicated that the leftists were being more agressive and insulting in their comments. Did you forget that?

I remember you making similar comments about my own forced religious indoctrination that my mother allowed me to finally stop pretending I was sick to avoid at the age of 13. Are you going to apologize to me as well? Or are you going to again claim you did no such thing and for me to "man up" and "apologize" for your own posting style in this forum?

Post the link and let me read the context of it Form. If I did indeed cross the line, i'll apologize, even to you. Know why? Because if I did indeed wrong you IT WOULD BE THE RIGHT THING TO DO. So by all means, post up the link on what I said and lets all examine it. I'll even apologize if needed even if you wont for your blatent lie against me. Again, know why? IT WOULD BE THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back when you so rarely apologize for exactly the same sorts of comments, including in this very thread.

What have I said in this thread that would require an apology? :confused: By all means point it out directly and lets address it.

There is hardly a thread that goes by that you don't deliberately twist my words, or someone else's, into a form you think you can hate. Yet you still haven't apologized even once when I brought this to your attention. Instead, you just typically ignore it.

Form, I know what you allege, but that and reality are not always the same. A lot of people around here know what you routinely call 'personal attacks' are anything but.

Mobbie, apology accepted. Quotes removed from both post and mind.

Thanks Ziggy, not sure what I was thinking there. Please let me know if that happens again.
Well quote 100 posts of mine which show this attitude.
Thats a trifle in the Quacker's posting encylopedia.

While I don't agree with everything you post, Quackers,

What I like about your posts is the way you get under the skin of hypocracy on here.
If someone has an abhorrent, disgusting view, why is wrong to call them out on it?
Because they might think others are characterizing them as being "scum"?

You blatently lied about me here Form and even other left leaning posters have recognized this. If you think lieing about other posters, and then not having the courage to even apologize about it when you get called on it helps your credibility, I think your sadly mistaken.
You "blatantly lie" every single time you deliberately distort what people post, which is nearly every single thread. Does the word "hypocrisy" mean anything at all to you either? Or is that just another word that you really don't know the meaning, much like "patriot"?

You are the one who keeps losing his "credibility" in this forum except among likeminded individuals. And you apparently don't even realize it. Do you really think this pompous hollow rhetoric is fooling anybody but those who obviously share the same views? People who think others consider them to be "scum", not because they are conservatives but because they actually try to rationalize and defend bigotry, racism, and homophobia while rarely speaking out against it unless it happens to be done by someone in the other political party?

I doubt even those people are considered to be "scum" by the vast majority of people in this forum. As has has been amply shown in this thread, it is just so much paranoia from those who continue to lose their "credibility" by advocating such absurd positions.

Fortunately, intentionally trying to silence people and drive them away doesn't work in this website, as it does with so many others. Again, that must really piss off those who continue to try to do so. But keep trying. It is incredibly humorous to watch. Just don't think it is really fooling anybody what you are trying to do in so many threads, especially those that are critical of the miltary or evangelical Christians.

Again, this isn't a war. It is supposed to be rational discussion even in this forum. Try to remember that the next time you throw straw all over the place when Dorothy isn't around to collect it.
Someone should make a movie out of this thread. This is some high class drama, way more fun to read than the regular threads here.
You intentionally "lie" every single time you deliberately distort what people post, which is nearly every single thread. And "lieing" isn't even a word in the English vocabulary. You don't even understand the meaning of that simple word, or how to even properly use it.

So is this your justification for your lie about me? Even if every single thing you allege here was true (it's not) that would not in any way alter what you posted now would it.

Does the word "hypocrisy" mean anything at all to you either? Or is that just another word that you really don't know the meaning, much like "patriot"?

More circular justification for your behavior there Form? Seriously, what prevents you from simply admitting the falsehood and apologizing like I did to Ziggy for what I did? Or are you under the premise that any bad behavior from you is justified because of the target?

You are the one who has no "credibility" in this forum anymore except among likeminded individuals.

Again, not true, but I've long made it known that I dont post here for credibility or to garner anonymous friends - I dont ignore anyone and likewise I dont have anyone on my friends list. And I get plenty of friend invites from both sides of the political spectrum (which is why I know your allegation about my credit to be false), but i'd rather treat everyone equally at least on that level.

And you don't even realize it.

What makes you so sure your correct in this? Just curious.

Do you really think this pompous hollow rhetoric is fooling anybody but those who obviously share the same reactionary and provincial views?

Skwink doesnt share my views, but even he isnt buying your lie in regards to me forcing people off the forum. I'm sure there are others that dont buy into your lie either because its just ridiculous to alledge and done out of nothing more than sheer spite.

Fortunately, intentionally trying to silence people and drive them away doesn't work in this forum, as it does with so many others.

I've never, ever tried to intentionally silence anyone, or drive them away AND you have utterly failed to provide any proof of same OR convince anyone else of your grandoise falsehood.

Again, that must really piss off those who continue to try to do so. But keep trying. It is incredibly humorous to watch. Just don't think it is really fooling anybody what you are trying to do in so many threads, especially those that are critical of the miltary or evangelical Christians.


Still waiting for that proof of your allegation or an apology. You've provided neither. Are you simply going to continue to lamely attempt to talk your way out of it?

How about we expand the field. Is there anyone here that backs up Forms allegation that i've intentionally tried to drive people away or silence them? Show of hands pls or proof of same? I'd really appreciate it if others reading this thread feel this way, or not; especially people who dont usually agree with me on topics. But if not, please state so to Form, because this will go on unless he is shown to realize that others dont really think his allegation is justified.

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