Trading food between cities doesn't seem to work


Aug 17, 2013
Hong Kong
Instead of growing food, the city appears to be starving, though it clearly states that there is surplus food!!

A normal situation should be look like this.

I traded food among cities but it appears that the value shown doesn't match with the real surplus food.
Can I assume that these screenshots show food being traded TO your capital?

The 18:c5food: in the top-left panel of CityView is accurate, as far as you can determine?
It is 'only' a fault in the tooltip that doesn't show the :c5food: from traded sources?

I'm a bit confused, you say the city is starving yet the CityView shows growth will occur in 6 turns. How are you aware the city is starving?

Is there any reason for there being no workers assigned to any of the capital's tiles?
Looking into this a bit more and there seems to be a related problem with the AI used by the city governor.

Keeping the governor set at 'Default' lets the city run it's self into starvation in the modern and later eras. Changing it to 'Food' actually makes it worse and, unlikely as it is, setting it to 'Production' actually gives more food, and thus city growth.
Can I assume that these screenshots show food being traded TO your capital?

The 18:c5food: in the top-left panel of CityView is accurate, as far as you can determine?
It is 'only' a fault in the tooltip that doesn't show the :c5food: from traded sources?

I'm a bit confused, you say the city is starving yet the CityView shows growth will occur in 6 turns. How are you aware the city is starving?

Is there any reason for there being no workers assigned to any of the capital's tiles?

Dear Expired,

I am sorry for the confusion. The city was no longer starving when it reaches population 6. Originally there was 9 population in my capital.

There are 2 different values shown, but only one is valid
a) The valid one It is shown in the pop-up panel.
it shows:
Progress: 3/96 (64 Turns), 1.5 :c5food: Total

b) The wrong one It is shown in the tooltip menu. I assumed it added my traded food to my city. But apparently these traded food doesn't add to the surplus food.
it shows:
6 turns until a citizen is born. 18:c5food:total

a), and b) doesn't match. Even though on the tooltip it says 6 turns until a citizen is born. The pop-up panel says it takes 64 turns. I waited a couple turn and the tool tip still says 6 turns until a citizen is born. I assume the surplus food difference (16 :c5food:) between the two values are due to the food traded to my city, which is not working at all.
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