

Apr 29, 2006
A quick question for you guys. I have noticed recently when I attack a barbarian unit I don't receive the XP bonus anymore. Also the Great General progression doesn't move. I don't understand why this is so. Any ideas?
Yeah, you only get 2 promotions from attacking a barbarian, and I think another half xp bar after that.
More precisely, you can only get up to the 30 XP level battling barbs. So, for example, if you produce a unit in a city with Barracks (+15 XP), and then battle your next door AI neighbor for another 10 XP, you can only get 5 more XP from barb battles. If your city had both Barracks and an Armory, the unit starts with 30 XP, and you can get no XP from barbs.
Browd's explanation is complete and precise.

Note that you can find simple mods to remove or raise the XP-from-barbarians cap. They're fun to try out. (Getting a bit off-topic here ... you may know this stuff, just typing for fun.)

They raise some other issues, though. (1) The player and the AIs both get combat bonuses vs. barbs -- the bonuses vary by difficult level, and they can get really high. (2) raging barbs = raging promos? (3) The AIs units often behave oddly, for ex., standing in heal mode near an archer, taking arrow hit after hit, without responding for what seems like an eternity.

So my main point is that you might enjoy a barb XP mod, but that the game settings will determine what sort of experience you have.
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