Obsolete gameplay intruction thread(Closed)

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Member of the Opposition
Feb 1, 2002
Gateway to the West
Due to an instruction thread not being posted earlier, I'm putting this up. Please consider this a substitute for what should be here.


Previous TC thread

This will be an on-line game play session

serve this thread for instruction posts by Department Leaders. This is not a discussion thread.

-- Ravensfire
Noshuret: Wall Street (14)
Xak Tsaroth: cathedral (14)
Gorina: market (2), palace (46)
Ingolemondor: granry (2), university (40)
Neapolis: cathedral (14)
Penguinadua: bank (7), cavalry (5)
Nur Gisnod: university (5), cathedral (15)
Tyvek: university (13)
Please move the laborer from the mined mountain to the mined iron hill.
Slice of Bacon: granary (9), temple (10)
Please move the laborer from the mined hill (not the iron hill) to a coast tile so the city can grow.
Nafstac: granary (6), market (34)

Thank you for posting this thread! :goodjob:
Until we hear from our President, it shall be assumed that there will be no chat on Wednesday. I would also recommend that a chat be held no earlier than 24 hours from his return.

In the meantime, please continiue to post your instructions. I will do everything possible to contact CivGeneral to see how he plans to rectify this situation.
Though there is nothing in our laws to support this, I will allow it. President CivGeneral has until 2pm EST to overrule the VPs orders. Otherwise this turnchat time will stand, and will be run by the highest ranking official that can play.
For the Record I hate it when instruction threads are posted less then 48 hours before the t/c let alone less then 24 hours before the t/c.

to the Instructions...

Move all Cavalry to Memphis, this includes newly Built Cavalry.

And continue Military production per Governor's Queues.
Overriding the VP orders.

The Next TC to be scedualed

I was having some internet difficulties in the past few days. I thought MSN was having problems and then come to find out that I cant access to any of the secured servers.
Originally posted by Rik Meleet
WB mr. President

Thanks, I can access, MSN.com and Hotmail.com via my mother's computer. The Problem I came across is that I cant access to secured servers.

I wonder if it is possible for the mods to transfer the instructions to the link Ive posted? :).
This thread is closed. Falcon and donsig, please re-post your instructions in the official turnchat instruction thread, located here. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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